Chapter 2
Mapping the new citizen – Pedagogy of cartophobia
Philanthropic geographies in the late Enlightenment
This chapter looks at the place of maps in the late eighteenth-century German pedagogic reform movement of philanthropism. Advocating a realist reform of the humanist schooling tradition, philanthropists declared geography to be the foundational elementary science. More importantly, geography was understood as the referential framework to educate children to become active citizens in the “real world.” Focusing on Joachim Heinrich Campe’s geographical writings, this chapter explores the historically specific version of geographic literacy that the philanthropists embraced. Far more than mere mappings of geographic realities, philanthropic maps were ideological projections of a new kind of citizen who took his bearings from a new vision of his place within the world.
Article outline
- Pedagogy of cartophobia
- From topos to topography: Campe’s geographical writings
- The geographic card game: Useful play
- “Here is” – Bringing the world back home
- Performing the map
- Author queries
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