Talk and gesture in storytelling sequences in Mandarin conversation
This study examines the coordination of talk and gesture in storytelling. The focus is on the different ways
iconic gestures may contribute to the organization of TCUs and Turns in an on-going story. It is found that brief gestures
produced within single TCUs may make visible situated meanings of deictic expressions, or may even stand in the place of a
syntactic slot in constructing a multimodal TCU. Either way, what is depicted through the gestural modality is crucial in bringing
out the meaning of a story scene or the high point of a telling. It is also found that gestures may continue across multiple TCUs.
Such coordination of verbal and gestural modalities serves to make visible the organization of narration and re-enactment in
telling sequences. Recurrent gesture patterns may also coordinate with recurrent narrative patterns in organizing sequenced
multiple story events.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Data and methodology
- 3.The coordination of talk and gesture in organizing a single TCU in telling
- 4.The coordination of talk and gesture across multiple TCUs in telling
- 5.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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