The final particle ou and its functions in medical advice-giving
This paper explores the functions of Chinese final particle ou in both TCU-final and non-TCU-final
positions in medical advice-giving. Using Praat, we differentiated phonologically marked and unmarked ou and analyzed their
functions in both doctor and patient speech. The findings suggest a difference in participants’ use of ou: while
non-TCU-final ou occurs mainly in the patient speech to mark newsworthiness and call for the doctor’s attention, TCU-final
ou occurs in both the doctor and the patient speech serving various functions. Most importantly, the paper provides a new understanding of
the various functions of ou as interconnected to each other under its intrinsic discreet quality that facilitates
relationship building in the selected conversational activity.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Advice mitigation in medical conversations
- 3.Use of ou in Mandarin Chinese discourse
- 4.Theoretical framework
- 5.Data and methods
- 6.The ou particle in the advice activity
- 6.1Unmarked ou
- 6.1.1Ou at a non-TCU-final position
- 6.1.2
Ou at a TCU-final position
- 6.2Marked ou
- 7.Discussion
- 8.Conclusion
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