The Syntax of Serial Verbs
An investigation into serialisation in Sranan and other languages
This monograph is about the chains of verbs commonly found in Creole Languages, West African languages, in particular the Kwa sub-group of Niger-Congo, Chinese and certain other languages and have acquired the name of 'serial verbs' in the literature. As a case study, the serial constructions of Sranan, a creole language of Surinam with an English lexical base, are examined in detail.
[Creole Language Library, 2] 1987. xv, 226 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 28 October 2011
Published online on 28 October 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
1. In Search of Serial Verbs | p. 1
2. Serial Verbs in Sranan | p. 39
3. The Syntax of Serialisation | p. 85
4. Serial verbs in other languages | p. 141
5. Conclusion | p. 211
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