Cross-cultural models of mental hurt emotion
The main objective of this chapter is to
construct models of conceptualizations of mental hurt
emotional clusters in a cross-cultural perspective, taking British
English and Polish as the major areas of investigation. The
materials and sources of the data are the GRID instrument, the
online emotions sorting task and Polish and British English language
corpora, particularly their collocational language-specific
profiles. The concordances and collocations are generated from the
British National Corpus and the National Corpus of Polish as well as
monitor corpora of Polish and English. The analyses and discussion
of hurt Emotion Event scenarios in terms of some of their
cultural dimensions demonstrate a complex structure of hurt
and the occurrence of multiple cluster members in each language,
comprising derivatives of physical hurt and pain events, their
presuppositions, causes, effects and conditioning. As opposed to a
focus on single emotions, we posit a viewpoint that centers on
emotion clusters, covering – in the case of hurt – sadness,
frustration, anger, and others, as well as pride –
the main target of hurt.
Keywords: anger, collectivism, collocations, corpora, culture, disgust, emotions, emotion clusters, Emotion Event, English, GRID, hurt, individualism, pride, Polish, principle of proximity, online emotions sorting task
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.hurt Emotion Event
- 3.Emotion clusters
- 4.Cultural influences
- 5.Aims of the study
- 6.Research methodology
- 6.1Online emotions sorting methodology
- 6.1.1Procedure
- 6.1.2Participants
- 6.2GRID
- 6.2.1Procedure
- 6.2.2Participants
- 6.3Corpus data
- 6.3.1English and Polish hurt equivalence
- 6.3.2Parallel corpus equivalents
- 7.Results
- 7.1Online emotions sorting results
- 7.2GRID results
- 7.3Corpus data analysis and discussion
- 7.3.1hurt Emotion Events in corpora
- 7.3.2pride, honor, dignity
- 7.3.3hurt and anger in
- 7.3.4hurt and sadness in
- 7.3.5Collectivistic nature of Polish hurt
- 8.Conclusion
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