Since its inception, Translation Studies has hinged on theoretical concepts of effects and reception, with various
reader-oriented notions such as equivalent effect, skopos, acceptability and adequacy, and user-centredness, to
name but a few, having pervaded the discipline for decades. Despite this preoccupation with the phenomenology of translations, we
still know very little about how translations are actually experienced – written translations especially. This
article calls for an expansion of research into the reception and experience of source texts and their translations, reviewing the
opportunities afforded by recent technological developments in eye-tracking, galvanic skin response sensors, echocardiogram
monitors, and other multi-sensory devices. Using a short case study, a number of research questions and an outline of an
experimental method are proposed to contrast the reading experience of two translations of the same source text, serving as a
prompt for future research of this kind. By drawing inspiration from the few existing examples of research in this incipient
paradigm and the considerations offered in the example, this article aims to stimulate future research to explore the vast
untapped potential in this area and to arrive at a better understanding of the effects that different translation approaches yield
and the potential variation in effects between source and target text.
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