Signs, Dialogue and Ideology
Signs, Dialogue and Ideology illustrates and critically examines both historically and theoretically the current state of semiotic discourse from Peirce to Bakhtin, through Saussure, Levinas, Schaff and Rossi-Landi to modern semioticians such as Umberto Eco.
Ponzio is in search of a method to construct an appropriate language to talk about signs and ideology in this “end of ideology” era. Ponzio aims at an orientation in semiotics based on dialogism and interpretation by calling attention to the widespread transition from the semiotics of decodification to the semiotics of interpretations of signs which are not constrained by the dominant process of social reproduction. To this end the author draws on the literature on 'dialogue', 'otherness', 'linguistic work', 'critique of sign fetishism', and 'interpretative dynamics'.
Critique of identity and critique of the subject reaffirm the 'objective', the material, the signifiant, the interpreted sign, the opus; i.e. the 'Otherness' as opposed to the expectation of exhaustiveness in the creation and interpretation of sign products.
[Critical Theory, 11] 1993. xviii, 185 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 14 November 2011
Published online on 14 November 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Foreword | p. vii
1. Introduction to the critique of subjectivity and its signs | p. 1
2. The philosophy of language as a critique of the semiotics of equal exchange
2.1 Commodities and Messages
2.2 Exchange in Alice's World (with Susan Petrilli)
3. Semiosis, referent and sign production in a theory of semiotics
3.1 Communication and Signification
3.2 Meaning and Referent
3.3 Sign Production and Ideology
3.4 Extending the Boundaries of Semiotics
4. Dia-logic, sense and ideology: Peirce, Morris, Rossi-Landi, Schaff, Bakhtin
4.1 Beyond the Semiotics of Equal Exchange
4.2 On Language as Work and Trade
4.3 Peirce's and Morris's Categories for a Semiotics of Ideology
4.4 Schaff's Analysis of Ideology
4.5 Peirce's Semiotics and Medieval Logic: Sign and Referent (with Susan Petrilli)
4.6 Sign and Sense in Mikhail Bakhtin
4.7 The Factor of Ideology
4.8 The War of Sense: Dialogue and Ideology (by Angela Biancofiore)
5. Identity and otherness in communication and culture
5.1 Humanism of the Other Man in Bakhtin and Lévinas
5.2 Orality and Writing in Bakhtin and Lévinas
5.3 Bakhtin's Otherness and the Search for Identity in Europe Today
5.4 Quietude and Silence Between Signs and Nonsigns
Index of Names | p. 175
Subject Index | p. 181
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