Cited by (35)

Cited by 35 other publications

Esposito, Eleonora, Carolina Pérez-Arredondo & Angela Zottola
2024. Intersecting inequalities: towards a critical discursive approach. Journal of Gender Studies  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Henaku, Nancy
2024. Examining gendered discourses from an African locale: towards an intrasectional feminist critical discourse analysis. Critical Discourse Studies 21:5  pp. 538 ff. DOI logo
Martin, J. R.
2024. Intradisciplinarity: can one theory do it all?. Frontiers in Communication 8 DOI logo
Wildfeuer, Janina & Claudia Lehmann
2024. Editorial: Drawing multimodality's bigger picture: metalanguages and corpora for multimodal analyses - in lieu of a Festschrift for John A. Bateman. Frontiers in Communication 9 DOI logo
Rebihić, Nehrudin & Mirza Mahmutović
2023. Interdisciplinarity as a Rhetorical and Epistemological Practice: Erasing Boundaries Between Humanities and Social Sciences or the Need for Unity of Knowledge?. Društvene i humanističke studije (Online) 8:2(23)  pp. 15 ff. DOI logo
Reichl, Susanne & Ute Smit
2023. Introduction. In #YouthMediaLife & Friends,  pp. 9 ff. DOI logo
Susanne Reichl & Ute Smit
2023. #YouthMediaLife & Friends, DOI logo
Rivas-Carmona, María del Mar
2023. Coarseness in Spanish Political Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Santiago Abascal and Pablo Casado’s Aggressive Language. In Debasing Political Rhetoric,  pp. 37 ff. DOI logo
Wang, Huabin
2023. Instrumentalisation of critical discourse studies: a linguistic analysis of public relations concepts in the CDS journal article abstracts (2000–2020). Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10:1 DOI logo
Bateman, John A
2022. Multimodality, where next?–Some meta-methodological considerations. Multimodality & Society 2:1  pp. 41 ff. DOI logo
Robert, Odey Simon
2022. Language as a Medium for Bridging the Gap Between Philosophy, Media, and Development. In Handbook of Research on Connecting Philosophy, Media, and Development in Developing Countries [Advances in Media, Entertainment, and the Arts, ],  pp. 26 ff. DOI logo
Bolívar, Adriana
2020. Análisis del discurso y hermenéutica como métodos en la interpretación de textos. Interpretatio. Revista de Hermenéutica 5:1  pp. 17 ff. DOI logo
Bolívar, Adriana
2020. Las nociones de <i>texto</i> y <i>contexto</i> en la Lingüística Sistémico-Funcional (LSF): aplicaciones, críticas y desarrollos en América Latina. Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada :70  pp. 127 ff. DOI logo
Serafis, Dimitris, Sara Greco, Chiara Pollaroli & Chiara Jermini-Martinez Soria
2020. Towards an integrated argumentative approach to multimodal critical discourse analysis: evidence from the portrayal of refugees and immigrants in Greek newspapers. Critical Discourse Studies 17:5  pp. 545 ff. DOI logo
Matytsina, M. S.
2019. Immigration Discourse in the British Press: Peculiarities of Construction. Bulletin of Kemerovo State University 21:1  pp. 248 ff. DOI logo
Moradi-Joz, Rasool, Saeed Ketabi & Mansoor Tavakoli
2019. On conductive argumentation. Journal of Language and Politics 18:1  pp. 83 ff. DOI logo
Kranert, Michael & Geraldine Horan
2018. Introduction. In Doing Politics [Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, 80],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Way, Lyndon C. S., Gökçen Karanfil & Aytunç Erçifci
2018. ‘See no evil, read no evil’: the failing role of Turkish newspapers in coverage of Turkey’s 2016 coup attempt. Critical Discourse Studies 15:5  pp. 481 ff. DOI logo
Choi, Seongsook & Keith Richards
2017. Understanding Interdisciplinarity. In Interdisciplinary Discourse,  pp. 39 ff. DOI logo
Choi, Seongsook & Keith Richards
2017. Interdisciplinary Interaction. In Interdisciplinary Discourse,  pp. 71 ff. DOI logo
Hassen, Rukya
2017. An Ethnography of Communication of Semiotic Social Practices in South Wollo. Journal of Historical Archaeology & Anthropological Sciences 1:3 DOI logo
Engström, Robin
2016. Book review: Kjersti Fløttum (ed.), Speaking of Europe: Approaches to Complexity in European Political Discourse. Discourse & Communication 10:4  pp. 431 ff. DOI logo
Gambier, Yves & Luc van Doorslaer
2016. Disciplinary dialogues with translation studies. In Border Crossings [Benjamins Translation Library, 126],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Singh, Jaspal Naveel
2016. Book review: Johannes Angermuller, Martin Nonhoff, Eva Herschinger, Felicitas Macgilchrist, Martin Reisigl, Juliette Wedl, Daniel Wrana and Alexander Ziem (eds), Diskursforschung: Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch, Band 1: Theorien, Methodologien und Kontroversen [Discourse Studies: An Interdisciplinary Handbook, Volume 1: Theories, Methodologies and Controversies], Martin Nonhoff, Eva Herschinger, Johannes Angermuller, Felicitas Macgilchrist, Martin Reisigl, Juliette Wedl, Daniel Wrana and Alexander Ziem (eds), Diskursforschung: Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch, Band 2: Methoden und Praxis der Diskursanalyse: Perspektiven auf Hochschulreformdiskurse [Discourse Studies: An Interdisciplinary Handbook, Volume 2: Methods and Practice of Discourse Analysis: Perspectives on the Discourses of University Reforms] and Daniel Wrana, Alexander Ziem, Martin Reisigl, Martin Nonhoff and Johannes Angermuller (eds), DiskursNetz: Wörterbuch der interdisziplinären Diskursforschung [DiscourseNet: Dictionary of Interdisciplinary Discourse Studies]. Discourse Studies 18:3  pp. 354 ff. DOI logo
Bernier, Marc-François & Banafsheh Karamifar
2015. Enjeux contextuels et écriture du genre du portrait dans la presse canadienne. Communication :vol. 33/2 DOI logo
Dunn, Yo
2015. 2.1 Using Critical Discourse Analysis to Interpret Educational Policy on School Exclusion in England and Wales. In International Handbook of Interpretation in Educational Research [Springer International Handbooks of Education, ],  pp. 285 ff. DOI logo
Iqani, Mehita & Anna Feigenbaum
2015. The (Inter)Disciplinarity of Media Studies. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 70:3  pp. 286 ff. DOI logo
Krzyżanowska, Natalia
2013. (Krytyczna) analiza dyskursu a (krytyczna) analiza gender: zarys synergii teoretycznej i metodologicznej. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej 9:1  pp. 62 ff. DOI logo
Power, Kate
2012. Lesbian discourses: images of a community. Critical Discourse Studies 9:1  pp. 95 ff. DOI logo
Koreinik, Kadri
2011. Public Discourse of (De)legitimation: The Case of South Estonian Language. Journal of Baltic Studies 42:2  pp. 239 ff. DOI logo
Zhang, Qing
2010. The discursive construction of the social stratification order in reforming China. Journal of Language and Politics 9:4  pp. 508 ff. DOI logo
de Silva Joyce, Helen
2009. Book review: LOUISE MULLANY, Gendered Discourse in the Professional Workplace. Basingstoke, Hampshire and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. xii+236pp. CECILIA E. FORD, Women Speaking Up: Getting and Using Turns in Workplace Meetings. Basingstoke, Hampshire and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. xi + 202 pp. Discourse & Society 20:6  pp. 775 ff. DOI logo
Wodak, Ruth
2005. Inter/trans/post-disciplinarity and the study of language and/in politics. Journal of Language and Politics 4:2  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo

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