Chapter 6
Lexical colloquialisation in commissions of the Andalusian Parliament
Through the analysis of parliamentary interventions in the Andalusian Parliament, it is shown how politicians use lexical colloquial features. We assume that there is an expansion of the colloquial employ of the Spanish language, which also reaches formal discursive types such as the parliamentary interaction. To try to confirm this claim, we work with a corpus of 4 commissions in the Andalusian Parliament, focusing on lexical features. We apply both a quantitative and a qualitative approach to prove that, generally speaking, parliamentarians often use colloquial lexical features. Basing on the gender parameter, we show that there is no relevant difference. Finally, we focus on the causes of this tendency, by addressing the interface of media and political discourse.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
2.The parliamentary dynamics
- 3.Data
- 4.Methodological approach
- 5.The analysis of the data
- 5.1Words without a specific meaning
5.2Colloquial vocabulary
- 5.3Phraseological units
- a.Proverbs
- b.Phraseological collocations
- c.Idioms
- 5.4The gender parameter
- 5.5The media factor
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