List of Tables
Table 2.1Le Figaro’s (LF) and Le Monde’s (LM) circulation, website visits and reach19
Table 2.2Le Monde’s “concentric network of socio-cultural identities”24
Table 2.3Le Monde’s uses of its individual (I) and collective (C) socio-cultural identities to construct
Table 2.4Corpora construction28
Table 2.5Toulmin’s model of argumentation (1958)33
Table 2.6Corpora and types of analysis for each case study34
Table 3.1“Europe” and “européen/ne/s” in Le Monde’s headlines49
Table 3.2Role of “Union européenne” and “Commission européenne” in Le Monde’s
Table 3.3Number of mentions of European State names in print and online headlines51
Table 3.4Le Monde’s use of its collective identity values in internal French matters, European matters, or world
matters for the representation of various States57
Table 4.1Preliminary selection of articles for the European institutional framework69
Table 4.2Actors in the Brexit all-genre corpus72
Table 5.1States mentioned in the primary corpus87
Table 5.2States mentioned in the text of the articles of the primary corpus89
Table 5.3Group of States mentioned in the text of the articles of the primary corpus90
Table 5.4Positive and negative stances in headlines of the primary corpus91
Table 5.5Headlines with a positive stance93
Table 5.6Number of mentions of « communisme » in the text93
Table 5.7Main results of the headline analysis97
Table 5.8Semantic clusters in the Poland sub-corpus103
Table 5.9Semantic clusters in the Hungary sub-corpus104
Table 5.10Semantic clusters in the Romania sub-corpus104
Table 5.11Semantic clusters and their significant references to Europe, Russia, or Communism106
Table 6.1Thematic clusters in the corpus Ukraine / Europe119
Table 6.2Lemmas related to EU values120
Table 6.3List of the most frequent lemmas in the corpus on Ukraine / Europe and its cluster 8121
Table 7.1Semantic clusters in the all-genre Belarus corpus147
Table 7.2Most common lemmas in the Belarus corpus157
Table 7.3Lemma in collocation with Loukachenko158
Table 8.1Semantic clusters in the all-genre Turkey corpus168
Table 8.2Semantic clusters of the editorial Turkey corpus169
Table 8.3Classification of Turkey editorials according to their rhetorical analysis186
Table 9.1Available response strategies to institutional demands203
Table 9.2A model of responses to conflicting institutional demands203
Table 9.3Number of mentions of “Pologne” in Le Monde’s headlines before and after the Eurosceptic PiS’ access to
Table 9.4Number of mentions of “Hongrie” and “Orban” in Le Monde’s headlines before and after the Eurosceptic Fidesz’s
access to power212