Chapter 6
Politics beyond death?
An analysis of the obituaries of Belgian
Obituaries constitute interesting research
material. Amongst other functions, they indicate how a society copes
with death and the fear of dying. Obituaries reflect which personal
and professional qualities the members of a particular culture or
group in society consider important or relevant enough to be
remembered in texts celebrating a deceased person. In this paper, we
present the results of a bottom-up discourse analysis of the
obituaries of one hundred Belgian politicians. The material
comprises both obituaries published in the media and obituaries
issued by the political party the deceased politician represented.
On a content level, we focus on two aspects: the qualities mentioned
and the presence of political orientation in the description of the
deceased. On a linguistic level, we determine whether the metaphors
used are politically inspired. The analysis carried out demonstrates
that the obituaries of political figures – in which the political
discourse and the discourse about the personal qualities of the
deceased coexist – often turn into political propaganda.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Theoretical considerations
- 3.Research material and method
- 4.Analysis and results
- 4.1Content analysis
- 4.2Linguistic analysis
- 4.2.1Lexical analysis
- 4.2.2Metaphor analysis
- 5.Discussion and concluding remarks
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OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying 88:4
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