Document Design Companion Series
Publishing status: Discontinued
This series focuses on the internal and external communication of medium-sized to multinational corporations, governmental bodies, non-profit organizations, as well as media, health care, educational and legal institutions, etc.
Monographs in the series cover aspects of (electronic) discourse – written, spoken and visual – combined with aspects of text quality (function, institutional setting, culture). They will be problem driven, methodologically innovative, and focused on effectivity of communication.
Document Design is ‘designed’ for: information managers, researchers in discourse studies and organization studies, text analists, and communication specialists.
The series welcomes submissions. Book proposals, preferably structured along the lines indicated in our Guidelines for Book Proposals, can be sent to the series editors, Jan Renkema [email protected], Maria Laura Pardo [email protected] and Ruth Wodak [email protected].
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Edited by Saul Carliner, Jan Piet Verckens and Cathy de Waele
2006. xi, 252 pp.
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Edited by Eija Ventola, Cassily Charles and Martin Kaltenbacher
2004. x, 249 pp.
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Rick A.M. Iedema
2003. xiv, 234 pp.
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Inger Lassen
2003. xviii, 183 pp.
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Rune Pettersson
2002. x, 296 pp.
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Thea M. van der Geest
2001. viii, 165 pp.
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Edited by Daniël Janssen and Rob Neutelings
2001. vi, 304 pp.