Diachronic Treebanks
Special issue of Diachronica 35:3 (2018)
[Diachronica, 35:3] 2018. v, 153 pp.
Publishing status: Available
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
The added value of diachronic treebanks for historical linguisticsHanne Martine Eckhoff, Silvia Luraghi & Marco Passarotti | pp. 297–309
Split coordination in English: Why we need parsed corporaAnn Taylor & Susan Pintzuk | pp. 310–337
A corpus approach to the history of Russian po delimitativesHanne Martine Eckhoff | pp. 338–366
Non-configurationality in diachrony: Correlations in local and global networks of Ancient Greek and LatinEdoardo Maria Ponti & Silvia Luraghi | pp. 367–392
Text form and grammatical changes in Medieval French: A treebank-based diachronic studyAlexandra Simonenko, Benoît Crabbé & Sophie Prévost | pp. 393–428
Spoken Latin behind written texts: Formulaicity and salience in medieval documentary textsTimo Korkiakangas | pp. 429–449
Articles – Aufsätze
Main BIC Subject
CFF: Historical & comparative linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009010: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Historical & Comparative