I propose to open up the dialogic scene by showing that a dialogue is never just about discourse and language. It is also about facts, principles, passions, values, ideologies, collectives, worldviews, etc. that can (or cannot) make a difference, i.e., do something, in a given interaction. According to this approach, dialogue is one of the most important phonation devices through which a plethora of ‘things’ – which I call actants – can come to act from a distance. Showing that these actants can be rhetorically mobilized in a given interaction allows me to account for phenomena of ‘ventriloquism,’ that is, the various ways by which human interactants make certain entities (collectives, procedures, policies, ideologies, etc.) speak in their name and vice versa. We will see that this way of dislocating the dialogic scene allows us to address thoroughly the question of power and authority, a question that tends to be relatively downplayed by dialogue analysts.
Yan, Dave, David Bright, Howard Prosser & Adam Poole
2023. Ventriloquism as Method: Writing Differently and Thinking Philosophically. Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies 23:3 ► pp. 262 ff.
Ghimire, Som Nath & Smirti Neupane
2022. Narratives in Kailash Satyarthi’s Nobel Peace Prize lecture: an analysis of rhetorical agency. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9:1
Wilder, Sara
2021. Another Voice in the Room: Negotiating Authority in Multidisciplinary Writing Groups. Written Communication 38:2 ► pp. 247 ff.
Clifton, Jonathan
2017. Leaders as ventriloquists. Leader identity and influencing the communicative construction of the organisation. Leadership 13:3 ► pp. 301 ff.
Ivancic, Sonia R.
2017. Gluttony for a Cause or Feeding the Food Insecure? Contradictions in Combating Food Insecurity Through Private Philanthropy. Health Communication 32:11 ► pp. 1441 ff.
Aggerholm, Helle Kryger & Christa Thomsen
2016. Legitimation as a Particular Mode of Strategic Communication in the Public Sector. International Journal of Strategic Communication 10:3 ► pp. 195 ff.
2016. Reconstituting “America”: The Clean Energy Economy Ventriloquized. Environmental Communication 10:2 ► pp. 269 ff.
Săftoiu, Răzvan
2015. Introduction. In Persuasive Games in Political and Professional Dialogue [Dialogue Studies, 26], ► pp. vii ff.
Hémont, Florian & Anne Mayere
2014. Pour une lecture communicationnelle du travail d’équipement des sous-traitants : le cas du 5S dans l’aéronautique. Études de communication :42 ► pp. 127 ff.
Kuhn, Timothy
2014. Extending the Constitutive Project: Response to Cooren and Sandler. Communication Theory 24:3 ► pp. 245 ff.
Bergeron, Caroline D. & François Cooren
2012. The Collective Framing of Crisis Management: A Ventriloqual Analysis of Emergency Operations Centres. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 20:3 ► pp. 120 ff.
Bencherki, Nicolas & François Cooren
2011. Having to be: The possessive constitution of organization. Human Relations 64:12 ► pp. 1579 ff.
Benoit-Barné, Chantal & James McDonald
2011. L’évolution des pratiques rhétoriques de délibération publique par la controverse. Communication :Vol. 28/2
Cooren, François, Timothy Kuhn, Joep P. Cornelissen & Timothy Clark
2011. Communication, Organizing and Organization: An Overview and Introduction to the Special Issue. Organization Studies 32:9 ► pp. 1149 ff.
Sanders, Robert E. & Joseph A. Bonito
2010. Speaking for the Institution: A Fourth Production Site for Group Members’ Influence Attempts. Small Group Research 41:4 ► pp. 427 ff.
van Vuuren, Mark & François Cooren
2010. “My Attitude Made Me Do It”: Considering the Agency of Attitudes. Human Studies 33:1 ► pp. 85 ff.
Cooren, François
2009. The Haunting Question of Textual Agency: Derrida and Garfinkel on Iterability and Eventfulness. Research on Language and Social Interaction 42:1 ► pp. 42 ff.
Cooren, François
2010. Ventriloquie, performativité et communication. Réseaux n° 163:5 ► pp. 33 ff.
Cooren, François
2010. Le cahier des charges d’un (méta-)modèle constitutif de la communication : une proposition. Revue internationale de communication sociale et publique :3-4 ► pp. 103 ff.
Cooren, François
2012. Communication Theory at the Center: Ventriloquism and the Communicative Constitution of Reality. Journal of Communication 62:1 ► pp. 1 ff.
Cooren, François
2016. Ethics for Dummies: Ventriloquism and Responsibility. Atlantic Journal of Communication 24:1 ► pp. 17 ff.
Cooren, François
2020. A Communicative Constitutive Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility: Ventriloquism, Undecidability, and Surprisability. Business & Society 59:1 ► pp. 175 ff.
Morillon, Laurent
2009. Le journal de communication interne, un agent des enjeux stratégiques organisationnels. Semen :28 ► pp. 33 ff.
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