This conceptual paper reflects on the role of ‘subjectivity’ in the analysis of the semantic domain of modality. It offers a critical review of the traditional notions of subjectivity vs. objectivity (including Lyons’ 1977), and it elaborates further on an alternative notion, labeled (inter)subjectivity, as proposed in earlier work (Nuyts 2001b; 2012). The paper spends particular attention to the question of the precise range of applicability of the category of (inter)subjectivity (which extends beyond the modal categories), and to the question of its status in a cognitive semantic theory.
DeLancey, Scott. 2001. “The Mirative and Evidentiality.”Journal of Pragmatics 33: 369–382.
Fortuin, Egbert. 2008. “The Construction of Degree in Russian.” In Dutch Contributions to the Fourteenth International Congress of Slavists, ed. by Peter Houtzagers, Janneke Kalsbeek, and Jos Schaeken, 45–108. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Hengeveld, Kees. 1988. “Illocution, Mood and Modality in a Functional Grammar of Spanish.”Journal of Semantics 6: 227–269.
Hengeveld, Kees. 1989. “Layers and Operators in Functional Grammar.”Journal of Linguistics 25: 127–157.
Kiefer, Ferenc. 1984. “Focus and Modality.”Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik 24: 55–81.
Langacker, Ronald. 1999. Grammar and Conceptualization. Berlin: De Gruyter.
López-Couso, María José. 2010. “Subjectification and Intersubjectification.” In Historical Pragmatics, ed. by Andreas H. Jucker, and Irma Taavitsainen, 127–163. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Lyons, John. 1977. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lyons, John. 1982. “Deixis and Subjectivity.” In Speech, Place and Action, ed. by Robert J. Jarvella, and Wolfgang Klein, 101–124. New York: Wiley.
Matthews, Richard. 2003. “Modal Auxiliary Constructions, TAM and Interrogatives.” In Modality in Contemporary English, ed. by Roberta Facchinetti, Manfred G. Krug, and F. Robert Palmer, 47–70. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Meier, Cecile. 2003. “The Meaning of Too, Enough and So…that.” Natural Language Semantics 11: 69–107.
Nuyts, Jan. In print. “Analyses of the Modal Meanings.” In The Oxford Handbook of Mood and Modality, ed. by Jan Nuyts, and Johan van der Auwera. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Nuyts, Jan. In prep. Modal and Other Qualifications in Language and Thought. Book ms.
Nuyts, Jan, Pieter Byloo, and Janneke Diepeveen. 2010. “On Deontic Modality, Directivity, and Mood.”Journal of Pragmatics 42: 16–34.
Palmer, Frank Robert. 1979. Modality and the English Modals. London: Longman.
Palmer, Frank Robert. 1986. Mood and Modality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Perkins, Michael. 1983. Modal Expressions in English. London: Pinter.
Schwarzschild, Roger. 2008. “The Semantics of Comparatives and Other Degree Constructions.”Language and Linguistics Compass 2: 308–331.
Smet, Hendrik De, and Jean-Christophe Verstraete. 2006. “Coming to Terms with Subjectivity.”Cognitive Linguistics 17: 365–392.
Traugott, Elizabeth. 1989. “On the Rise of Epistemic Meanngs in English.”Language 65: 31–55.
Traugott, Elizabeth. 2010. “(Inter)Subjectivity and (Inter)Subjectification.” In Subjectification, Intersubjectification and Grammaticalization, ed. by Kristin Davidse, Lieven Vandelanotte, and Hubert Cuyckens, 29–71. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Traugott, Elizabeth, and Richard Dasher. 2002. Regularity in Semantic Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Verhagen, Arie. 2005. Constructions of Intersubjectivity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Verstraete, Jean-Christophe. 2007. Rethinking the Coordinate-Subordinate Dichotomy. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Watts, Richard. 1984. “An Analysis of Epistemic Possibility and Probability.”English Studies 65: 129–140.
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