Rewriting ‘white’ genres in search of Afro-European identities
Travel and crime fiction by Bernardine Evaristo and Mike Phillips
Presuming that both travel and crime fiction can be described as traditionally ‘white’ genres, this article
investigates how contemporary Black British authors appropriate these genres. Focusing on Mike Phillips’s A Shadow of
Myself and Bernardine Evaristo’s Soul Tourists, the article examines how the two novels redeem and suspend the
traditional racial and national coding of travel writing and crime fiction by rehabilitating black mixed-race characters. In both novels,
moreover, the rethinking of traditional popular genres coincides with, and is partly enabled by, a transnational shift in focus from Britain
to Europe. A closer look at the novels’ respective endings, finally, reveals how each conceptualises the relationship between Britain and
Europe differently, and how this difference can be explained by the impact of genre.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Crime fiction as a ‘white’ genre
- 3.Travel writing as ‘imperialist’ discourse
- 4.‘Rewriting’ travel and crime fiction from an Afro-European perspective
- 5.Puzzling endings: Questions of closure and imagining Britain in Europe
- 6.Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- Notes
This article is currently available as a sample article.
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