Article published In:
Grammar, usage and discourse: Functional studies offered to Kristin Davidse
Edited by Lieven Vandelanotte, Wout Van Praet and Lieselotte Brems
[English Text Construction 10:2] 2017
► pp. 274297
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O’Grady, Gerard
2024. Theme in spoken language: when a tone group is not a clause. Journal of World Languages 10:1  pp. 76 ff. DOI logo
Bartlett, Tom & Gerard O’Grady
2019. Language characterology and textual dynamics: a crosslinguistic exploration in English and Scottish Gaelic. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 51:2  pp. 124 ff. DOI logo
Van Praet, Wout & Gerard O'Grady
2018. The prosody of specification: Discourse intonational cues to setting up a variable. Journal of Pragmatics 135  pp. 87 ff. DOI logo
Davies, Eirian C.
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Vandelanotte, Lieven
2017. Favourite puzzles. English Text Construction 10:2  pp. 187 ff. DOI logo

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