The way-construction (e.g. He sang his way into our hearts) is a highly
idiomatic English Argument Structure construction. Apart from a brief discussion in Davies and Fuchs (2015: 13), however, no study has looked at the construction in World Englishes. Drawing on more than
14,000 tokens from the Corpus of Global Web-Based English (GloWbE), we present the first in-depth empirical
analysis of the construction across various types of World Englishes. Our results provide support for Hoffmann’s (2014) claim of the correlation of Dynamic Model stage (Schneider 2003, 2007) and constructional productivity: the overall
frequency of the construction as well as the productivity of the verbal, nominal, and prepositional slots of the construction
correlate positively with a variety’s phase in the Dynamic Model. Moreover, it turns out that the less entrenched a variety is
according to the Dynamic Model, the stronger is its tendency to select specific prototypical, or frequent, fillers in the
constructional slots. Finally, we find no evidence for the reliteralisation hypothesis, i.e. that less advanced varieties exhibit
a preference for concrete verbs or nouns.
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Cited by (9)
Cited by nine other publications
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2024. Collostructional Analysis Meets Construction Semantics: Revisiting the English Way-Construction and Its German Equivalents. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 72:3 ► pp. 319 ff.
Horsch, Jakob
2023. Corroborating Corpus Data with Elicited Introspection Data: A Case Study. Journal of Linguistics/Jazykovedný casopis 74:1 ► pp. 60 ff.
2021. On models and modelling. World Englishes 40:3 ► pp. 298 ff.
Akinlotan, Mayowa
2020. Relativiser Alternation and Relative Clause Complexity: Insights from Nigerian and American Varieties. Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies :29/2 ► pp. 91 ff.
Akinlotan, Mayowa
2023. Calling a spade a shovel: A cognitive construction account of BE-relativisation. Studia Neophilologica 95:1 ► pp. 127 ff.
Hoffmann, Thomas
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Hoffmann, Thomas
2021. The Cognitive Foundation of Post-colonial Englishes,
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