Specification by certain temporal adverbials has been shown to be one of the typical triggers of the present perfect in British English. Often, however, L2 varieties display different patterns of temporal co-occurrence, especially using the simple past tense. This study is based on corpus data from twelve components of the International Corpus of English and analyzes the distribution between present perfect and past tense for a number of co-occurring temporal adverbials. In addition, it establishes three measures of similarity across the varieties (hierarchical cluster analysis, phylogenetic networks and a distribution-based measure). On the basis of 6 353 adverbials in total, this paper suggests (1) that there is a L1–L2 divide, (2) that the difference between “traditional” and “transplanted” L1 varieties is less pronounced, (3) that L2 varieties allow more variation, which indicates that in these varieties, the present perfect is partly used as a tense (sensu Quirk et al. 1985), and (4) that some temporal adverbials are less categorically attached to either present perfect or past tense than others. Finally, some conclusions with regard to the importance of geographical and socio-cultural proximity of certain varieties can be drawn.
Olguín Martínez, Jesús, Alonso Vásquez-Aguilar & Pilar Valenzuela
2024. Temporal ‘since’ constructions in cross-linguistic perspective. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 77:3 ► pp. 371 ff.
Suárez‐Gómez, Cristina & Elena Seoane
2023. The role of age and gender in grammatical variation in world Englishes. World Englishes 42:2 ► pp. 327 ff.
Chan, Derek Ho Leung & Yasuhiro Shirai
2022. The Role of Lexical Aspect in L2 Acquisition of the Present Perfect. In Challenges Encountered by Chinese ESL Learners, ► pp. 29 ff.
Duffley, Patrick & Gabrielle Morin
2022. It’s been a while since I’ve been to church: The use of the Present Perfect after the conjunctionsince. Australian Journal of Linguistics 42:2 ► pp. 184 ff.
2022. The most stable it'severbeen: the preterit/present perfect alternation in spoken Ontario English. English Language and Linguistics 26:4 ► pp. 779 ff.
2022. A multilingual corpus study of the competition betweenpastandperfectin narrative discourse. Journal of Linguistics 58:2 ► pp. 423 ff.
Guijarro-Fuentes, Pedro & Cristina Suárez-Gómez
2021. Tense in Speakers of English as a Contact Language: World Englishes and First Generation Long-immersed Immigrants. English Studies 102:5 ► pp. 601 ff.
Werner, Valentin, Robert Fuchs & Sandra Götz
2020. L1 Influence vs. Universal Mechanisms: An SLA-Driven Corpus Study on Temporal Expression. In Learner Corpus Research Meets Second Language Acquisition, ► pp. 39 ff.
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2019. Variation in English Worldwide,
2019. The coding of perfect meaning in African, Asian and Caribbean Englishes. English Language and Linguistics 23:3 ► pp. 509 ff.
Frazier, Stefan & Hahn Koo
2018. Discourse-pragmatic functions of the present perfect in American English TV and radio interviews
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2017. The present perfect in Irish English. World Englishes 36:2 ► pp. 239 ff.
2017. The present perfect in Nigerian English. English Language and Linguistics 21:1 ► pp. 129 ff.
Wong, May
2017. Hong Kong English: An Overview. In Hong Kong English, ► pp. 1 ff.
Fuchs, Robert
2016. The Historical and Social Context of Indian English. In Speech Rhythm in Varieties of English [Prosody, Phonology and Phonetics, ], ► pp. 9 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 4 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
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