Article published In:
English World-Wide
Vol. 9:1 (1988) ► pp.3349
Cited by (85)

Cited by 85 other publications

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Brook, Marisa
2023.  As if, as though, and like in Canadian English. English World-Wide. A Journal of Varieties of English 44:3  pp. 381 ff. DOI logo
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Britain, David, Tamsin Blaxter & Adrian Leemann
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2020. Phonological Variation. In The Handbook of English Linguistics,  pp. 407 ff. DOI logo
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Haddican, Bill, Paul Foulkes, Vincent Hughes & Hazel Richards
2013. Interaction of social and linguistic constraints on two vowel changes in northern England. Language Variation and Change 25:3  pp. 371 ff. DOI logo
Rickford, John & Mackenzie Price
2013. Girlz II women: Age‐grading, language change and stylistic variation. Journal of Sociolinguistics 17:2  pp. 143 ff. DOI logo
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2008. When is a change not a change? A case study on the dialect origins of New Zealand English. Language Variation and Change 20:2  pp. 187 ff. DOI logo
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Buchstaller, Isabelle
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