Evaluation in text types

Special issue of Functions of Language 15:1 (2008)

ORCID logoMonika Bednarek | Universities of Augsburg and Sydney
[Functions of Language, 15:1] 2008.  192 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 7 April 2008
Table of Contents
Monika Bednarek
‘An increasingly familiar tragedy’: Evaluative collocation and conflation
Monika Bednarek
The expression of non-alignment in British and German political interviews: Preferred and dispreferred variants
Anita Fetzer
The evaluation of status in multi-modal texts
Susan Hunston
Changing stories: Achieving a change of state in suspect and witness knowledge through evaluation in police interviews with suspects and witnesses
Alison J. Johnson
Identification impossible? A corpus approach to realisations of evaluative meaning in academic writing
Ute Römer-Barron
Review of Anstey & Mackenzie (2005): Crucial readings in Functional Grammar
Reviewed by John H. Connolly
Review of Dancygier & Sweetser (2005): Mental spaces in grammar: Conditional constructions
Reviewed by Peter Harder
Review of Frawley (2006): The expression of modality & Klinge & Müller (2005): Modality: Studies in form and function & Wärnsby (2006): (De)coding modality: The case of must, may, måste and kan
Reviewed by Marta Carretero
Review of Kytö, Rydén & Smitterberg (2006): Nineteenth-century English: Stability and change
Reviewed by Richard W. Bailey
Review of Mahlberg (2005): English general nouns: A corpus theoretical approach
Reviewed by Susan Hunston
Cited by (3)

Cited by three other publications

Larina, Tatiana & Douglas Mark Ponton
2020. Tact or frankness in English and Russian blind peer reviews. Intercultural Pragmatics 17:4  pp. 471 ff. DOI logo
Larina, Tatiana & Douglas Mark Ponton
2022. I wanted to honour your journal, and you spat in my face: emotive (im)politeness and face in the English and Russian blind peer review. Journal of Politeness Research 18:1  pp. 201 ff. DOI logo
Hidalgo‐Downing, Laura
2015. Grammar and Evaluation. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo

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