On why people don’t say what they mean
Production of figurative formulaic language
The study addresses two problems with recent
psycholinguistic research on why people don’t say what they mean,
(1) possible underrepresentation in research studies of types of
figurative language found in everyday talk, and (2) potential
ecological validity problems due to using standard psycholinguistic
experimental methodologies and inauthentic language materials. In
three experiments, these problems were addressed using authentic
productions of a relatively unexplored figurative language type –
formulaic language, specifically gratitude
acknowledgements, which cover a range of figurativity
(e.g., “don’t worry about it”, through, “anytime”), often using
hyperbole as part of their functioning – a key focus of the present
study. The results demonstrate that speakers use figurative
gratitude acknowledgements to achieve the pragmatic effects of
politeness and esteem display as well as fondness expression, which
are not achieved to the same extents by nonfigurative gratitude
acknowledgements. The particular pragmatics of this figurative form,
the influence of these pragmatic effects on some theoretical
questions, and the broader implications of inclusion of new
figurative language forms, as well as authentic language items and
methods, in research on figurative language production and
pragmatics, are discussed.
Keywords: figurative, pragmatic effects, psychology, pragmatics, production, comprehension, language understanding, human experimentation, routine formulas, ecological validity, formulaic language, gratitude acknowledgment
Article outline
- 1.Problems with figurative language usage research: Types
- 1.1Conventionality/prevalence
- 1.2Risks/costs
- 2.Problems with figurative language usage research: Methods
- 3.Solution: A study of pragmatic effects of gratitude acknowledgements
using elicited authentic productions
- 4.Gratitude acknowledgements
- 5.Summary
- 6.Production tasks
- 6.1Method
- 6.2Participants and design
- 6.3Materials
- 7.Results
- 8.Experiment 1: Figurativity and politeness expression in gratitude
- 8.1Participants and design
- 8.2Materials
- 8.3Procedure
- 8.4Results and discussion
- 9.Experiment 2: Figurativity and esteem expression in gratitude
- 9.1Participants and design
- 9.2Materials
- 9.3Procedure
- 9.4Results and discussion
- 10.Experiment 3: Figurativity and fondness expression in gratitude
- 10.1Participants and design
- 10.2Materials
- 10.3Procedure
- 10.4Results and discussion
- 11.General discussion
- 12.Pragmatics of gratitude acknowledgements
- 13.Theoretical approaches to figurative language usage: Politeness and constraint satisfaction
- 13.1Politeness Theory
- 13.2Constraint satisfaction
- 14.Inclusion and authenticity
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