Chapter 11
Multimodal creativity in figurative use
This chapter attempts to provide insights into actual language use in multimodal discourse. Observation and analysis focus on multimodal creative use of stylistic patterns: extended metaphor, metonymy, visual pun, allusion, hyperbole, personification. The study also brings out the role of semiotic elements and the significance of background information comprehension and interpretation of multimodal discourse.
My aim is to explore multimodality as a tool, applicable in creative figurative thought instantiations. Multimodal discourse reveals the capacity of the human brain to express figurative thought in various semiotic modes. As our brain is inherently multimodal, it is able to cognise figurative meaning in both verbal and non-verbal representation: visual, audial, body language, sound, color.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Multimodal representations in the print media
- 2.1Embodied cognition in multimodal print articles
- 2.2Sustained use of metaphorical image in multimodal texts
- 2.3Multimodality as a cross-language and a cross-cultural phenomenon
- 2.4Use of photomontage in multimodal print discourse
- 3.Multimodal discourse in advertising
- 3.1Multimodality in business advertisements
- 3.2The role of background information in interpreting political advertisements
- 4.Multimodal use of semiotic modes
- 4.1Use of symbols in multimodal discourse
- 4.2The significance of gesture in multimodal representation
- 4.3Dynamic use of semiotic modes in political speech
- 5.Multimodal political discourse
- 5.1Multimodal metaphor in political argumentation
- 5.2The role of satire in multimodal political discourse
- 6.Conclusion