Alibali, Martha W. & Autumn B. Hostetter
Gestures in Cognition: Actions that Bridge the Mind and the World. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Gesture Studies,
► pp. 501 ff.

Boden, Ulrich J., Friederike Kern, Sofia Koutalidis, Olga Abramov, Anne Nemeth, Stefan Kopp & Katharina J. Rohlfing
Khatin-Zadeh, Omid, Zahra Eskandari & Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos
Gestures Enhance Executive Functions for the Understating of Mathematical Concepts.
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 58:4
► pp. 1490 ff.

Osorio, Sergio, Benjamin Straube, Lars Meyer & Yifei He
The role of co-speech gestures in retrieval and prediction during naturalistic multimodal narrative processing.
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 39:3
► pp. 367 ff.

Asalıoğlu, Esma Nur & Tilbe Göksun
The role of hand gestures in emotion communication: Do type and size of gestures matter?.
Psychological Research 87:6
► pp. 1880 ff.

Khatin-Zadeh, Omid, Mirko Farina, Babak Yazdani-Fazlabadi, Jiehui Hu, David Trumpower, Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos & Danyal Farsani
The Roles of Gestural and Symbolic Schematizations in Inhibition as a Component of Executive Functions.
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 57:3
► pp. 950 ff.

Mumford, Katherine H., Suzanne Aussems & Sotaro Kita
Encouraging pointing with the right hand, but not the left hand, gives right‐handed 3‐year‐olds a linguistic advantage.
Developmental Science 26:3

Ferré, Gaëlle
Gesture profile of fluent and non-fluent people with aphasia.
Corela :20-1

Yu, Yanning & David H. Uttal
Gestures, embodiment, and learning the rate of change.
Mathematical Thinking and Learning 24:3
► pp. 203 ff.

Gordon, Raychel & Geetha B. Ramani
Integrating Embodied Cognition and Information Processing: A Combined Model of the Role of Gesture in Children's Mathematical Environments.
Frontiers in Psychology 12

Kim, Yanghee & Michael Tscholl
Young children’s embodied interactions with a social robot.
Educational Technology Research and Development 69:4
► pp. 2059 ff.

Nielsen, Alan KS & Mark Dingemanse
Iconicity in Word Learning and Beyond: A Critical Review.
Language and Speech 64:1
► pp. 52 ff.

Tarantini, Angela Tiziana
Conclusions and Further Research. In
Theatre Translation,
► pp. 185 ff.

Zhang, Icy (Yunyi), Karen B. Givvin, Jeffrey M. Sipple, Ji Y. Son & James W. Stigler
Instructed Hand Movements Affect Students’ Learning of an Abstract Concept From Video.
Cognitive Science 45:2

Clough, Sharice & Melissa C. Duff
The Role of Gesture in Communication and Cognition: Implications for Understanding and Treating Neurogenic Communication Disorders.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14

Gaudreau, Caroline M., Florencia K. Anggoro & Benjamin D. Jee
Children’s Spontaneous Gestures Reflect Verbal Understanding of the Day/Night Cycle.
Frontiers in Psychology 11

Vilà‐Giménez, Ingrid & Pilar Prieto
Encouraging kids to beat: Children's beat gesture production boosts their narrative performance.
Developmental Science 23:6

Hostetter, Autumn B. & Martha W. Alibali
Gesture as simulated action: Revisiting the framework.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 26:3
► pp. 721 ff.

Pier, Elizabeth L., Candace Walkington, Virginia Clinton, Rebecca Boncoddo, Caroline Williams-Pierce, Martha W. Alibali & Mitchell J. Nathan
Embodied truths: How dynamic gestures and speech contribute to mathematical proof practices.
Contemporary Educational Psychology 58
► pp. 44 ff.

Walkington, Candace, Dawn Woods, Mitchell J. Nathan, Geoffrey Chelule & Min Wang
Does restricting hand gestures impair mathematical reasoning?.
Learning and Instruction 64
► pp. 101225 ff.

Wanphet, Phalangchok & Jalila Sfaxi
Brooks, Neon B., David Barner, Michael Frank & Susan Goldin‐Meadow
The Role of Gesture in Supporting Mental Representations: The Case of Mental Abacus Arithmetic.
Cognitive Science 42:2
► pp. 554 ff.

Mavilidi, Myrto Foteini, Margina Ruiter, Mirko Schmidt, Anthony D. Okely, Sofie Loyens, Paul Chandler & Fred Paas
A Narrative Review of School-Based Physical Activity for Enhancing Cognition and Learning: The Importance of Relevancy and Integration.
Frontiers in Psychology 9

Son, Ji Y., Priscilla Ramos, Melissa DeWolf, William Loftus & James W. Stigler
Exploring the practicing-connections hypothesis: using gesture to support coordination of ideas in understanding a complex statistical concept.
Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 3:1

Alibali, Martha W., Amelia Yeo, Autumn B. Hostetter & Sotaro Kita
Hostetter, Autumn B. & Rebecca Boncoddo
Kirk, Elizabeth & Carine Lewis
Gesture Facilitates Children’s Creative Thinking.
Psychological Science 28:2
► pp. 225 ff.

Richmond, Lauren L. & Jeffrey M. Zacks
Constructing Experience: Event Models from Perception to Action.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 21:12
► pp. 962 ff.

Bucciarelli, Monica, Robert Mackiewicz, Sangeet S. Khemlani & Philip N. Johnson-Laird
Children's creation of algorithms: simulations and gestures.
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 28:3
► pp. 297 ff.

Dunn, Timothy L. & Evan F. Risko
Toward a Metacognitive Account of Cognitive Offloading.
Cognitive Science 40:5
► pp. 1080 ff.

Lozada, Mariana & Natalia Carro
Embodied Action Improves Cognition in Children: Evidence from a Study Based on Piagetian Conservation Tasks.
Frontiers in Psychology 7

Hilliard, Caitlin, Elizabeth O’Neal, Jodie Plumert & Susan Wagner Cook
Mothers modulate their gesture independently of their speech.
Cognition 140
► pp. 89 ff.

Nathan, Mitchell J. & Chelsea V.J. Martinez
Gesture as model enactment: the role of gesture in mental model construction and inference making when learning from text.
Learning: Research and Practice 1:1
► pp. 4 ff.

Goldin-Meadow, Susan & Martha Wagner Alibali
Gesture's Role in Speaking, Learning, and Creating Language.
Annual Review of Psychology 64:1
► pp. 257 ff.

Werner, K. & M. Raab
Moving to Solution.
Experimental Psychology 60:6
► pp. 403 ff.

Werner, K. & M. Raab
Moving your Eyes to Solution: Effects of Movements on the Perception of a Problem-Solving Task.
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 67:8
► pp. 1571 ff.

Alibali, Martha W. & Mitchell J. Nathan
Embodiment in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Evidence From Learners' and Teachers' Gestures.
Journal of the Learning Sciences 21:2
► pp. 247 ff.

Alibali, Martha W., Robert C. Spencer, Lucy Knox & Sotaro Kita
Spontaneous Gestures Influence Strategy Choices in Problem Solving.
Psychological Science 22:9
► pp. 1138 ff.

Müller, Cornelia & Tag, Susanne
The Dynamics of Metaphor: Foregrounding and Activating Metaphoricity in Conversational Interaction.
Cognitive Semiotics 10:6
► pp. 85 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 5 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.