Article published In:
Gesture and Multimodal Development
Edited by Jean-Marc Colletta and Michèle Guidetti
[Gesture 10:2/3] 2010
► pp. 321343
Cited by (26)

Cited by 26 other publications

Steinberg, Selena, Melissa Gresalfi, Lauren Vogelstein & Corey Brady
2024. Coding choreography: Understanding student responses to representational incompatibilities between dance and programming. Journal of Research on Technology in Education 56:3  pp. 314 ff. DOI logo
Chen, Mighty
2022. Interaction Design and Children,  pp. 564 ff. DOI logo
Gerofsky, Susan & Kim T Zebehazy
2022. Enhancing mathematical noticing of graphs through movement, voice, and metaphor: An intervention with two students with visual impairment. British Journal of Visual Impairment 40:2  pp. 209 ff. DOI logo
Khatin-Zadeh, Omid, Danyal Farsani, Zahra Eskandari & Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos
2022. The roles of motion, gesture, and embodied action in the processing of mathematical concepts. Frontiers in Psychology 13 DOI logo
Lindgren, Robb & David DeLiema
2022. Viewpoint, embodiment, and roles in STEM learning technologies. Educational technology research and development 70:3  pp. 1009 ff. DOI logo
Tancredi, Sofia, Julia Wang, Helen Tong Li, Carissa Jiayuan Yao, Genna Macfarlan & Kimiko Ryokai
2022. Interaction Design and Children,  pp. 137 ff. DOI logo
DeLiema, David, Noel Enyedy, Francis Steen & Joshua A. Danish
2021. Integrating Viewpoint and Space: How Lamination across Gesture, Body Movement, Language, and Material Resources Shapes Learning. Cognition and Instruction 39:3  pp. 328 ff. DOI logo
Breda, Adriana, Danyal Farsani & Roger Miarka
2020. Political, technical and pedagogical effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mathematics Education: an overview of Brazil, Chile and Spain. INTERMATHS: Revista de Matemática Aplicada e Interdisciplinar 1:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Salle, Alexander
2020. Analyzing Self-Explanations in Mathematics: Gestures and Written Notes Do Matter. Frontiers in Psychology 11 DOI logo
Chronaki, Anna
2019. Affective bodying of mathematics, children and difference: choreographing ‘sad affects’ as affirmative politics in early mathematics teacher education. ZDM 51:2  pp. 319 ff. DOI logo
Hostetter, Autumn B. & Martha W. Alibali
2019. Gesture as simulated action: Revisiting the framework. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 26:3  pp. 721 ff. DOI logo
Kobiela, Marta & Richard Lehrer
2019. Supporting dynamic conceptions of area and its measure. Mathematical Thinking and Learning 21:3  pp. 178 ff. DOI logo
Vogelstein, Lauren, Corey Brady & Rogers Hall
2019. Reenacting mathematical concepts found in large-scale dance performance can provide both material and method for ensemble learning. ZDM 51:2  pp. 331 ff. DOI logo
Walkington, Candace, Geoffrey Chelule, Dawn Woods & Mitchell J. Nathan
2019. Collaborative gesture as a case of extended mathematical cognition. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 55  pp. 100683 ff. DOI logo
Walkington, Candace, Dawn Woods, Mitchell J. Nathan, Geoffrey Chelule & Min Wang
2019. Does restricting hand gestures impair mathematical reasoning?. Learning and Instruction 64  pp. 101225 ff. DOI logo
Gerofsky, Susan
2018. Mathematics and Movement. In Transdisciplinarity in Mathematics Education,  pp. 239 ff. DOI logo
Herbert, Sandra
2018. Gestures in mathematical function talk. Gesture 17:1  pp. 196 ff. DOI logo
Kelton, Molly L. & Jasmine Y. Ma
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Martinez-Lincoln, Amanda, Le M. Tran & Sarah R. Powell
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Ovendale, Alice, Heather Brookes, Jean-Marc Colletta & Zain Davis
Guilbeault, Douglas
2017. How politicians express different viewpoints in gesture and speech simultaneously. Cognitive Linguistics 28:3  pp. 417 ff. DOI logo
Young, Andrea & Kathryn Bruhns
2016. Chalk it up to experience: using chalkboard paint to create mathematical manipulatives. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 47:6  pp. 961 ff. DOI logo
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2015. The Pedagogic Role of the Arts and Digital Media in the practice of the Ontario Mathematics Curriculum. Bolema: Boletim de Educação Matemática 29:53  pp. 1043 ff. DOI logo
Nathan, Mitchell J., Candace Walkington, Rebecca Boncoddo, Elizabeth Pier, Caroline C. Williams & Martha W. Alibali
2014. Actions speak louder with words: The roles of action and pedagogical language for grounding mathematical proof. Learning and Instruction 33  pp. 182 ff. DOI logo
Roth, Wolff-Michael & Shelby Temple
2014. On understanding variability in data: a study of graph interpretation in an advanced experimental biology laboratory. Educational Studies in Mathematics 86:3  pp. 359 ff. DOI logo
Stec, Kashmiri
2014. Reporting practices in multimodal viewpoint research. Gesture 14:2  pp. 225 ff. DOI logo

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