What is an anthropology of gesture?
For gesture research outside anthropology, the promise – and challenge – of anthropological method stems from one or more
of its core commitments: its pursuit of human variation, both diachronic and synchronic; its insistence on naturalistic rather than
experimental research design; and its integrative sensibility that situates human behavior in relation to an expansive sociocultural
context. This essay reflects on this last sensibility. As we envision an anthropology of gesture and weigh its potential for gesture
studies, we should pause and reflect on the fitful history of gesture in anthropology. As a parable for the present, I revisit a neglected
anthropological voice from twentieth-century gesture research: Ray L. Birdwhistell, whose ambitious postwar science of kinesics teamed
film-based microanalysis with American linguistic structuralism. At stake in Birdwhistell’s work was a problem that looms large here, that
of how and at what cost a science of gesture can contextualize its object integratively.
Article outline
- Ethnography and the total gestural fact
- Ray L. Birdwhistell’s science of kinesics
- Not a science of gesture
- Spying the social through the kinesic
- Magnifying the microcosmic: A highway scene
- Soaking in context: A pedagogy of immersion
- The ethnographic sublime
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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