Studying gestures in language use offers the opportunity to uncover fundamental properties of metaphor which so far have received little interest – if at all. This is a shift towards studying metaphor as it is used, and it has important theoretical consequences because it reveals that metaphoricity is dynamic; it indicates that the speaker establishes or creates metaphoricity online through a general cognitive process, which is in principle modality independent. These facets of metaphor were uncovered through linguistic microanalyses of multi-modal segments of talk or discourse. Online cognitive processes (and their interactive logic) were reconstructed, drawing upon linguistic methods, gesture studies, and interaction analysis. Co-participants in an interaction have multiple (multi-modal) types of resources at their disposal to construct meaningful utterances and to create mutual understanding. These different methods address different aspects of this process of establishing, elaborating and creating metaphoric meaning. After a brief introductory discussion of some of the established characteristics of metaphor, this chapter presents micro-analyses of three verbogestural utterances which show that metaphors are modality independent products of a general cognitive process, and that they are dynamic in several respects: metaphoricity is not restricted to single clearly bounded entities – be they linguistic expressions, gestures or concepts. In contrast, metaphoricity may be active and maintained over stretches of discourse and it may be subject to successive foregrounding over units of talk and discourse. It will be concluded that activation of metaphoricity critically depends upon the dynamic flow of the speaker’s focal attention.
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2022. Cultural concept, movement, and way of life:jeitinhoin words and gestures. Intercultural Pragmatics 19:4 ► pp. 427 ff.
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2022. Reflections on Embodied relating: the ground of psychotherapy by Nick Totton. Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy 17:2 ► pp. 166 ff.
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2019. As funções comunicativas de metáforas verbo-gestuais em uma interação entre intercambistas no Brasil. In Comunicação (inter)cultural em interação, ► pp. 223 ff.
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2019. Metaphorizing as Embodied Interactivity: What Gesturing and Film Viewing Can Tell Us About an Ecological View on Metaphor. Metaphor and Symbol 34:1 ► pp. 61 ff.
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2024. dead and alive, sleeping and waking metaphors. In The Oxford Handbook of Metaphor in Organization Studies, ► pp. 70 ff.
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2016. Morphosyntactic Correlates of Gestures: A Gesture Associated with Negation in French and Its Organisation with Speech. In Negation and Polarity: Experimental Perspectives [Language, Cognition, and Mind, 1], ► pp. 75 ff.
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2015. Communicating musical knowledge through gesture: Piano teachers’ gestural behaviours across different levels of student proficiency. Psychology of Music 43:5 ► pp. 723 ff.
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2012. Gesture's community: Social organization in multimodal conduct. Language in Society 41:3 ► pp. 365 ff.
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2011. Conceptual metaphors in gesture. cogl 22:3 ► pp. 437 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 5 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
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