Function and processing of gesture in the context of language
Aslı Özyürek | Radboud University Nijmegen | Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Most research focuses function of gesture independent of its link to the speech it accompanies and the coexpressive functions it has together with speech. This chapter instead approaches gesture in relation to its communicative function in relation to speech, and demonstrates how it is shaped by the linguistic encoding of a speaker’s message. Drawing on crosslinguistic research with adults and children as well as bilinguals on iconic/pointing gesture production it shows that the specific language speakers use modulates the rate and the shape of the iconic gesture production of the same events. The findings challenge the claims aiming to understand gesture’s function for “thinking only” in adults and during development.
Article outline
General introduction
Cross-linguistic evidence for the effect of spoken language on gesture
Experimental evidence showing effects of language on gesture
Linguistic effects on gesture during development across languages
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