Gestures are adept at expressing perceptual and motor information. In this chapter, we propose that, as representational actions, gestures both stem from and influence perceptual representations, in much the same way that action and perception more generally exist in an inextricable relationship. We review evidence that gestures emerge from perceptual-motor representations that are activated during thinking and speaking (Hostetter & Alibali, 2008). We then consider how gesture’s connection to perceptual-motor representations may play a functional role in strengthening those representations in the minds of speakers.
Article outline
Gestures highlight perceptual-motor representations in thinking
Gestures arise from perceptual-motor representations
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Cited by (4)
Cited by four other publications
Pouw, Wim, Stephanie I. Wassenburg, Autumn B. Hostetter, Bjorn B. de Koning & Fred Paas
2020. Does gesture strengthen sensorimotor knowledge of objects? The case of the size-weight illusion. Psychological Research 84:4 ► pp. 966 ff.
Hostetter, Autumn B. & Martha W. Alibali
2019. Gesture as simulated action: Revisiting the framework. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 26:3 ► pp. 721 ff.
Pouw, Wim & James A. Dixon
2019. Entrainment and Modulation of Gesture–Speech Synchrony Under Delayed Auditory Feedback. Cognitive Science 43:3
Wassenburg, Stephanie I., Björn B. de Koning & Menno van der Schoot
2018. In which direction to move? Facilitative and interference effects of gestures on problem solver's thinking. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 30:3 ► pp. 307 ff.
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