The Building Blocks of Meaning

Ideas for a philosophical grammar

 | Bologna, Italy
ISBN 9789027223654 (Eur) | EUR 135.00
ISBN 9781588115263 (USA) | USD 203.00
ISBN 9789027295408 | EUR 135.00 | USD 203.00
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ISBN 9781423761310
The shaping of complex meanings depends on punctual and relational coding and inferencing. Coding is viewed as a vector which can run either from expression to content or from concepts to (linguistic) forms to mark independent conceptual relations. While coding relies on systematic resources internal to language, inferencing essentially depends on a layered system of autonomous shared conceptual structures, which include both cognitive models and consistency criteria grounded in a natural ontology. Inference guided by coding is not a residual pragmatic device but it is a direct way to long-term conceptual structures that guide the connection of meanings.

The interaction of linguistic forms and concepts is particularly clear in conceptual conflict where conflictual complex meanings provide insights into the roots of significance and the linguistic structure of metaphors.

Complementing a formal analysis of linguistic structures with a substantive analysis of conceptual structures, a philosophical grammar provides insights from both formal and functional approaches toward a more profound understanding of how language works in constructing and communicating complex meanings.

This monograph is ideally addressed to linguists, philosophers and psychologists interested in language as symbolic form and as an instrument of human action rooted in a complex conceptual and cognitive landscape.

[Human Cognitive Processing, 13] 2004.  xviii, 520 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 4 September 2006
Table of Contents
“Close scrutiny of this challenging book will pay rich dividends, since the work is full of subtle and original insights into the nature of language, far too complex to summarize in a short review. For example, the book contains intriguing observations on figures of speech, the semantic pragmatics distinction, the nature of communication, and many other areas of special interest to linguists and philosophers.”
“In the thirteenth release of Benjamins' Human Cognitive Processing, Michele Prandi offers an indepth exploration of complex meanings. In the foreword, the idea of a philosophical grammar is introduced and programmatically described as the complementing interaction between grammar of conceptual structures. A study of this interaction allows for a deeper comprehension of how the linguistic system works so as to construct and to communicate complex meanings.”
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