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Cognitive Approaches to Tense, Aspect, and Epistemic Modality
Edited by Adeline Patard and Frank Brisard
[Human Cognitive Processing 29] 2011
► pp. 4586
Cited by (20)

Cited by 20 other publications

Astrid De Wit, Frank Brisard, Carol Madden-Lombardi, Michael Meeuwis & Adeline Patard
2024. Beyond Aspectual Semantics, DOI logo
Xu, Zhao & Zheng Wu
2023. Divergence and Convergence in Tense and Aspect Meanings of “guo” and “le”. In Chinese Lexical Semantics [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13495],  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Ng, Chi Wui
2022. Systemic Theoretical Instruction and Cognitive Grammar: Acquisition of the English Tense System. In Challenges Encountered by Chinese ESL Learners,  pp. 59 ff. DOI logo
Romain, Laurence, Adnane Ez-zizi, Petar Milin & Dagmar Divjak
2022. What makes the past perfect and the future progressive? Experiential coordinates for a learnable, context-based model of tense and aspect. Cognitive Linguistics 33:2  pp. 251 ff. DOI logo
Salman, Muhammad Barjes & Omaima Ismaeel Salih
2022. Mood of Verbs in both Arabic and English Languages: A Contrastive study. Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities 29:10, 2  pp. 39 ff. DOI logo
Torres Soler, Julio
2021. Susana Rodríguez Rosique (2019): El futuro en español. Tiempo, conocimiento, interacción. Berna: Peter Lang, 259 páginas.. Verba: Anuario Galego de Filoloxía 48 DOI logo
2020. Standing out with the progressive. Journal of Linguistics 56:3  pp. 479 ff. DOI logo
Dudley, Amber & Roumyana Slabakova
2020. Aspectual contrasts in the Englishpresent tense revisited. Pedagogical Linguistics 1:1  pp. 66 ff. DOI logo
Dudley, Amber & Roumyana Slabakova
2020. The Present Tense in English, Again. In Formal Linguistics and Language Education [Educational Linguistics, 43],  pp. 133 ff. DOI logo
Aerts, Simon
2018. Tense, Aspect and Aktionsart in Classical Latin: Towards a New Approach. Symbolae Osloenses 92:1  pp. 107 ff. DOI logo
2018. The epistemic import of aspectual constructions: the case of performatives. Language and Cognition 10:2  pp. 234 ff. DOI logo
Rodríguez Rosique, Susana
2018. Tenses in interaction. In Perspectives on Evidentiality in Spanish [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 290],  pp. 223 ff. DOI logo
Rodríguez Rosique, Susana
2023. Time after time. In Verb and Context [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, 34],  pp. 263 ff. DOI logo
Zeman, Sonja
2018. What is a Narration – and why does it matter?. In Linguistic Foundations of Narration in Spoken and Sign Languages [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 247],  pp. 173 ff. DOI logo
Danino, Charlotte
2016. Talking about an emergency in an urgent situation: prosody and information. Anglophonia 21 DOI logo
2016. The relation between aspect and inversion in English. English Language and Linguistics 20:1  pp. 107 ff. DOI logo
De Wit, Astrid
2018. The semantics of the simple tenses and full-verb inversion in English. Constructions and Frames 10:2  pp. 210 ff. DOI logo
Nijk, Arjan A.
2016. Re-experiencing the Past. Philologus 160:2  pp. 217 ff. DOI logo
Nijk, Arjan A.
2019. Bridging the gap between the near and the far: Displacement and representation. Cognitive Linguistics 30:2  pp. 327 ff. DOI logo
2014. A Cognitive Grammar account of the semantics of the English present progressive. Journal of Linguistics 50:1  pp. 49 ff. DOI logo

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