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Cited by nine other publications
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2022. Lost in translation, apparently: Bilingual language processing of evidentiality in a Turkish–English Translation and judgment task. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 25:5 ► pp. 739 ff.
Tosun, Sümeyra & Luna Filipović
2024. Better late than early: The effect of formal second language training on processing of evidentiality in Turkish-English bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingualism
Filipović, Luna & John A Hawkins
2019. The Complex Adaptive System Principles model for bilingualism: Language interactions within and across bilingual minds. International Journal of Bilingualism 23:6 ► pp. 1223 ff.
Filipović, Luna
2018. Speaking in a second language but thinking in the first language: Language-specific effects on memory for causation events in English and Spanish. International Journal of Bilingualism 22:2 ► pp. 180 ff.
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2020. Bilingual memory advantage: Bilinguals use a common linguistic pattern as an aid to recall memory. International Journal of Bilingualism 24:3 ► pp. 542 ff.
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2022. First language versus second language effect on memory for motion events: The role of language type and proficiency. International Journal of Bilingualism 26:1 ► pp. 65 ff.
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2022. A Multi-Factor Approach to the Study of L2 Acquisition of Motion Verbs and Motion Constructions: Integration of Typological, Psycholinguistic and Sociolinguistic Aspects. Frontiers in Communication 7
Hsieh, Li
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