Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent writings in the study of language, with particular attention being given to those dealing with the history – and historiography – of the language sciences. Only in exceptional instances will a separate acknowledgement of receipt be issued; no book can be returned to the publisher after it has been analyzed in this section. It should be pointed out, moreover, that by accepting a book, no promise is implied that it will be reviewed in detail in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints will be sent to the publishers of the works reviewed, including those items briefly commented upon in the present section.
Contemporary Dutch Linguistics
Washington, D.C.
Georgetown Univ. Press
v, 163
“The twelve papers that have been brought together in this volume were all delivered on 9 March 1988, during a special interest session entitled Dutch Contributions to Linguistics, which preceded the 1988 Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics. Together these papers offer a clear picture of how linguistics and its various subdisciplines are being practised in the Netherlands today” (p.v). The contributors include Henk Verkuyl, Flor G. Aarts, Bernard Al, Geert Booij, Antonie Cohen, and several others
AIΩN: Annali del Dipartimento di Studi del Mondo Classico e del Mediter-raneo Antico
Sezione Linguistica, 11
Istituto Universitario Orientale
The vol. carries contributions in the field of Indo-European linguistics and philology, organized under 3 headings: “Lettere, aperte, discussioni, proposte”, “Articoli, note, saggi”, and “Bibliografie, recensioni, rassegne”. All contributions are in Italian. Of special interest to HL readers may be Pierluigi Cuzzolin, “Per la storia di un debattito: Il concetto di ‘impersonale’ da [Franz] Miklosich [(1813–1891)] a [Herman] Hirt [(1865–1936)]” (43–59), and Paolo Pocetti, “Per un progetto di bibli-ografia su ‘Etnici e toponimi dell’Italia antica’, decennio 1951–1960” (211–228), plus Addenda to a previous bib. covering the 1961–1980 period (228235)
Markedness Theory: The union of asymmetry and semiosis in language
. (=
Sound and Meaning: The Roman Jakobson Series in Linguistics and Poetics, The inaugural volume
Durham, N.C. & London
Duke Univ. Press
ix, 220
This monograph contains the following chaps.: 1, “The Principles of Jakobsonian Markedness Theory”; 2, “Peirce and Jakobson Revisited: A reconciliation”; 3, “Markedness Theory as Mathematical Principle”; 4, “Myths about Markedness”; and 5, “The Category of Grammatical Gender in Russian. Serbo-Croatian, and Modern Greek”. Bib. (199–210). Index (211–220)
Text and Concordance of Biblioteca Nacional, MS 2147, Compendio de cirugia by Guido Lanfranc of Milan
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
4 Mikrofiches
. [
“The Compendio de cirugía is a fifteenth-century Spanish translation of the Chirurgia Magna by Guido Lanfranc (d.1306?) of Milan […] who was the most gifted student of William of Saliceto (c.1210-C.1277). The latter […] was considered the greatest surgeon of the thirteenth century.” (p. 2) – HJN
Balkansko ezikoznanie: Osnovi problemi na balkanskija ezikov săjuz
Balkan linguistics: Fundamental problems of the Balkan linguistic union
Izd. “Nauka i izkustvo”
Monograph devoted to the Sprachbund question among the languages of the Balkans, divided into the following chaps.: ‘Phonological system’; ‘Lexical system’; ‘Morpho-syntax’, and the conclusion entitled ‘Concerning the status of Balkanisms within the system of the Balkan linguistic union’ (229–240). There is a French résumé, “Linguistique balkanique: Problèmes fondamentaux de l’union linguistique balkanique” (241–245), followed by an index of terms (246–247) and a detailed bib. of Slavic (248–258) and Western scholarship (258–273). Cf. also the author’s article, “Quelques remarques sur les types convergents”, Diachronica 7:1.1–8 (1990), for further information
Paradigmen der Moderne
. (=
Viennese Heritage /Wiener Erbe, 3
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
xxiii, 287
The vol. brings together 11 essays devoted to literary, philosophical, scientific, and a variety of other intellectual issues (including the debate between Freud and his former student Alfred Adler) in Vienna at the turn of the 20th century and until the end of the First World War. No index
Locality Constraints on WH-Constructions in Bernese and Other Germanic Languages
. (=
Arbeitspapier, 27
Institut für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Bern
[iv], 75
Text and Concordances of the « Libro de los fueros de Castiella », MS. 431, Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
2 Mikrofiches
. [
“the earliest extant compilation of ‘territorial’ Castilian law” (p. 1). Das transkribierte Manuskript entstammt dem 14. Jhdt. – HJN
Nonsentential Constituents: A theory of grammatical structure and pragmatic interpretation
. (=
Pragmatics & Beyond; New Series, 2
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
xx, 251
This book has the following chapters: 1, “Interacting Models in a Theory of Nonsentential Constituents”; 2, “Motivating a Nonsentential Constituent Structure Analysis”; 3, “A Competence Model of the Grammar of Nonsentential Constituent Structures”; 4, “The Representation of Linguistic Context in the Pragmatic Model”, and 5, “The Representation of Conversational Context in the Pragmatic Model”. “References” (233–247). “Index of Topics” (249–250) and “Index of Names” (p. 250)
. (=
Linguistica Extranea; Studia, 20
Ann Arbor
Karoma Publishers
[viii], 276
This book contains the following chaps.: 1, “Introduction”; 2, “The Austronesian component”; 3, “Sources”; 4, “Approach”; 5, “Morpheme shapes (syllables)”; 6, “Japanese vocalic reflexes”; 7, “Japanese consonant reflexes”; 8, “Suprasegmentals”; 9, “Morphological features”; 10, “Lexical features”; 11, “Proto-Austronesian-Japanese”, and 12, “Discussion”. “Glossary” (161–268). “References” (269276). No index
Syntactic Phrase Structure Phenomena
. (=
Linguistik aktuell/Linguistics Today, 6
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
ix, 187
This volume brings together the following papers: Gisbert Fanselow, “Coherent Infifitive in German: Restructuring vs. IP-Complementation”; Christa Bhatt, “Parallels in the Syntactic Realization of the Arguments of Verbs and Their Nom-inalizations”; Susan Olsen, “AGR[eement] in the German Noun Phrase”; Maarten Klein, “Subjacency Effects Without Movement: The case of pronominal adverbs in Dutch”; Nobert Rüffer, “Theta-Marking, Barriers and Verb-Second in German”; Werner Abraham, “Verbal Substantives in German”; Stefanie Schachtl, “Morphological Case and Abstract Case: Evidence from the German Genitive Construction”; Sascha Felix, “Finite Infinitives in Modern Greek”; Elisabeth Löbel, “Q as a Functional Category”, and Hans Thilo Tappe, “A Note on Split Topicalization in German”. “References” (181–187). No index
Bibliographie Linguistique de l’Année 1988 et complément des années précédentes
Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 1988 […]
Ed. by
Mark Janse & Sijmen Tol
Kluwer Academic Publishers
lxxvi, 1,089
This in the history of the BL largest volume – in terms of page size – carries altogether 18,240 entries. The History of Linguistics (main title “Histoire de la linguistique et données biographiques”) has been given particular attention in that publications in this field are now organized under the following separate headings: 2.0, “General / Généralités”; 2.1 “Western Traditions”; 2.1.1 “Antiquity”; 2.1.2 “Middle Ages”; 2.2.3 “Renaissance”; 2.2.4 “Seventeenth Century”; 2.2.5 “Eighteenth Century”; 2.2.6 “Nineteenth Century”; 2.2.7 “Twentieth Century”, followed by 2.2 “Non-Western Traditions”, incl. the Indian and Arabic traditions, and followed by the subsection “Biographical Data”. The entire HoL portion of the BL now covers some 40 pages (46–85). Another special feature of the HoL section is that the editors have added life-dates of authors in the many instances that these are not given in the titles (as is common in obituaries)
Language & Species
Chicago & London
Univ. of Chicago Press
x, 297
The work, which argues “that the development of language was not an accident of evolution, but rather an inevitable result of evolutionary processes” (taken from text of inside cover flap) and in which the “influence of Noam Chomsky, long resisted, will be obvious” (Preface, p.x), is divided into the following chaps.: 1, “The continuity paradox”; 2, “Language as representation: The atlas”; 3, “Language as representation: The intineries”; 4, “The origins of representational systems”; 5, “The fossils of language”; 6, “The world of the protolanguage”; 7, “From protolanguage to language”; 8, “Mind, consciousness, and knowledge”, and 9, “The nature of species”. According to the author language “is a feature of our species bio-logy written into the genetic code. Its more superficial aspects – […] – must be learned, but that part which enables us to link words meaningfully together grows in us as naturally as do our physical powers” (Epilogue, p. 256). The back matter consists of endnotes (259–272), a bib. (273–290), and an index (291–297)
Relational Grammar
. (=
Croom Helm Linguistic Theory Guides, [unnumbered]
London & New York
xiv, 198
The book has the following chaps.: 1, “Outline”; 2, “Some clause-internal revaluations”; 3, “Reflexives and impersonals”; 4, “Multinode networks”; 5, “Clause”; 6, “Relations and strata”; 7, “Describing different nuclear types”; and 8, “Overview”. Bib. (180–191). Indices of authors (192–193), of languages (194–195), and of subjects (196–198)
The Arabic Linguistic Tradition
. (=
Arabic Thought and Culture, [unnumbered]
London & New York
x, 163
This joint monograph has the following chaps.: 1, “General introduction”; 2, “Sībawayhi’s Kitāb: An enunciative approach to syntax”; 3, “The canonical theory of grammar: Syntax (nahw)”; 4, “The canonical theory of grammar: Morphology, phonology, and phonetics (tasīf)”; 5, “Major trends in the study of texts”; and 6, “Rhetoric and grammatical semantics”; 7, “Metrics”. Bib. (152–158). “Index rerum” (159–161) and “Index nominum” (162–163)
De Correspondentie in het Archief-Pos: Een eerste inventarisatie
. (=
Cahiers voor Taalkunde, 2
Stichting Neerlan-distiek V[rije] U[niversiteit van Amsterdam]
An inventory of the letters of the Dutch language philosopher Henrik Josephus Pos (1898–1955), an early exponent of structuralism. List of correspondents (10–34). – Cf. also the report by Saskia Daalder, “H. J. Pos Archives”, in Henry Sweet Society Newsletter No. 15 (Nov. 1990), pp. 26–27
Indice y extractos del Archivo de Protocolos de Puebla de los Angeles, México (1538–1556)
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
4 Mikrofiches
. [
Namentlich für den Historiker wertvolle Materialien zur frühen Geschichte Mexikos. Die in relevanten Passagen transkribierten Urkunden sind durch Namensindices erschlossen. – HJN
The Collected Works of Edward Sapir
American Indian Languages
Berlin & New York
Mouton de Gruyter
This first published volume in the collection of Sapir’s works is devoted to American Indian languages; it is divided into the following sections: I, “Typology and Classification”; II, “Phonetic Orthography”, and III, “Hokan Languages”; 4, “Uto-Aztecan Languages”, and 5, “Algonkian and Ritwan” Section I contains articles, reviews, lecture notes, and other materials such as “The Problem of Noun In-corporation in American Indian Languages” (1911). Section II contains “Report of the Committee on Phonetic Tran-sciption of Indian Languages” (with Franz Boas et al., 1916)” and “Some Orthographic Recommendations” (with others, 1934). Section III reproduces articles, reviews, and notes such as “Characteristic Traits of the Yana Language of California” (1909). Section IV contains “Some Fundamental Characteristics of the Ute Language” (1910) and “Southern Paiute and Nahuatl: A study in Uto-Aztekan (1913, 1914–1919). Section 5 contains “Algonkin p and s in Cheyenne” (1913) and other articles, reviews, and discussion notes. “Phonetic Key” (563–571). “References” (573–584). No index
Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-age Grec et Latin
Publiés par le directeur de l’Institut
Institut du Moyen-âge grec et latin, Univ. de Copenhague
Erik Paludan, Publisher, Copenhagen
The large vol. contains a dozen contributions, some of them approaching monograph length, by Roberto Lambertini, Andrea Tabarroni, Alain de Libera, Sten Ebbesen, Irène Rosier, Jørgen Raasted, Lars Boje Mortensen, Karsten Friis-Jensen, and Anders Leegaard Knudsen. Among the papers are: “Un sophisme grammatical modiste de maître Gauthier d’Ail-ly” by Rosier; “Another look at the so-called 3rd hand in the Angers fragment of Saxo Grammaticus” by Leegaard Knudsen, and “‘Incipit’ and ‘desinit’ in a thirteenth-century sophismata-collection” by Tabarroni
Subordination and Other Topics in Latin: Proceedings of the Third Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, 1–5 April 1985
. (=
Studies in Language Companion Series, 17
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
ix, 691
The volume is divided into seven parts: 1, “Subordination”; 2, “Cases and prepositions”; 3, “Moods, tenses and voices of the verb”; 4, “Nominal forms of the verb”; 5, “Anaphors and pronouns”; 6, “Word order, theme and rheme, negation, style”, and 7, “Morphology and word formation”. Thirty-two papers such as the following are included: L. Nadjo, “Remarques sur la composition nominale en latin”; René Amacker, “Sur l’ordre des termes dans la proposition latine”; A. Bertocchi, “The Role of Antecedents of Latin Anaphors”; R. Coleman, “The Rise and Fall of Absolute Constructions: A Latin case history”; M. Lavency, “Pour une description syntaxique de la phrase latine: compléments conjoints et compléments adjoints”; H. Fugier, “Quod, quia, quoniam et leurs effets textuels chez Cicéron”, and many others. “Author Index” (681–691)
The Text and Concordances of Biblioteca Nacional MS 10.211, Libro de Palladio
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
3 Mikrofiches
. [
Edition und Wortformenverzeichnis einer zwischen dem 14. und 16. Jhdt. angefertigten kastilischen Übersetzung des (in demselben Zeitraum auch ins Italienische, Englische, Katalanische und Deutsche übertragenen) landwirschaft-lichen Werks des Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus Palladius (fl. 1.Hälfte des 5. Jhdt.). – HJN
Linguistic Stucture in Language Processing
. (=
Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics, [unnumbered]
Kluwer Academic Publishers
viii, 413
This volume brings together ten papers such as: Rebecca Treiman, “The Internal Structure of the Syllable”; Mark S. Seidenberg, “Reading Complex Words”, and Alan Garnham, “Integrating Information in Text Comprehension: The Interpretation of Anaphoric Noun Phrases”. “Index of Names” (401–406) and “Index of Subjects” (407–413)
Regole per la lingua maltese
The “nobile, pio, Cavalier Francese Thezan” and his Regole per la lingua maltese
A long lost manuscript recovered by A. C.
Ministry of Education
Außer 4 vorangestellten, informativen Kurzkommentaren von Kollegen enthält das Bändchen eine Präsentation [mit vielen Facsimiles] der wiederentdeckten Regole, derer ersten, aus dem 18. Jh. stammenden maltesischen ‘Grammatik’ (de facto sind nur die partes orationis behandelt) mit dem zugehörigen ital.-malt. Lexikon (im Ms. 386 pp. im Format 14.5 x 10.5 cm.) Eine detaillierte Studie steht noch aus, doch erscheint sie angesichts der vorgelegten Materialien sowohl wissenschaftsgeschichtlich als auch sprachge-schichtlich (für das Italienische und Maltesische) vielversprechend. – HJN
Properties, Types and Meaning
Foundational Issues
. (=
Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy (formerly Syntheses Language Library), 38
Kluwer Academic Publishers
viii, 258
This volme brings together the following articles: Jeroen Groenendijk & Martin Stockhof, “Type-Shifting Rules and the Semantics of Interrogatives”; David Dowty, “On the Semantic Content of the Notion of Thematic Role’”; Gennaro Chierchia, “Structured Meanings, Thematic Roles and Control”; Gregory Carlson, “On the Semantic Composition of English Genetic Sentences”; Lenhart Schubert & Francis J. Pelletier, “Generically Speaking, or, Using discourse representation theory to interpret genetics”, and Henk Zeevat, “Realism and Definiteness”. “Index of Names” (299–302) and “Index of Subjects” (303–258)
Properties, Types and Meaning
Semantic Issues
. (=
Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy (formerly Syntheses Language Library), 39
Kluwer Academic Publishers
viii, 307
This vol. brings together seven papers with an introdution by the editors. The papers included are as follows: Peter Aczel, “Algebraic Semantics for Intensional Logics, I”; Richmond Thomason, “Motivating Ramified Type Theory”; Raymond Turner, “Two Issues in the Foundations of Semantic Theory”; Nicholas Asher & Hans Kamp, “Self-Reference, Attitudes and Paradox”; Michael Jubien, “On Properties and Property Theory”; George Bealer, “Fine-Grained Type-Change and Syntactic Recognition”, and Johan van Benthem, “Semantic Type-Change and Syntactic Recognition”. “Index of Names” (251–253) and “Index of Subjects” (254–258)
Texto y Concordancias del « Cancionero Castellano de Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, ms. Esp. 313
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
3 Microfiches
. [
Um 1470, wohl im spanisch-katalanischen Grenzraum entstandene Kompilation verschiedenster Dichter, darunter namentlich Iñigo López de Mendoza (= Marqués de Santillana), mit Glossen zu seinem Werk. – HJN
The Major Languages of South Asia, The Middle East and Africa
The Major Languages, [unnumbered]
xi, 315
The book is divided into five parts according to language families: 1, “Indo-Aryan Languages”; 2, “Iranian Languages”; 3, “Afro-asiatic Languages”; 4, “Tamil and the Dravidian Languages”; and 5, “Niger-Kordofanian Languages”. The contributors include Douglas Pulleyblank, Robert Hetzron, George Cardona, and many others. “Language Index” (309315). – Cf. the comments on the two previously published paperback vols. in HL XVII: 1/2.249–250 (1990)
The Major Languages of Eastern Europe
The Major Languages, [unnumbered]
xii, 255
The book is divided into three parts according to language families: 1, “Indo-European Languages”; 2, “Uralic Languages”; and 3, “Turkish and the Turkic Languages”. The contributors include Michael Branch, Robert Au-sterlitz, Brian D. Joseph, and several others. “Language Index” (253–255)
Text and Discourse Connectedness: Proceedings of the Conference on Connexity and Coherence, Urbino, July 16–21, 1984
. (=
Studies in Language Companion Series, 16
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
xxiv, 584
The book contains the proceedins of the Conference on Connexity and Coherence held at the Centro Internationale di Semiotica e Linguistica in Urbino, Italy, 16–21 July 1984. Thirty-five papers are included under the following headings: “Part I. Particular carriers of connectedness”, “Part II. Text-type specific aspects of connectedness”, and “Part III. General theoretical and methodological questions of research in connectedness”. Contributors include Irena Bellert, Sophie Fisher, Roland Harweg, Luciano Vitacolonna, Heinz Josef Weber, and many others. “Index of Names” (577–584)
Fuero de Burgos. European MS 245, Philadelphia Free Library
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
2 Mikrofiches
. [
“The Fuero Real is a model municipal code, compiled under the aegis of Alfonso X the Learned, King of Castile and Leon (1252–1284), completed in 1255, and granted to numerous Castilian towns beginning in 1256” (p. 2). Das Begleitheft enthält eine “Introduction”, “Notes” und “References” (pp. 8–10). – HJN
Text and Concordance of the « Ordenanzas Reales », 1–1338, Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
6 Mikrofiches
. [
Autor der hier vorgelegten Gesetzesammlung ist Alfonso Díaz de Montalvo (1405–1499). Sie wurde zum erstenmal 1484 publiziert. – HJN
Papers from the Twenty-First Algonquian Conference
Ottawa, Ont.
Carleton Univ
. [
to be ordered through the Dept. of Linguistics there], vii, 395 pp. [The vol. contains 26 of the 40 papers given at the meeting held in St. John’s, Newfoundland, 27–29 Oct. 1989. (Those not included are listed in the Introd., pp.v–vi.) A number of the contributions deal with non-linguistuic subjects such as history, education, ethnography, and the like. Those which are more likely to interest HL readers include: “Frank Speck [(1881–1950), a student of Boas and a friend of Edward Sapir] and the Newfoundland Micmac” by Gerald Penney (295–302); “The View from the Other Side of the Frontier: East Cree historical notions” by Richard D. Preston (313–328), and “Les relations entre indiens et inuit dans l’est de la Baie d’Hudson (1800–1840)” by François Trudel (356–369). No index
The Beginnings of Nietzsche’s Theory of Language
. (=
Monographien und Texte zur Nietzsche-Forschung, 19
Berlin & New York
Walter de Gruyter
xxiv, 314
This monograph, contains, besides an introduction, the following chaps.: 1, “Eduard von Hartmann and the Unconscious”; 2, “Schopenhauer”; 3, “Kant”; 4, “Nietzsche: ‘The deepest philosophical knowledge lies already prepared in language’”; 5, “Schopenhauer and Hartmann: Will, Character, Instinct”; 6, “Lange’s History of Materialism”; 7, “‘On Schopenhauer’”; 8, “‘On Teleology’ or ‘Concerning the Concept of the Organic Since Kant’”; 9, “Nietzsche and Hartmann: Unconscious Nature of Language”; 10, “Hartmann’s Worldview of the Unconscious”; 11, “Nietzsche’s Worldview in Anschauung”; 12, “Nietzsche and Schopenhauer”; 13, “Reconciliation of Materialism and Idealism”, and 14, “Nietzsche’s Notes for a Course on ‘Rhetoric’ and ‘On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense’”. “Index of Subjects” (306–311) and “Index of Names” (p. 312)
Studies in Typology and Diachrony
. (=
Typological Studies in Language, 20
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
Johm Benjamins
xxxiii, 243
This volume brings together ten papers presented to Joseph H. Greenberg on his 75th birthday. Among the papers here included are the following: Joan L. Bybee, William Paliuca & Revere D. Perkins, “On the asymmetries in the affixation of grammatical material”; Bernard Comrie & Stephen Matthews, “Prolegomena to a typology of Tough Movement”; Charles A. Ferguson, “From esses to aitches: Identifying pathways of diachronic change”, and Paul J. Hopper, “Where do words come from?”. No index
Text and Concordance of « Lilio de medicina » [of] Bernardo de Gordonio
Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
6 Mikrofiches
. [
Bernard de Gordon (fl. 1283–1308), Medizinprofessor in Montpellier, wird von Chaucer in den Canterbury Tales in einem Atemzug mit Galen, Hipocrates, Avicenna u.a. genannt. Sein Lilium medicine (1303–1305) wurde im 14. Jh. ins Französische, Deutsche, Hebräische (und Okzitanische?) und im 15. Jh. ins Spanische und Irische übersetzt. Der Text der Mikrofiche-Edition folgt einer Inkunabel von 1495. Ihr schließt sich ein vollständiges Wortformenverzeichnis an. – HJN
Die romanischen Sprachen und die Kirchen: Romanistisches Kolloquium III
. (=
Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, 343
Gunter Narr Verlag
xiii, 213
The vol. brings together 11 papers first presented at a colloquium held at the Univ. of Bamberg devoted to the relationship between Christian thinking and the languages and lexicon of Romance languages. They are organized under three main headings: I, “Der Sprachgebrauch der Bibel und die romanischen Sprachen” (contributors: Johannes Kramer, Wolfgang Schweickard, Christian Schmitt); II, “Religiöse Sprache in romanischen Texten” (contributors: Andrea Schuster, Günter Holthus, Karl-Ludwig Müller), and III, “Die Bedeutung der Religion für die Konstituierung romanischer Kleinsprachen” (contributors: Otto Gsell, Wolfgang Dahmen, †Heinrich Kuen, Brigitte Schlieben-Lange, Annegret Bollé. Indices of lexical items (201–209) and of subjects (210–213)
Robert A. Hall, Jr. and American Structuralism
. (=
Edward Sapir Monograph Series in Language, Culture, and Cognition, 15
Lake Bluff, Ill.
Jupiter Press
vii, 92
This monograph on Hall (b.1911) has, apart from an introduction and a conclusion, the following main chaps.: “The roots and interdisciplinary ties of American structuralism: Hall’s ‘epist-emological’ thoughts”; “The form and content of American structural linguistics: Hall’s ‘analytical’ perspective”, and “The evolution of American structuralism: Hall’s ‘critical’ acuity”. The book is rounded off by a “Chronological list of [Hall’s] publications” (59–88) and a list of ‘other references’
The Text and Concordance of Biblio-teca Universitaria, Salamanca, MS 2262, Recetas
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
2 Mikrofiches
. [
Ms. des 15. Jhdt. Sehr magere Einleitung. – HJN
Charles S. Peirce: An intellectual biography
Translated from French and introduced by
Susan Petrilli
. (=
Foundations of Semiotics, 14
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
xxvii, 91
The book has the following chaps.: 1, “Leaving the Cave (1851–1870)”; 2, “The Eclipse of the Sun (1870–1887)”; 3, “The Sun Set Free (1887–1914)”, and “Chronology” (79–83). Bib. (85–86). Index (87–91)
Iter Babelicum: Studien zur Historiographe der Linguistik, 1600–1800
Nodus Publikationen
Despite the German (sub)title, the bulk of the contributions in this vol. is written in other languages: 4 in English, 3 in French, and only 3 in German. The contributors are (apart from the editors who have one paper each to their credit): Franco Lo Piparo, Lia Formigari, Antonio Pennisi, Sylvain Auroux, Claudio Marazzini, Raffaele Simone, Jürgen Trabant, and Ulrich Ricken. Tullio De Mauro supplied a “Nachwort”, translated into German by Sabine Kösters. From the contents: “Two linguistic paradigms compared [the ‘biblical-Christian’ and the ‘ Aristotelian-Vichian’]” by Lo Piparo; “La tradition française d’analyse linguistique, 1660 [i.e., la Grammaire de Port-Royal]-1822 [i.e., the year of Jean-François Champollion’s (17901832) decipherment of the Egyptian hieroglyphs]’ by Auroux; “Linguistique vaticane: Les missionaires et le sanskrit à Rome et en Italie à la fin du XVIIIe siècle” by Marazzini, and “Wilhelm von Humboldt, Jacob Grimm und das Problem des Sprachursprungs” by Ricken. The vol. is rounded off by a use-full “Index nominum”, which supplies biographical dates (165–171)
North American Contributions to the History of Linguistics
. (=
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 58
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins Publ. Co.
xi, 235
This vol. reprints the papers published in HL XVII: 1/2 (1990), which constitute revised versions of presentations made in 1989 at meetings of the North American Association for the History of the Language Sciences (NAAHoLS). The contributions by John E. Joseph, Daniel J. Taylor, W. Keith Percival, Douglas A. Kibbee, Francis P. Dinneen, Joseph L. Subbiondo, Talbot J. Taylor, Konrad Koerner, Regna Darnell, Julie T. Andresen, Frederick J. Newmeyer, Roger Shuy, and Solomon I. Sara deal with a variety of subjects and periods, from antiquity to the present. A detailed index of authors rounds off the volume (231–235)
On the Medieval Theory of Signs
. (=
Foundations of Semiotics, 21
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
ix, 224
This vol. brings together the following papers: U. Eco, R. Lambertini, C. Marmo & A. Tabarroni, “On animal language in the medieval classification of signs”; Umberto Eco, “Denotation”; Roberto Pellerey, “Thomas Aquinas: Natural semiotics and the epistemological process”; Roberto Lambertini, “Sicut tabernarius vinum significat per cir-culum: Directions in contemporary interpretations of the Modistae”; Costantino Marmo, “Ontology and semantics in the logic of Duns Scotus”, and Andrea Tabarroni, “Mental signs and the theory of representation in Ockham”
Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics I
. (=
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 63
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
xiii, 293
This book is divided into four parts: I, “Overview”; II, “Grammatical Perspectives”; III, “Textual Analysis Perspectives”, and IV, “Psy-cholinguistic Perspectives”. The contributors include, besides the editor herself, Charles A. Ferguson, Mohamad Z. Abd-Rabbo, Basim Majdi, John Eisele, and others. “Indes of Subjects” (291–293)
Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics II
. (=
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 72
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
xiv, 330
This book is divided into three parts: I, “Morphological and Phonological Perspectives”; II, “Semantic Perspectives”; and III, “Sociolinguistic Perspectives”. The vol. includes contributions by John McCarthy & Alan Prince, John Moore, C. Douglas Johnson, Mahasen H. Abu-Mansour, and others. “Index of Subjects” (327–330)
Die Junggrammatiker: Ein Problem für die Sprachwissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung
WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag
address: Postfach 4005, D-5500 Trier, Germany
[xiii], 413
This former doctoral dissertation (thesis director: Wilfried Kürschner) takes a fresh look at the Neogrammarians, in particular what the author identifies as the ‘Kerngruppe der junggrammatischen Richtung’, among which she counts Hermann Paul, Wilhelm Braune, Eduard Sievers (all three Germanicists) and Hermann Osthoff, Karl Brugmann, and Berthold Delbrück (all Indo-Euro-peanists). The concluding chapter addresses the question whether there has indeed been a ‘junggrammatische Revolution’, which she author – with reference to Kuhn’s morphology of scientific revolutions – answers in the negative. A welcome feature of the book is the publication, in an appendix (320/324–390), of correspondence between the Neogrammarians as well as between them and their teachers, notably Wilhelm Scherer (1841–1886) and Friedrich Zarncke (1825–1891). Indices of authors (395–404) and of subjects (405–413). – Cf. Paul B. Salmon’s brief review in Henry Sweet Society Newsletter No. 15 (Nov. 1990), pp. 19–20. A detailed review is scheduled in appear in HL in the course of 1991
The Language of Psychotherapy
. (=
Foundations of Semiotics, 11
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
xvii, 336
The book consists of twenty-five (reprinted) papers by the author plus a “Foreword” by Achim Eschbach. It includes papers such as the following: “The extension of basic scientific laws to psychoanalysis and to psychology” (Leopold Bellak and Rudolf Ekstein), “Metapsychology and the language of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy”, and “Further thoughts concerning the nature of the interpretive process”
Authorizing Words: Speech, writing, and print in the English Renaissance
Ithaca & London
Cornell Univ. Press
xi, 232
The book has the following chaps.: 1, “Scholastic Logic and Grammar: The inescapability of speech”; 2, “The Humanists: The primacy of speech”; 3, “Elyot, Ascham, Jonson, and the frailty of speech”; 4, “Space and Text-uality: Writing and Speech in the Idea of the Text”; 5, “The Space of the Hieroglyph: George Herbert and Francis Bacon”; 6, “Print and Manuscript: Bacon’s Early Career and the Occasions of Writing”, and 7, “The Authority of Democritus Junior”. Index (225–232)
Texto y Concordancias de « De las melecinas. » Ms. 1743, Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
2 Mikrofiches
. [
Ms. des 15. Jhdt. – HJN
with the assistance of
Michelangelo Ballucchi & Pietro U. Dini
assistant editors
, and
Ugo Pincelli & Paola Ferrari
computer programmers
Renaissance Linguistics Archive, 1350–1700: A third printout from the secondary sources data-base
Istituto di Studi Rinascimentali
xiv, 315
This is the third volume produced by the above group with the collaboration of a variety of scholars throughout Europe and the several learned societies and agencies, notably in Britain and France – cf. HL XV:3 493 (1988) and XVI:3.447 (1989) for an announcement of the first (ed. by Mirko Tavoni) and second (ed. by Pierre Lardet & Mirko Tavoni) printouts – lists 1,000 entries plus brief annotations of articles dealing with Renaissance linguistics in one form or another (27–236). The front matter lists collaborators and the source material; the back matter contains the various indices: authors discussed (frequently with life-dates supplied), key terms (277–296), and countries & localities (297–313)
Linguistic Theory in Second Language Acquisition
. (=
Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics, [unnumbered]
Kluwer Academic Publishers
xiii, 443
The volumes is divided into the following parts: 1, “Theoretical and Historical Context for Second Language Acquisition”; 2, “Parameters”; 3, “Markedness in Second Language Acquisition”; 4, “Additional Evidence for Universal Grammar”; 5, “Complementary Perspectives”; and 6, “Universal Grammar from a Traditional Perspective”. The contributors include Jean Aitchison, Fred Eckman, Suzanne Flynn, Susan Gass, Kenneth Hale, and many others. “Index of Names” (433–437) and “Index of Subjects” (438443)
L’esperienza e il segno: La filosofia del linguaggio tra Illuminismo e Restauratione
Editori Riuniti
The vol. brings together 10 essays first published between 1973 and 1989, several of them translated into Italian for the first time, including “Théories du langage et théories du pouvoir, 1800–1848”, first published in HL 12.63–83 (1985). They all deal with questions of language philosophy within a variety of facets, including the origin of language debates in the 18th century (Maupertuis, Tur-got, Maine de Biran as well as Herder and Monboddo), language and ideology, law, politics, society and communication. From the contents: 1, “Per una storia naturale dell’esperienza”; 2, “La « Way of Ideas » e il linguaggio morale”; 3, “Semiotica e filosofia’; 4, “Teorie del segno e restaurazione me-tafisica”; […]; 6, “Filosofia linguistica ed edificazione borghese in Italia”; 7, “Linguaggio e pedagogia civile in Italia tra Rivoluzione e Restaurazone”; […] 10, “La nascita dell’idealismo in linguistica”. The back matter consists of a comprehensive bib. (253–272) and indices of names (273–278) and of subjects (279–280)
Lingua tradizione rivela-zione: Le Chiese e la comunicazione sociale
. (=
Linguaggi: Teoria e storia della teoria, 3
Casale Monferrato
Marietti Università, vii
The vol. brings together 14 studies devoted to the impact of the Church on linguistic matters, including the instruction of language(s), over the centuries, from the medieval period to the present century. The many contributions from non-Italian scholars have been translated into Italian; they include: Sean 0 Mathúna (‘Second-language teaching in the first Jesuit colleges, 1548 – 1599’); Vivian G. Salmon (‘Linguistic politics of the Church in 17th-century England’); Utz Maas (‘Linguistic politics in elementary instruction: Reformation and Counter-Reformation in Northern Germany’), and various others. Contributors from Italy include Claudio Marazzni, Donatella Di Cesare, Mari d’Agostino, and Massimo Prampolini. One regrets the absence of an index
« LIMPIA, FIJA Y DA ESPLENDOR » : La Real Academia Española ante el uso de la lengua (1713–1973)
Historiografia de la Lingüistica Española; Clásicos españoles, [unnumbered]
Sociedad General Española de Libreria
This monograph, translated from the German, was originally presented as doctoral dissertation (thesis supervisor: Richard Baum) at the Technische Hochschule Aachen in 1982. It is devoted to the treatment of linguistic usage by the Spanish Academy from its begin-ings to 1973, the year of the publication of the Esbozo de una Nueva Gram-mática de la Lengua Española (Madrid: Espasa-Calpe) by the Comisión de Gramática. It has two main parts: “El programa de cuidada de la lengua de la Real Academia Española” (19–93) and “El desarrollo de la Gramática de la Academia como instrumento para el cuidado de la lengua” (95–182). The back matter consists of a very detailed, classified bib. of primary and secondary sources (187–195 and 196–210, respectively) and a general index (213219)
The Text and Concordance of Biblioteca Nacional Manuscript 4987. Tratado Jurídico
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
2 Mikrofiches
. [
Aljamiado-Text, mit detaillierten Angaben zur religiösen Praxis eines Moslem. Er stammt wohl aus Aragón und ist auf die Mitte des 16. Jhdt. zu datieren. – HJN
Texto y Concordancias del « Exemplario contra los engaños y peligros del mundo » (1493), [de] Juan de Capua. I-1994, Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
2 Mikrofiches
. [
Auch wenn es in der der knappen, über die Textgeschichte (vom Pañchatantra über Persien, Arabien etc.) informierenden Einleitung heißt: “El presente texto ha sido transcrito a partir de una reproducción en fotocopia del manuscrito […]”, so basiert er doch auf einer gedruckten Ausgabe von 1493! – HJN
G.A.R.S. (= Groupe Aixois de Recherches en Syntaxe)
Recherches sur les français parlé
Publications de l’Univ. de Provence
Under the rubric of ‘Histoire des théories linguistique’, the book prints a paper by Mylène Blasco-Couturier, “Les constructions caractérisées par la réduplication aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles” (9–18), esp. in the work of Meigret, Vaugelas, Beauzée, and Condillac
Diachronic Semantics
. (=
Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 5
Éd. de l’Univ. de Bruxelles
Following a brief Introd. by the ed., the vol. prints 7 papers by Belgian scholars on a variety of topics in semantic research, such as Xavier Dekeyser’s on the prepositions with, mid and against in OE and ME or Ludo Melis’ on pronominal verbs in Old and Modern French. For HL readers Piet Desmet’s on “The Role of Semantics in the Development of Historical Linguistics in France” – in fact a celebration of Michel Bréal’s (1832–1915) position in this development – may be of interest
Text and Concordances of Kungliga Biblioteket, Stockholm MS D 1272a: Lucas de Tuy, obra sacada de las cronicas de Sant Isidoro, arcebispo de Sevilla
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
4 Mikrofiches
. [
Erste Ausgabe der im Stockholmer Codex D 1272a enthaltenen aragonesischen Übersetzung des Chronicon Mundi von Lucas de Tuy und der aragonesischen Übersetzung des Chronicon von Isidor von Sevilla mit Wortformenindices. – HJN
Reflections on Chomsky
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Basil Blackwell
xii, 271
The volume – produced to honour Noam Chomsky on the occasion of his 60th birthday on 7 Dec. 1988 – prints altogether twelve articles such as: Jerry A. Fodor, “Why Should the Mind be Modular?”; Norbert Hornstein, “Meaning and the Mental: The problem of semantics after Chomsky”, and Jaakko Hintikka, “Logical Form and Linguistic Theory”. The volume is rounded off with a “Selected Bibliography of Works by Noam Chomsky” (265–267), which however includes some 30 items only, and an “Index” (269–271). – A review is to appear in one of the next issues of HL
Scrambling and Barriers
. (=
Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today, 5
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
vi, 442
The vol. brings together 14 studies by German and foreign linguists; they are arranged under the following major headings: “Scrambling and Configurationality”; “Scrambling and the Structure of Infinitives”, “Scrambling and Ergativity”, and “Barriers and Domains”. They are preceded by a survey article provided the editors, “Scrambling Theories” (3–37). Conributors include Hubert Haider, Guglielmo Cinque, Peter Staudacher, and Jindrich Toman. No index
Von der Fügung Teutscher Stammwörter: Die Wortbildung in J. G. Schottelius’ ‘Ausführlicher Arbeit von der Teutschen Haubt-Sprache’
. (=
Documenta Lingüistica: Deutsche Grammatiken des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts, 2
Hildesheim-Zürich-New York
Georg Olms Verlag
[viii], 210
This 1987 Univ. of Marburg dissertation (thesis director: Monika Rössing-Hager) constitutes a monographic study of the treatment of morphological constructions of German in Justus Georg Schottelius’ (1612–1676) influential magnum opus, the 1,466-page Ausführliche Arbeit von der Teutschen HaubtSprache, which first appeared in Braunschweig in 1663 (2nd unchanged ed., 1676). The study has 4 main parts of unequal length; following an introd. (1–8), there is an account of life & work of Schottelius (1.), a detailed treatment of the central subject of the thesis (2.), a “Versuch eines Überblicks über die Entwicklung der Wortbildungslehre seit der Antike” (117–155 = Chapter 3.), and, finally, “Zur Interpende[n]z zwischen wortbil-dungsbezogenen Fragestellungen und anderen zeitgenössisch aktuellen Aspekten der Sprachbehandlung” (4.). Endnotes (171–196), primary (197–201) and secondary sources (202–210). No index
Modern Language Maverick
Ithaca, N.Y.
iii, 102
This account of modern language teaching in the United States, largely based on the author’s personal experiences since the late 1930s, has the following sections: 1, “Pre-Linguistics”; 2, “The War Years”; 3, “Adapting the ILP to Civilian Use”; 4, “Applying Our Know-How Abroad”; 5, “The ‘Palmy Days’ of the Cornell D.M.L.”; 6, “More Overseas Work”, and 7, “The D.M.L.L.”. “Index” (98–102)
Zu den Kausativkonstruktionen im Deutschen und im Japanischen: Eine kontrastive Untersuchung am Beispiel der Lassen- und der Sase-Konstruktionen
. (=
Arbeitspapier, 26
Institut für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Bern
[iv], 84
Rev. version of a paper given at the Univ of Bern in Jan. 1989
Anaphora in Celtic and Universal Grammar
. (=
Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, [unnumbered]
Kluwer Academic Publishers
xi, 284
The book has the following chaps: 1, “Introduction”; 2, “Celtic Agreement, the Avoid Pronoun Principle, and Binding Theory”; 3, “Raising and Pas-sivization in Breton: An argument for anaphoric traces”; 4, “PRO-INFL and Reduced Structures”; 5, “Government and the Connection between Relative Pronouns, Complementizers and Subjacency”, and 6, “The Interaction of Government Theory with Synthetic Agreement”. The back matter consists of references (264–270) and indices of languages (271–272), of names (273277), and of subjects (278–284)
LiteracyIIlliteracy in the World: A bibliography
. (=
Bibliographies and Indexes in Education, 6
New York-Westport, Connecticut-London
Greenwood Press
xv, 201
This bib. is divided into three parts: 1, “International Research”; 2, “Illiteracy and UNESCO”, and 3, “Literacy in the Third World”. The first part, “International Research”, is further divided into five parts under the following headings: 1, “Cross-Cultural Research”; 2, “Cross-National Research”; 3, “Literacy in the World”; 4, “World Regional Research”, and 5, “National Research”. Moreover, the regional research is classified into 9 parts by geographical regions, and the national research is classified by 127 countries. “Author Index” (178–197); “Subject Index” (198–201)
Understanding the Historiography of Linguistics Problems and Projects, Symposium at Essen, 23–25 Novermber 1989
Nodus Publikationen
The vol. brings together papers from the conference held at the University of Essen (Germany) between 2325 November 1989. It includes papers, in English and/or in German, such as the following: Werner Hüllen, “Einleitung / Introduction”; Robert H. Robins, “Constraints and intentions in the organization of the history of linguistics”; Pierre Swiggers, “Reflections on (models for) linguistic historiography”; Peter Schmitter, “Historiographie und Metahistoriographie”; Klaus D. Dutz, “Methodologische Probleme in der Rekonstruktion sprachwissenschaftlichen Wissens: Geschichte und Geschichten”; Vivian A. Law, “The history of morphology: Expression of a change in consciousness”; Hans-Josef Niederehe, “Zum Verhältnis von Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Sprachgeschichte”; Werner Hüllen, “Bacon on language – we on Bacon”; Helmut Weiß, “Johann Georg Hamann und die Sprachtheorie der Aufklärung”; Wulf Oesterreicher, “‘Die Sprache der Freihait’: Varietätenlinguistische Präzisierungen zur Historiographie von Sprachpolitik und Sprachauffassung der Französischen Revolution”, and Johannes Roggenhofer, “Es ist fast unmöglich, die Fackel der Wahrheit durch ein Gedränge zu tragen, ohne jemandem den Bart zu sengen”. “Index nominum” (331–344)
Ideologies of Language
Routledge Politics of Language Series [unnumbered]
London & New York
viii, 245
The contributions in this volume are organized under three headings: I, “Linguistic Ideologies”; II, “The Linguistics of Self-Image”, and III, “Political Linguistics”. Individual papers of particular interest to HL readers are: “Ideologizing Saussure: Bloomfield’s and Chomsky’s readings of the Cours de linguistique générale” by John E. Joseph (51–78) and “Theory of emergence: Towards a historical-materialistic approach to the history of linguistics” by Paul Laurendeau (206–220). Other contributors include Deborah Cameron (“Demythologizing sociolinguistics: Why language does not reflect society”), Tony Crowley, Pieter Desmet, Pierre Swiggers, and Michael Ward. Combined bib. (221–237), followed by “Name index” (239–242) and “Subject index” (243–245)
Syntactic Case and Morphological Case in the History of English
Dordrecht & Providence, R.I.
Foris Publications
xi, 249
This former dissertation consists of 6 chaps.: 1, “Introduction”; 2, “Basic syntax; 3, “Syntactic case and morphological case”, 4, “Clitics”; 5, “Pre-position-stranding”, and 6, “Syntactic changes and morphological changes”. “References” (238–246); “Samenvatting [i.e., summary in Dutch]” (247–248). Curriculum vitae of the author (p. 249); no index
Kognition und Kommunikation: Beiträge zur Psychologie der Zeichenverwendung
Nodus Publikationen
In addition to an introduction and a concluding chap. by the ed., the vol. prints 7 papers dealing with a variety of subjects such as the sign concepts of various schools of thought, the importance of a grammatically structured language in the evolution of man, and the function of stereotyping in communication. The contributors include Ingrid Rissom, Arne Raeithel, Bernd Fichtner, and others. No index. – Cf. the review by Paul B. Salmon in Henry Sweet Society Newsletter No.15 (Nov. 1990), pp. 17–18
Grammatisches Kompendium: Systematisches Verzeichnis grammatischer Grundbegriffe
. (=
Uni-Taschenbücher, 1526
Francke Verlag
As the author states in his Vorwort, the booklet is intended to bridge the gap between dictionaries of linguistic terminology and grammars of German by offering the beginning student the basics of linguistic analysis. The main chaps. deal with semiotics, semantics, graphemics, phonology, morphology, and syntax (in that order)
Essays on Anaphora
. (=
Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, [unnumbered]
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ix, 179
This is a collection of nine articles by the author (one with A. Barss, one with R. Freidin, and two with R. Fiengo) reprinted from various sources with the exception of Chap. 1 which was written for this volume. The book is “concerned with the treatment of anaphora within generative grammar, specifically, within Chomsky’s ‘Extended Standard Theory’ (EST)”. Bib. (168–172). “Index of Names” (173–174) and “Index of Subjects” (175–179)
Libro del tesoro: Versión castellana de « Li Livres dou Tresor »
Edición y estudio de
Spurgeon Baldwin
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
viii, 259
Dantes Lehrer Brunetto Latini verfasste Li livres dou Tresor, eine Art Enzyklopädie, zwischen 1260 und 1267 im französischen Exil. Von ihr existieren rd. 80 Hss. sowie Übersetzungen ins Italienische (30 Hss.), Kastilische (13 Hss.), Katalanische (4 Hss.) und Aragonesische (1 Hs.). Die hier als Leseausgabe vorgelegte Edition basiert auf einer kastilischen Hs., welche laut Explicit auf den 5. 12. 1433 zu datieren ist (vgl. auch Bibliography of Old Spanish Texts, Madison, 1984:1186). Buch III des Tesoro ist der Rhetorik gewidmet und dürfte daher für Leser von HL von einigem Interesse sein. Ein selektiver Wortformenindex (“Glosario”; p. 235–245) und ein “Indice onomástico” (p. 247–255) komplettieren diese Ausgabe, welche durch Informationen über die Gründe, welche zur Übersetzung ins Spanische etc. geführt haben, sicherlich noch gewonnen hätte. – HJN
Dilligan, Robert
technical ed.
The Text and Concordances of Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, Ms 10289. Moses Maimonides « Mostrador e enseñador de los turbados ». (Pedro Toledo’s Spanish Translation
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
4 Mikrofiches
. [
Cf. Lazar & Dilligan 1989 (infra). – HJN
Dilligan, Robert
technical ed.
The Text and Concordances of Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, Ms 171812: Yehuda Halevi, The Book of the Kuzari
A Book of Proof and Argument in Defense of a Despised Religion (A 15th Century Ladino Translation)
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
4 Mikrofiches
. [
Sprachgeschichtlich wichtiger Text “in the wake of two other major translations from Hebrew into Spanish: the so-called Biblia de Alba […] and Pedro de Toledo’s translation of Maimonides’ Guidefor the Perplexed’ (p. 4), alle aus dem 15. Jh. stammend. Die übersetzte Vorlage selbst stammt aus dem 12. Jh. – HJN
Storia della lingüistica
Linguistica e critica letteraria; Strumenti, [unnumbered]
Il Mulino
This is the first of a three-volume History of Linguistics from antiquity to the present. It has the following major parts: I, “La linguistica cinese” by Göran Malmqvist (29–49; bib. of 7 items on p. 50); II, “Li linguistica indiana” by George Cardona (51–82; bib. of 20 items on pp. 82–84); III, “La linguistica del Vicino e Medio Oriente” by Erica Reiner – with the sections on the Ancient Egypt and Sumeria provided by Janet H. Johnson and Miguel Civil, respectively – (85–112; bib. of 88 entries on pp. 112–118); IV, “La linguistica ebraica” by Raphael Loewe (119–157; bib. of some 140 entries on pp. 157–166); V, “La linguistica araba” by Henri Fleisch (167–183; bib. of 39 items on pp. 183–185, with the most recent entry being the author’s own Traité de philologie arabe, vol.II of 1979), and V, “La linguistica greco-latina” by Peter Matthews (187–303), followed by a bib. divided into primary (303–305: over 50 texts or text editons) and secondary sources (305–310: close to 120 entries, which however do not include any post-1986 publication, such as the important volume ed. by Daniel J. Taylor, The History of Linguistics in the Classical Period [Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1987], for instance). – The editor has prefaced the volume by a lengthy “Presentazione” (9–27), which includes a discussion of recent efforts in linguistic historiography (14–17), the raison d’être of the present undertaking (17–18), an account of his own scholarly interests in and contributions to the field (18–20), and a select bib. (22–27: 102 items). No index
Order and Constituency in Mandarin Chinese
. (=
Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 19
Dordrecht, Boston, & London
Kluwer Academic Publishers
x, 222
The book has the following chaps.: 1, “Universal Grammar and Word Order”; 2, “Dimensions of the Case Module”; 3, “Single Complementation”; 4, “Multiple Complementation”; 5, “Lexical and Categorial Properties of Case”; 6, “Passive, BA, and Topic Constructions”, and 7, “Conclusion”. Bib. (209–213). “Index of Names” (215–216) and “Index of Subjects” (217–222)
Speech and Sociability at French Urban Marketplaces
. (=
Pragmatics & Beyond, New Series, 7
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
viii, 173
The book contains the following chaps.: 1, “Theoretical and Methodological Background”; 2, “The Ethnographic Context: Marketplaces in Three French Urban Communities”; 3, “Verbal Interaction at French Urban Marketplaces”; and 4, “Mental Representations of French Urban Marketplaces”. “References” (159–166); Index (167–173)
The Text and Concordance of Biblioteca Universitaria, Salamanca, MS 2262, Propiedades del romero
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
2 Mikrofiches
. [
Die Hs. ist Ende des 15. Jhdt. entstanden. Sie enthält “una recopilación de prescripciones médicas y remedios para muy diversas dolencias” (p. 2). – HJN
Introduction to Topological Linguistics
. (=
LynX. A Monographic Series in Linguistics and World Perception
.) [
Ohne Ort, ohne Verlag
Der Verf. ist der Ansicht, daß sowohl (a) der Deskriptivismus als auch (b) die Generative Grammatik und (c) der Strukturalismus zu Aporien geführt haben. “Such a situation could not be solved without taking into account the code and the messages at the same time” (p. 15). Dies sei nur mit den Formalismen der Topologie (einer mathematischen Disziplin) lösbar, weil sie es erlaube, ‘Objektsprache und Metasprache’ [synonym gebraucht für ‘code and message’ sowie ‘open sets vs. closed sets’, vgl. p. 19] in einen formalisierten Zusammenhang zu bringen. Von da her sieht er auch Berührungspunkte zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft (vgl. pp. 21–23). – HJN
Texto and [sic] Concordancias del « Libro de los olios ». Ms. 2262, Salamanca, Universitaria
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
2 Mikrofiches
. [
Ms. vom Ende des 15. Jhdt. Knappe, aber informative Einleitung. – HJN
Discoursive Practices and Linguistic Meanings: The Vietnamese system of person reference
. (=
Pragmatics and Beyond; New series, 11
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
viii, 213
The monograph, based on the author’s field work, has the following chaps.: 1, “Language, representation, and choice”; 2, “‘Brother’ and ‘Uncle’”; 3, “Vietnamese proper nouns: Structure, practice, and politics”; 4, “Personal pronouns”, and “Native models, structural oppositions, and discursive practices”. The back matter consists of appendices (173–188), endnotes (189196), and references (197–213); no index
Text and Concordance of « Espéculo », Alfonso X, El Sabio, MS. 10,123, Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
4 Mikrofiches
. [
Große Teile dieser frühesten alfonsinischen Gesetzessammlung sind in die sie ablösenden Siete Partidas (1256–1265) aufgenommen worden. Der Espéculo – seine Textgeschichte gibt noch manche Rätsel auf – ist in 2 Hss. überliefert, eine aus dem 14., die andere aus dem 15. Jhdt., welche unterschiedliche Textteile enhalten. – HJN
A Functional Grammar of Gooniyandi
. (=
Studies in Language Companion Series, 22
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
xx, 618
This book is a revision of the author’s University of Sydney doctoral dissertation (1984). It contains the following chaps.: 1, “Introduction”; 2, “Phonetics and phonology”; 3, “The word”; 4, “The phrase”; 5, “The clause”; 6, “Topics in semantics”; Appendices of “Texts”, of “Vocabulary in semantic fields”, and of “List of bound morphemes” (573606). Bib. (607–618); no index
Die sechs Synthesen im Werke Wilhelm Meyer-Lübkes
Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Linguistik und Kommunikationsforschung, 23
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
An appraisal of the scholarly work of the Swiss-born Romanist Wilhelm Meyer-Lübke (1861–1936)
Diachronic Problems in Phonosymbolism: Edita and inedita, 1979–1988
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
[v], 274
This vol. brings together eight previously published papers by the author with an “Introduction” and a “Retrospect”. These eight papers are organized under two headings: “Broader Aspects”, and “Special Issues”. Under the former heading are five papers such as “Integration of phono-symbolism with other categories of language change”, and under the latter heading are three papers, including “Six categories of nasal epenthesis: their place in the evolution from Latin into Romance”. The back matter consists of an “Index of names” and an “Index of key concepts”
In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language, archaeology and myth
Thames & Hudson
175 illustr
. [
This important work has altogether 9 chaps., which deal successively with subjects such as “The Indo-Europeans in Asia”, “The Indo-Europeans in Europe”, “Proto-Indo-European culture”, “Indo-European religion”, “The Indo-European homeland problem”, and “The archaeology of the Proto-Indo-Euro-peans”. Bib. (278–284); index (285–288). – For a detailed account, see Winfred P. Lehmann’s review article in Diachronica 7:1.101–116 (1990)
Text and Concordance of the « Crónica de once reyes (veinte reyes) », Escorial ms. Y.I.12
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
6 Mikrofiches
. [
Ausgabe (mit Wortformenverzeichnis) der vermutlich besten, im frühen 15. Jhdt. angefertigten, Hs. der Crónica. – HJN
Text and Concordance of the « Leyes del estilo », MS. 5764, Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
2 Mikrofiches
. [
Die um 1310 fertiggestellte Gesetzessammlung (die auch unter dem Namen Declaraciones de las leyes del fuero firmiert) basiert auf dem Fuero Real Alfons’ des Weisen. 6 Mss. sind bekannt. Die hier angezeigte Ausgabe transkribiert eine Hs. des 15. Jhdt. – HJN
Text and Concordance of the « Leyes del estilo », Escorial ms. Z.III.11
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
2 Mikrofiches
. [
Ausgabe einer Hs. des 14. Jhdt.; vgl. Mannetter 1989 (supra). – HJN
Storia e coscienza della lingua in Italia dall’U-manesimo al Romanticismo
Rosenberg & Sellier
The author has reworked a number of previously published articles – including his contribution to ICHoLS IV (Trier, 1987) and his paper on Carlo Denina first published in HL 10.77–96 (1983) – to a monograph of 6 main chaps., from linguistic discussions during the Italian Renaissance to the beginning of a new understanding of historical-linguistic work in the early 19th century. The back matter consists of a bib. (233–253), a word index (255–256), and indices of concepts and of ‘noteworthy things’ (257–260) as well as of persons (261–267). – A detailed review in HL is planned
The Text and Concordances of Escorial Manuscript M.III.7. « Viajes de John of Mandeville »
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
3 Mikrofiches
. [
Neben den Reiseberichten Marco Polos zählten die von Mandeville zu den beliebtesten im 15. und 16. Jhdt. Sie wurde in verschiedene europäische Sprachen übersetzt und immer wieder aufgelegt. (1983 erschien noch eine englische Version in den Penguin Books.) In welcher Sprache das Original abgefaßt war, ist unbekannt. Die hier angezeigte Ausgabe enthält den Text der ersten spanischen (navarro-aragonesischen) Übersetzung aus dem 15. Jhdt. Die Sprache der Vorlage war französisch. – HJN
L’Algèbre des signes: Essai de sémiotique scientifique d’après Charles Sanders Peirce
. (=
Foundations of Semiotics, 24
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
xvii, 409
On the basis of the writings of Peirce (1839–1914) the author develops, in 8 chapters, a ‘scientific semiotics’. These are entitled “Analyse des phénomènes sémiotiques”, “Modélisation des phénomènes sémiotiques”, “Modes d’être”, “Phanérosco-pie et classification”, etc Bib. (407–409); no index
Texto and [sic] Concordancias del « De Officiis de Cicerón »
Traducción castellana por
Alonso de Cartagena
MS. 7815
Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
2 Mikrofiches
. [
Die Übersetzung ist auf 1422 datiert. Sie existiert in fünf unterschiedlich vollständigen Hss. Die hier angezeigte Edition basiert auf der besten Hs., welche jedoch wohl nicht als Autograph angesehen werden kann. Der Übersetzer gilt als Begründer des Humanismus in Spanien. – HJN
Foundations of Axiomatic Linguistics
. (=
Trends in Linguistics; Studies and Monographs, 40
Berlin & New York
Mouton de Gruyter
xii, 475
The book has the following chaps.: 1, “Introduction”; 2, “Theory and strategy – C’est le point de vue qui crée l’objet (Saussure)”; 3, “Function, system, and systemology”; 4, “Semiotic foundations of axiomatic functionalism – Ontological considerations and the ‘linguistic sign’”; 5, “Linguistic description I: General principles, and phonology”; 6, “Linguistic description II: Syntax and the sentential level”; 7, “Further examples of syntactic analysis and additional remarks”; and 8, “Postulates for axiomatic linguistics: Revised version”. Bib. (459–462). “Index to the definitions” (463–466) and “General Index” (467–475)
The Role of Case in Russian Syntax
. (=
Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, [unnumbered]
Kluwer Academic Publishers
xvi, 213
This volume is a revised version of the author’s 1982 MIT dissertaion. It contains chaps. such as the following: 1, “Overview of Case in Russian”; 2, “Object Case Marking and the Genitive of Negation”; 3, “Apparent Genitive Subjects within the Scope of Negation”; 4, “Numeral Phrases and Quantifier Phrases”; and 5, “Subject Case Marking and Case Agreement of Modifiers”. “References” (200–207). “Index of Names” (208–209) and “Index of Subjects” (210213)
Gedanken und Materialien zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprachwissenschaft in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts
Zur Dialektik der Determinanten in der Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft
. (=
Linguistische Studien; Reihe A: Arbeitsberichte, 203
Zentralinst, für Sprachwissenschaft, Akadademie der Wissenschaften der DDR
[v], 138
The book contains 5 articles: “Einige Gesichtspunkte für Arbeiten zur Geschichte der germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert” by W. Neumann (1–16); “Zur Verpflechtung von Sprach- und Volksforschung im 19. Jahrhundert” by Gunter Schmidt (17–33); “Heinrich [Christian] Krohn [(1818–1899)] und der Gedanke einer deutschen Académie française” by Jürgen Starost (34–78); “August Schleicher und die Sprachwissenschaft in Rußland” by Ronald Lötzsch (79–115), and “A[lek-sandr] A[fanas’evic] Potebnâ [(1835–1891)] und seine Beziehungen zur deutschen Sprachwissenschaft” by Swetlana Kristan-Heinze (116–138). No index
History and Historiography of Linguistics: Papers from the Fourth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS IV), Trier, 24–28 August 1987
. (=
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 51
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins Publ. Co.
xxv, 396
x [399-]
These volumes publish revised versions of over 60 papers presented at the conference, here organized under the following headings: I, “Generalia”; II, “Antike”; III, “Arabische Sprachwissenschaft”; IV, “Mittelalter”; V, “Renaissance”; VI, “17. Jahrhundert”; VII, “18. Jahrhundert”; IX, “19. Jahrhundert” (17 contributions alone!), and X, “20. Jahrhundert”. The front matter includes the original program, followed by the “Opening Address” given by Aldo Scaglione. The list of contributors to these massive proceedings constitutes a veritable ‘who’s who’ in present-day historiography of linguistics. The second volume (which begins with the 18th century) contains a mulilin-gual “Index Rerum” and a very detailed “Index Auctorum” with biographical dates
Metaphor II: A classified bibliography of publications, 1985 to 1990
. (=
Library & Information Sources in Linguistics, 20
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
[v], 350
Following a alphabetical listing of some 3, 300 (at times briefly annotated) items, there are indices of disciplines (from aesthetics to [technical] writing), of “tenors, vehicles and semantic fields” (312–320), of “theoretical notions and uses of metaphor” (321–330), and of names (331–341). Some 50 “Additional titles” (345–350) were added in proofstage
Language, Meaning, and Culture: The selected papers of C. E. Osgood
. (=
Centennial Psychology Series, [unnumbered]
New York-Westport, Connecticut-London
xiii, 403
The book is divided into three parts according to ‘themes’: 1, “Psycholinguistic research and theory”; 2, “Cross-cultural universals of affective meaning”, and 3, “Psycho-social dynamics and the prospects for mankind”. “A comprehensive bibliography of the works of Charles E[ger-ton] Osgood” (379–394). Index (395–403)
Early Arabic Grammatical Theory: Heterogeneity and standardization
. (=
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 53
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
xvi, 294
The book has the following chaps.: 1, “Introduction”; 2, “Two general points”; 3, “Farra’ as linguist”; 4, “Sibawayhi’s Methodology”; 5, “Noun complementation”; 6, “Sibawayhi and Farra’ vs. later grammarians”; 7, “Farra’ as transitional figure”; 8, “Farra’ and the period of heterogeneity”; 9, “Minor writers”; 10, “The development of the Basran and Kufan schools”, and 11, “The structual development of early Arabic syntactic theory”. “References” (275–283). Indices of grammarians (285–286), of grammatical terms (287–289), and of general subjets (291–294)
The Text and Concordances of the « Fueros de Aragón », MS. 458, Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid
The. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
2 Mikrofiches
. [
Es gibt 12 Hss. des Fuero de Aragón, davon 3 in Aragonesisch, die übrigen in Latein. Der hier vorgelegte aragonesische Text, niedergeschrieben zu Beginn des 14. Jhdt., ist ergänzt durch eine KWOC-Konkordanz. – HJN
with an introd. by
Edoardo Vineis
Grammatiche, grammatici, grammatisti: Per una storia dell’insegnarento dele lingue in Italia dal Cinquecento al Settecento
. (=
Storia e Critica delle Idee, 15
Editrice Libreria Goliardica
This volume brings together 8 studies devoted to language instruction in 16th, 17th and indeed 18th century Italy, such as “L’enseignement du français dans les collèges religieux d’Émilie (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles)” by Marie-Jeanne Piozza Donati, “Circolazione di stereotipi nell’Europa del Sei-Settecento” by Paola Nobili, and “Mattia Chirchmair, Grammatica della lingua Todeska (1688): Concezio-ne didattica, norma linguistica e categorizzazione grammaticale” by Gabriele Hetterich. Name index (267–273)
Parameters in Old French Syntax: Infinitival complements
. (=
Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 18
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ix, 327
This monograph has the following chaps.: 1, “Introduction”; 2, “Romance infinitival complements”; 3, “The Romance causative”; 4, “Non-causative PRO-MV-Inf constructions”; 5, “Causatives in Old French”; and 6, “Non-causative infinitival complements in old French”. The back matter consists of two appendices (296–308), “References” (309–316), “Index of names” (317318), and “Analytical index” (319–327)
Latin Syntax and Semantics
. (=
Romance Linguistics [unnumbered]
Translated by
Hotze Mulder
London & New York
xii, 320
The monograph consists of the following chaps.: 1, “Introduction”; 2, “Nuclear predication”; 3, “Periphery 1: Adjuncts”; 4, “Periphery 2, Disjuncts (sentence adverbials) and Theme constituents”; 5, “Relators”; 6, “The (internal) structure of noun phrases”; 7, “Complex sentences (embedded predications on the sentence level)”; 8, “Prae-dicativum”; 9, “Word order”; 10, “Sentence type, illocutionary force and mood”; 11, “The Latin tense system”, and 12, “Beyond the sentence”. Bib. (295–315). Index (316–320)
Charles Carpenter Fries, the Humanist, the Linguist, the Teacher: A Comparison with Leonard Bloomfield
. (=
pro lingua, 9
Wilhelmsfeld [near Heidelberg]
Gottfried Egert Verlag
xi, 287
Besides an introduction and a summary, the book is divided into two parts: Part I, “Bloomfield’s and Fries’ Orientations towards Linguistics”; and Part II, “Fries’ Reception of Bloomfield and His Contributions”. Part I contains the following chaps.: 1, “Bloomfield’s and Fries’ Orientations towards Linguistics”; 2, “Bloomfield’s and Fries’ Views on Behaviorism”, and 3, Bloomfield’s and Fries’ Criticisms of Traditional Grammar”. Part II contains the following chaps.: 1, “Language Theory”; 2, “Language Description”, and 3, “Teaching American Children to Read English”. Bib., divided into general sources (263–275), a select list of Bloomfield’s writings (277–280), and a selection from Fries’ bibliography (281–286) as published in Toward an Understanding of Language: Charles Carpenter Fries in perspective ed. by Peter H. & Nancy Fries, 359–372. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1985. No index
Text and Concordance of the Aragonese Translation of Brunetto Latini’s « Li livres dou tresor », Gerona Cathedral, MS 20-1-5
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
5 Mikrofiches
. [
Einzige aragonesische Übersetzung von « Li livres dou tresor ». Die Hs. entstammt der Mitte des 15. Jhdt. Vgl. hier unter Latini, Brunetto. 1989 (supra). – HJN
Yugoslav General Linguistics
. (=
Linguistic & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 26
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
viii, 381
Twenty papers are brought together in this volume, such as: Dalibor Brozović, “Some remarks on distinctive features: especially in Standard Serbo-Croatian”; Ranko Bugarski, “Generative structuralism”; Rudolf Filipović, “Some contributions to the theory of contact linguistics”, and others. No index
Doctor-Patient Interaction
. (=
Pragmatics & Beyond; New Series, 4
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
xxxviii, 294
This volume contains, besides a preface by Juliana Beuerlin and an introduction by Walburga von Raffler-Engel, the following articles: W. von Raffler-Engel, “Doctor-patient relationships in the 1980s”; T. Kaplan, “An intercultural communication gap: North American Indian vs. the mainstream medical profession”; A. Neustein, “Medical history-taking as an interactive event”; V. M. Henzl, “Linguistic means of social distancing in physician-patient communication”; D. Flader, “The psychoanalytic discourse”; P. A. Mitchum, “Verbal and nonverbal communication in a family practice consultation: a focus on the psysician-patient relationship”; H. S. Herzka, “The dialogics of a doctor-patient relationship”; W. K. Müller, “Doctor-patient interactions in cases of severe oligophrenia and dementia”; G. M. White & A. B. Robillard, “Doctor talk and Hawaiian ‘talk story’: The conversational organisation of a clinical encounter”, P. Haas, “Physician-patient relations in Judaism”; and H. Able-Boone, “Parent-professional communication relative to medical care decision making for seriously ill newborns”. The concluding section contains the following: D. H. O. Sevin, “Interview with a gynecologic oncologist on doctor-patient interactions”; A. C. L. Lerman, “Letters from a resident”; A. G. Lensgraf, “Ten keys to better doctor-patient relations”, and “Summaries” (289–294). No index
Russian Literature and Psychoanalysis
. (=
Linguistic & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 31
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
x, 485
Twenty-two papers are brought together in this volume. They are organized under two headings: 1, “Previous contributions”; and 2, “New contributions”. The contributors include Sigmund Freud, Richard J. Rosenthal, Elizabeth Dalton, Hugh McLean, Harriet Murav, Adele Barker, and many others. The volume is rounded off with “Abstracts of contents” (471–485)
The Texts and Concordances of Escorial ms. g.III.11 and Newberry Library inc. f-9511. Two Fifteenth-Century Translations of the « Bellum Catilinarium sive de conjuratione Catilinae » and « Jugurtha seu bellum Jugurthinum » (Gaius Sallustius Crispus)
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
4 Microfiches
. [
Informative Skizze der Sallust-Rezeption in (Europa und) Spanien. Ausgabe eines der 5 bekannten Mss. der, Vasco de Guzmán (c.1378–1460) zugeschriebenen, Übersetzung sowie einer, von Francisco Vidal de Noya / Naya (fl.1477) besorgten Überarbeitung dieser Übersetzung. – HJN
Visions in Exile: The body in Spanish literature and liguistics: 1500–1800
. (=
Purdue University Monographs in Romance Languages, 30
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
xii, 211
Employing a psychoanalytical model the author deals with Spanish literary texts and those aspects of language that are traditionally neglected in the standard histories of linguistics. The work has the following chaps.: 1, “The structure of repression in Renaissance and Baroque linguistics”; 2, “Dwarfs and giants in a family romance: Luis de Góngora’s Fábula de Poli-femo y Galatea and Soledades”; 3, “Angel in the mire: Francisco de Que-vedo”; 4, “The rhetoric of innocence: Benito Jerónimo Feijoo”; 5, “The weaver’s trade: Diego de Torres Villarroel”; 6, “The critical sublime: Ignacio de Luzán and Esteban de Arteaga”, and 7, “The anatomy of grammar in eighteenth-century models of linguistic change”. Endnotes (195–197); bib. (199–211). No index
avec la collaboration de
Sylvain Auroux, Marie-Jeanne Borel, [ et al.])
Perspectives méthodologiques et épistémologiques dans les sciences du langage: Actes du Colloque de Fri-bourg (Suisse), 11–12 mars 1988
. (=
Sciences pour la communication, 28
Bern-Franfurt/Main-New York-Paris
Peter Lang
Following the editor’s Avant-propos (5–11), in which she puts the contributions into perspective, the vol. prints 10 papers organized under the following 4 headings: I, “Les discours et leurs conditions de production” (with contributions by Patrick Sériot, Blanche-Noëlle Grunig, and Sylvain Auroux); II, “Formes d’argumentation” (with contributions by Marie-Jeanne Borel, Pierre Ouellet, and the editor); III, “Approches techniques” (with contributions by Jacques Rouault and Michel Charolles & Liliane Sprenger-Charolles), and IV, “De la méthode en général” (with contributions by Jean-Blaise Grize and Jean Peti-tot). From the contents: “Le langage et la science: une visée historique” by S. Auroux (51–68); “La notion de ‘preuve’ en grammaire comparée des langues indo-européennes” by M-J. Reichler-Béquelin (115–138), and “La modélisation: formalisation ou mathématisation? L’exemple de l’approche morphodynamique du langage” by J. Petitot (205–220). No index
Language and Rhetoric of the Revolution
Edinburgh Univ. Press
(x), 106
The volume contains the proceedings of a colloquium jointly mounted on 11–12 April 1989 by the Institut Français d’Écosse and the French Department of the University of Edinburgh. The following papers are included: Philippe Roger, “The French Revolution as ‘logomachy’”; Lynn Hunt, “Discourses of Patriarchalism and anti-Patriachalism”; Peter France, “Speakers and Audience: The first days of the convention”, and Eric Walter, “Babeufs candour: The rhetorical invention of a prophet”. Index (101–106)
Xenolekte: Struktur und Variation im Deutsch gegenüber Ausländern
. (=
Soziolinguistik und Sprachkontakt/Sociolinguistics and Language Contact, 5
Berlin & New York
Walter de Gruyter
xii, 200
The study – originally a 1986 Univ. of Frankurt am Main dissertation-investigates the kind of ‘register’ and language structure used by native speakers of German when communicating with foreigners. Bib. (192–199); no index
Le Défi de la description grammaticale: Les propositions subordonnés dans l’Essai de Grammaire de la Langue Française de Damourette et Pichon. Présentation critique d’une grammaire synchronique
. (=
Arbeitspapier, 29
Institut für Sprachwissenschaft, Univ
[v], 247
This 1989 doctoral dissertation (co-directed by Roland Donzé and Rudolf Engler) deals critically with the treatment of subordinate clauses in the 7-volume Des Mots à la pensée: Essai de grammaire de la langue française written jointly by Jacques Damourette (1873–1943) and his nephew Edouard Pichon (1890–1950) from 1911 onwards and published between 1927 and 1930 (Paris: d’Artrey; repr., 1968). The first two chapters provide brief biographical information on the authors and give an account of the reviews by scholars such as Albert Dauzat, Leo Spitzer, Gaston Esnault, Georges Gougenhem, Antoine Meillet, and others. The back matter consists of a classified bib. (233–242) and a ‘table des matières’, but has no index
Libro del Arcipreste
También llamado
Libro de Buen Amor)
Edición sinóptica de
Anthony N. Zahareas
Con la colaboración de
Thomas McCallum
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
lvii, 229
Der Libro de Buen Amor, überliefert in drei recht unterschiedlichen, auf 1330 bzw. 1343 datierten, jedoch lediglich nur in Kopien des 14. Jh. überlieferten Hss., gehört, neben dem Cid, zu den umfangreichsten und literarisch bedeutsamsten Texten des spanischen Mittelalters. Die vorliegende Ausgabe bietet erstmals eine ‘synoptische’ Wiedergabe der 3 Hss., welche ergänzt wird durch eine, die Editionsprobleme erörternde Einleitung, eine gute Auswahlbibliographie, Anmerkungen und ein “Glosario de Medievalismos” (211–228). – HJN
Das sprachliche Zeichen: Studien zur Zeichen- und Bedeutungstheorie in der griechischen Antike sowie im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
. (=
Studium Sprachwissenschaft, 7
Institut für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Univ.
xii, 242
This vol. brings together 8 previously published articles devoted to theories of the language sign, of which 2 deal with Greek antiquity (Heraclitus and Plato), 3 with 19th- and 3 with 20th-century ideas from Wilhelm von Humboldt to John Lyons. Of particular interest appears to be item V, “Das Problem der Wortbedeutung bei Christian Karl Reisig [(1792–1827)]: Notizen zu den Anfängen der Semasiologie” (107–144), as discussed in his posthumous Vorlesungen über lateinische Sprachwissenschaft (Leipzig: Lehnholt, 1839), ed. by Friedrich Haase (1808–1867). Index of names (237–242)
Zur Theorie und Methode der Geschichtsschreibung der Linguistik: Analysen und Reflexionen
. (=
Geschichte der Sprachtheorie, 1
Gunter Narr Verlag
ix, 255
The vol. brings together a ‘baker’s dozen’ of original papers devoted to aspects of linguistic historiography, organized under two headings: I, ‘Theory and methodology of history writing in linguistics’ (contributors: Hans Arens, Sylvain Auroux, Herbert E. Brekle, Konrad Koerner, Alain-Marc Rieu, and Peter Schmitter), and II, ‘Case studies’ (contributors: Françoise Douay-Soublin, Rudolf Engler, Achim Eschbach, Erika Hültenschmidt, Ludwig Jäger, Ludger Kacz-marek, and Robert Henry Robins). The last-mentioned contributions deal with questions such as the ‘authors’ of the Cours de linguistique générale, particulars of the biography of Karl Bühler (1879–1963), the philology/linguistics relationship, and a variety of other issues. Index of authors (251255). – Cf. the detailed review by Werner Neumann in ZPSK 43:3.422425 (1990)
Essays towards a History of Semantics
Nodus Publikationen
The volume brings together the following articles: Peter Schmitter, “From Homer to Plato: Language, thought, and reality in Ancient Greece”; Vivian Salmon, “Some Views on Meaning in Sixteenth-Century England”; Anthony J. Klijnsmit, “Spinoza on the ‘Impefection of Words’”; Emma Vorlat, “The Origin and Development of Language According to Monboddo”; Brigitte Nerlich, “From Form to Function: The contribution of Bréal, Wegener and Gardiner to a semantics of communication and comprehension”, and Werner Hüllen, “Rudolf Hallig and Walter von Wartburg’s Begriffssystem and its non-/acceptance in German linguistics”. “Index of authors” (p. 169); “Index of proper names”, which includes life-dates (171–175)
Innovationen in Zeichentheorien: Kultur- und wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Studien zur Kreativität
. (=
Materialien zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft und der Semiotik, 4
Nodus Publikationen
In addition to contributions by the two editors, the vol. brings papers by the following: Erhardt Gütt-gemanns, Wolfgang Schenk, Wilhelm-Friedrich Niebel, Klaus D. Dutz, Johann G. Juchem, Heike Hülzer-Vogt, Brigitte Nerlich, Karl-Friedrich Kie-sow, Michael Hanke, Dirk Röller, and Andreas Musolff. For HL readers, the contributions by Nerlich (“The problem of innovation and change in philosophy and linguistics: The case of Wittgenstein and Saussure”) and Musolff (“Karl Bühlers Modell der Sprachfunktionen als Ansatzpunkt für eine Theorie sprachlicher Kreativität”) will be of particular interest. Index of names (313–318)
Essays on Signifies: Papers Presented on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Victoria Lady Welby (1837–1912)
. (=
Foundations of Semiotics, 23
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
ix, 313
The papers brought together in this volume are organized under the following headings: 1, “The Social and Literary Background: The Welby Family”; 2, “Signific Signposts at the Turn of the Century”; 3, “Signifies between Semantics and Semiotics: Comparative Analyses”; 4, “The Signifie Movement in the Netherlands”; 5, “The Scientific Remains of V. Lady Welby”, and 6, “Bibliography of Publications on Lady Welby and her Signifies”. Contributors include P. M. Baker, Hart-well Bowsfield, H. Walter Schmitz, Timothy J. Reiss, and several others
Libro de la monteria. Escorial MS Y.II.19
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
4 Mikrofiches
. [
Unter König Alfons XI. (1312–1350) verfaßtes Buch über die königliche Jagd. Die Edition basiert auf einer Hs. des 14. Jhdt., wobei 9 weitere Hss. berücksichtigt wurden. – HJN
Pol’ čeloveceskogo faktora v jazyke: Jayk i myšlenie
The role of the human factor in language: Language and thinking
Izd. “Nauka”
As suggested in the short English summary (242–243), the monograph advances the view that, contrary to the opinion of certain scholars, every language has the tendency to develop relatively simple categories and grammatical rules; language and thinking are closely connected but not indentical. The question of lan-guage as reflecting a particular ‘picture of the world’ in answered largely in the negative. Bib. (230–239). No index
Language Variety and the Art of the Everyday
London & New York
Pinter Publishers
distributed in North America by
Columbia Univ. Press
New York
NY 10025
xiii, 202
The book, which is not a linguistics book in the regular sense (despite the references to some of the ‘greats’ in the field) has chaps. such as the following: 1, “A Creative Competence”; 2, “The Language of Men, Poets and Linguists”; 3, “A Poetry of Their Own?”; 4, “Women and Language: Power and possibility”; and 5, “Healing Narratives”. Bib. (183–194). Index (195–202)
Untersuchungen zu Kommunikation und Bedeutung bei Aristoteles
. (=
Studium Sprachwissenschaft, Beiheft 8
Nodus Publikationen
This 1988 Univ. of Münster doctoral dissertation (thesis director: Fernando Inciarte) deals with the subject of communication and meaning in Aristotle. Following a lengthy introduction, the book has three main chaps.: 1, “Laut und Inhalt bei der tierischen und bei der menschlichen Kommunikation”; 2, “Bedeutung, Definition und Wesen”, and 3, “Sprachnorm und Sprachkritik”. Following a brief conclusion, there is a variety of back matter: Endnotes to individual chapters – altogether 984 in number! – (211–285), and a bib. (287–303), but no index
Ancient Grammar in Context: Contributions to the study of ancient linguistic thought
VU Univ. Press
xii, 277
This is the author’s doctoral dissertation (thesis supervisor: Dirk M. Schen-keveld) at the Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam. It has the following major chaps., each of which is subdivided into a variety of subsections: 1, “The Stoa”; 2, “Apollonius Dyscolus”; 3, “Causal ina”; and 4, “The Interjection”. Bib. (248–262), followed by a “Selective index locorum” (266–266), selective indices of concepts and terms (266–269), and a summary in Dutch (271277)
Mother of Writing: The origin and development of a Hmong messianic script
Chicago & London
Univ. of Chicago Press
xii, 221
The book contains the following chaps.: 1, “How the Alphabet Began: A believer’s perspective”; 2, “Spread of the Alphabet”; 3, “The Sounds of Hmong”; 4, “The Writing System”; 5, “Evolution of the Writing System”; 6, “Punctuation, Numerals and Other Symbols”; 7, “How Did Shong Lue Yang Do It?”; 8, “From Handwriting to Wordprocessing”; 9, “Contemporary Use of the Alphabet”; 10, “The Alphabet in History”; 11, “Other Hmong Writing Systems”; and 12, “Other Views on ‘Mother of Writing’”. “Chronology” (183–186). “Appendix: Hmong individuals mentioned in this book” (187–192). “Notes” (193–208); “References” (209–218); Index (219–221)
Tranlation and Lexicography: Papers read at the EURALEX Colloquium held at Innsbruck 2–5 July 1987
Amsterdam & Essex
Published jointly by John Benjamins, Paintbrush, & Euralex
This volume includes most of the papers read at the Colloquium. The papers are organized under the following headings: 1, “Language, the Dictionary and Translation”; 2, “Dictionaries and Literary Translation”; 3, “The Dictionary as a Tool in Translation”; 4, “Specialized Translation and Lexicography”; and 5, “Symposium”. The contributors include Reinhard Hartmann, Paul Kußmaul, Paul di Virgilio, Yishai Tobin, and several others. “Notes on the Authors” (235–238). No index
The Mirror of Coitus
A Translation and Edition of the Fifteenth-Century « Speculum al foderi », translated and edited by
M. Solomon
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
xxviii + 139
”… one of the earliest medical treatises in a Romance language [scil. Katalanisch] that is exclusively dedicated to coitus and sexual hygiene” (p.vii). Eine ausführliche Einleitung geht der engl. Übersetzung (pp. 1–43) voran; der katalan. Text folgt pp. 45–89. Bibliographie (111–123); “English-Catalan Index” und “Catalan-English Index” (125139). – HJN
Saggio de una bibliografía sulla preistoria lin-guistica dell’eurasia
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Annali del Dipartimento di Studi del Mondo Classico e del Mediterraneo Antico; Sezione Linguistica, series minor, quaderno, 2
Istituto Universitario Orientale
A bib. on (distant) relationships between European and Asian languages (29–166), preceded by a list of sigla and other abbreviations (11–28), and followed by an index of languages or language groups or families (167–189)
Literature, Language and Change: From Chaucer to the present
London & New York
xvii, 293
In 6 chaps, the authors offer “an historical perspective on literary English, from the mid-fourteenth century to the present day” in an attempt to “build up a picture of the important and distinctive characteristics of each period and of the changes between them” (p[i]). The focus is literary as is obvious from chap. headings such as “Approaches to decoding the language of literature”, “Syntagm and paradigm from Chaucer to Milton”, or “Revolutions in literary English”. Glossary of literary concepts (269–275); bib. (276284); general index (285–293)
Moments et mouvements dans l’histoire de la linguistique
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Cahiers de l’Institut de Linguistique de Louvain, 16:1
Institut de Linguistique
This volume is one of a periodic series of publications put out by the linguists at this Belgian university. The volume here contains, after the editor’s brief rationale for it, eight individual contributions investigating periods of thinking about linguistics and approaches to the problem of language from Guy Jucquois’ defence of the sophists’ political use of language and I. Brulard’s sketch of the import of the translation of the Bible for the vernacular, through Swiggers’ examination of how the Port-Royal Grammar mapped world knowledge into linguistic categories, P. Vandermarliere’s sketch of the different uses in linguistics and science of the term ‘paradigm’, V. Christiaens’ discussion of the meaning of syntax (F.-U. Domergue’s grammatical thinking as structural changes from Latin to French made it necessary to redefine language-specific parts of speech), F. Maes, Swiggers & Van Hoecke on Bréal’s break with the Neogrammarians in his treatment of semantic, not simply structural linguistic change, and Mark Janse’s contribution on case grammar to Béatrice Lamiroy’s evaluation of developments in Chomsky’s approach to syntax from Aspects to current work. Ten pages at the end give synopses of recently published books
La langue française au XVIe siècle: Usage, enseignement et approches descriptives
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La pensée linguistique, 2
Leuven Univ. Press
Louvain & Paris
This volume includes the following contributions: P. Swiggers & W. Van Hoecke, “Avant-propos”; Michel Glatigny, “Norme et usage dans le français du XVIe siècle”; Colette Demaizière, “L’expansion du français en France et l’émergence d’une grammaire française au XVIe siècle”; Douglas A. Kibbee, “L’enseignement du français en Angleterre au XVIe siècle”; Terrence R. Wooldridge, “Les sources des dictionnaires français d’Estienne et de Nicot”; G. Roques, “Les régionalismes dans les premiers dictionnaires français: d’Estienne (1539) à Nicot (1606)”; P. Swiggers, “Les grammaires français (1562, 1572) de Ramus: vers une méthode descriptive”; H. Hermanns & W. Van Hoecke, “Le problème de la réforme de l’orthographe: Les conceptions de Peletier (1550,1555) et de Rambaud (1578)”, and M. Goyens & P. Swiggers, “La grammaire française au XVIe siècle: Bibliographie raisonnée”
Rezeption und Wirkung des Cours de linguistique générale: Überlegungen zu Geschichte und Historiographie der Sprachwissenschaft
Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, 333
Gunter Narr Verlag
[xii], 218
This doctoral dissertation (supervisor Jürgen Trabant), submitted at the Freie Universität Berlin in April 1987 consists of two main parts: I, “Allgemeine Überlegungen zu Geschichte und Historiographie der Sprachwissenschaft”, largely dealing with the position of the Cours as edited by Bally & Sechehaye and first published in 1916 as treated in the various historical accounts and a variety of issues in linguistic historiography raised during the 1970s and early 1980s (1–114), in which T. S. Kuhn’s ‘history of science’ is discussed at length (82–112 passim), and II, “Der Cours de linguistique générale und die deutsche Sprachwissenschaft – Anmerkungen zu einigen frühen Reaktionen und Rezeptionsansätzen”, in which the author tries to demonstrate that contrary to received opinion, German linguistics during the 1920s and 1930s did take due note of the Cours (115–173). The otherwise fairly large bib. (175–218) suggests that scholarship dealing with Saussure published after 1980 was largely ignored; this includes Peter Wunderli’s Saussure-Studien of 1981, which appeared as No. 148 of the same series as the present volume, and any post-1978 publication by the present writer on the subject conveniently collected in a 1988 publication (published in December 1987) – cf. HL XV.474 (1988), for details. No index
Linguistique comparée: Méthode et résultats
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Travaux du Cercle lingistique d’Aix-en-Provence, [unnumbered]
Centre des Sciences du Langage, Univ. de Provence Aix-Marseille I
This vol., dedicated to the memory of Francis Jouannet (d. 18 Nov. 1989) – cf. the editor’s Avant-propos (pp. 9–12), contains contributions by Jean Haudry, Paul Garde, Gabriel Manessy, Jean Léonce Doneux, Salem Chaker, Robert Chaudenson, Eva Agnel, Jean Perrot, and the editor himself on a variety of linguistic areas, organized under four headings (following the ed.’s paper on “Méthode comparative historique”): 1, “Langues indo-européennes”; 2, “Langues africaines”; 3, “Langues chamito-sémitiques”, and 4, “Langues ouraliennes”. No index
Zeichen des Menschen: Elemente der Semiotik
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Fischer Perspektiven, 4190
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag
The study – which constitutes a reworked version of the author’s 1976 Elemente der Semiotik (cf. “Nachwort”, p. 143) – has 3 main parts entitled “Semiotik: eine neue Wissenschaft”, which begins with quotes from Locke (1706), Lambert (1764), Hegel (1830), Peirce (1897), Saussure (1916), and others; “Zeichentheorien”, which presents various ideas and proposals from the late 18th to the late 20th century, and “Das Zeichen als Handlung”, which deals with all sorts of ‘actions’, in real life as well as in language and literature. Endnotes (145–156), bib. (157–171). No index
Melanesian Pidgin and Tok Pisin: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Pidgins and Creoles in Melanesia
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Studies in Language Compagnion Series, 20
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
xiv, 409
The vol. unites 18 papers first presented at a conference held at Madang, Papua New Guinea, in July 1987, devoted to a variety of linguistic matters concerning Tok Pisin as well as a few other pidgins such as Solomon Island Pijin and Bislama (on which Terry Crowley contributed two papers). Contributors include a number of well-known scholars such as Talmy Givón, Peter Mühlhäusler, John Lynch, Suzanne Romaine, and others. The concluding paper (by Dicks R. Thomas) is entitled “A course in practical Tok Pisin” (399–409). No index
Studies in the History of Arabic Linguistics II: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on the History of Arabic Grammar, Nijmegen, 27 April – 1 May 1987
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Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 56
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins Publ. Co.
x, 319
This vol. prints the bulk of the papers given at the second symposium – the first was held in Nijmegen in 1984 and the 13 papers were published in a special number of Zeitschrift für arabische Linguistik under the title Studies in the History of Arabic Grammar a year later (cf. HL XIII:1.142 (1986) for details), 21 in number, arranged alphabetically by author: Georgine Ayoub, Ramzi Baalbaki, Monique Bernards, Hans-Hinrich Biesterfeld, Hartmut Bobzin, Michael Carter, Janusz Danecki, Kinga Dévényi, Joseph Dichy, Everhard Ditters, Boujemâa El-Akhdar, Abdelali Elamrani-Jamal, Roslind Gwynne, Geneviève Humbert, Pierre Lar-cher, Vivien Law, Ahmad Moutaouakil, Ahmed Mokhtar Omar, Jonathan Owens, Rafael Talmon, Kees Versteegh, and Ronald Wolfe. From the contents: “Guillaume Postel (1510–1581) und die Terminologie der arabischen Nationalgrammatik” by Bobzin; “Indian Influence on Early Arabic Phonetics – or Coincidence?” by Law, and “La notion d’actes de langage dans la pensée linguistique arabe ancienne” by Moutaouakil. All papers have summaries in both English and French. “Index of names” (307–309); “Index of technical terms” (311–319)
Vragende Wijs: Vragen over tekst, taal en taalgeschiedenis. Bundel aange-boden aan Leopold Peeters bij zijn afscheid als Hoogleraar [in de] Historische Taalkunde van het Nederlands aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam
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Amsterdamer Publikationen zur Sprache und Literatur, 86
Amsterdam & Atlanta, Georgia
Editions Rodopi
xii, 240
1 portr
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This festschrift for Leopold Peeters (b.1925) on the occasion of his retirement brings together 29 papers by students and colleagues on a variety of subjects of Dutch language and literature. They are organized under 3 headings: I, “Tekststudie”; II, “Taalstudie”, and III, “Geschiedenis van de taalkunde”. The last-mentioned section includes (mostly fairly short) contributions by Rolf H. Bremmer, Jr., G. R. W. Dibbets, Els Elffers, Jan Noordegraaf, Els Ruisendaal, Robin D. Smith, Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade, and Marijke van der Wal. The back matter consists of a list of publications of L. Peeters (233–236) and a tabula gratulatoria (239–240)
Question-Reply Argumentation
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Contributions in Philosophy, 40
New York-Westport, Connecticut-London
Greenwood Press
xvi, 408
The book deals with “the subject of questioning as a form of reasoned argumentation” (p.xiii). It has chaps. such as the following: 1, “Basic assumptions, goals, and methods of inquiry”; 2, “Have you stopped beating your spouse?”, and 3, “Black-and-white questions”. Bib. (395–402). Index (403–408)
Text and Concordance of Biblioteca Nacional MS 2165, Arte complida de cirugía
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
4 Mikrofiches
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Übersetzung der Chirurgia Magna von Lanfranc, aus dem 15. Jhdt. Vgl. Ardemagni 1988 (supra). – HJN
Johann Georg Hamanns Ansichten zur Sprache: Versuch einer Rekonstruktion aus dem Frühwerk
Nodus Publikationen
This 1989 Univ. of Regensburg dissertation (thesis director: Herbert Ernst Brekle) is an investigation of Hamann’s (1730–1788) early linguistic thinking, prior to his controversy with Johann Gottfried Herder (1744–1803), following the publication of the latter’s Abhandlung über den Ursprung der Sprache in 1772, for instance. It has the following 5 chaps. of unequal length: 1, “Einleitung: Situierung der Arbeit”; 2, “Der Kontext: Sprachtheorien der Aufklärung”; 3, “Hamann als Leser: Zu einer Kenntnis und Lektüre sprachwissenschaftlicher und sprachphilosophischer Literatur seiner Zeit”; 4, “Chronologischer Teil [of the investigation, beginning with H’s polemic against the 1759 prize question of the Berlin Academy]”, and 5, “Systematische Zusammenfassung”. Bib. of primary (178–186) and secondary sources (187–199). Index of names with life-dates (200–203), which however excludes Hamann’s, which are nowhere mentioned in the book. – Cf. Paul B. Salmon’s brief review in Henry Sweet Society Newsletter No. 15 (Nov. 1990), pp. 24–25
Universal Grammar and Second Language Acquisition
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Language Acquisition & Language Disorders, 1
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
ix, 198
The book has the following chaps.: 1, “Linguistic theory and language acquisition”; 2, “The logical problem of second language acquistion”; 3, “Testing for principles of Universal Grammar”; 4, “The effects of parameters in second language acquisition”; 5, “Markedness”; 6, “Learnabiity and the Subset Principle”, and 7, “Universal Grammar and second language acquisition”. Brief index (197–198)
Deutsche Sprachgeschichte: Ein Studienbuch
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Uni-Taschenbücher, 1581
Francke Verlag
This textbook for the study of the history of the German language has the following chaps.: 1, “Theoretische Grundlagen”, which includes sections such as “Geschichtlichkeit der Sprache und Sprachgeschichtsforschung”; 2, “Vorgeschichte der deutschen Sprache [i.e., the development of Old High German from Indo-European via Germanic]”; 3, “Frühgeschichte der deutschen Sprache (Althochdeutsch)”; 4, “Das mittelalterliche Deutsch (Mittelhochdeutsch)”; 5, “Die frühneuhochdeutsche Periode”; 6, “Die neuhochdeutsche Zeit”, and 7, “Ausblick”, in which questions of ‘language decay’ and language split are discussed. The back matter consists of a glossary of terms (274–278), a bib. (279–296), and indices of authors (297–298) and of subjects (299–302)
Die Selbstdarstellung in narrativen Interviews als Parameter von Kommunikationskulturen
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Arbeitspapier, 28
Bern, Switzerland
Institut für Sprachwissenschaft; Universität Bern
Lizentiatsarbeit, Univ. of Bern, 1989
The Text and Concordance of MS 51–17, Biblioteca Colombina, Tesoro de los remedios
The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
2 Mikro-fiches
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Aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach handelt es sich bei dem Text um eine Übersetzung einer medizinischen Schrift aus dem Arabischen. Die Hs. ist auf das 15.Jhdt. zu datieren. – HJN
Verb Phrase Syntax: A parametric study of English and Spanish
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Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, [unnumbered]
Kluwer Academic Publishers
xiii, 213
The book has the following chaps.: 1, “The Principles-and-Parameters Model and the Verb Phrase”; 2, “Auxiliary Verbs in X̅-Theory”; 3, “Licensing of VP”; 4, “Proper Government of VP”; 5, “Structure of VP in Spanish”; and 6, “Vo Chains and Government of VP in Spanish”. “References” (199–202); indices of names” (203–204) and subjects (205–213)
Einbildungskraft (imagination) und Bild (image) in den Sprachtheorien um 1800: Ein Vergleich zwischen Frankreich und Deutschland
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KODIKAS/CODE; Supplement, 19
Gunter Narr Verlag
xii, 295
This former doctoral dissertation (supervisor: Brigitte Schlie-ben-Lange) is divided into two main parts entitled, respectively, “Die ‘imagination rebelle’, die ‘sensibilité exaltée’ und das ‘tempérament tempéré’” and “Image versus signe: Die Sprache der Poesie oder Algebra”. The bulk of the author’s investigation, despite the book’s subtitle, is devoted to the sign theories of the French Idéologues (in particular Antoine Destutt de Tracy, Joseph Marie Degérando, Marie-François-Pierre-Gonthier Maine de Biran) and the writings of their predecessors such as Condillac and Dumarsais, and much less to the ideas of the German ‘Romantic’ linguistic authors in Germany like August Ferdinand Bernhardi (1769–1820), Friedrich and August Wilhelm Schlegel, and possibly others (see the list of primary sources, pp. 287–289). Bib. of secondary sources (290–295); no index
Reflexive Epistemology: The Philosophical Legacy of Otto Neurath
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Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 118
Translated from the Italian by
David McKie
Kluwer Academic Publishers
xx, 203
The book on the Viennese philosopher Otto Neurath (1882–1945) has the following chaps.: 1, “The Problem of Assessment”; 2, “Enlightenment, Neo-Marxism, Conventionalism: Towards a Critique of Cartesian Rationalism”; 3, “Linguistic Reflexivity and ‘Pseudo-rationalism’”; 4, “Neurath versus Popper”; 5, “The Unity of Science as a Historico-Sociological Goal: From the primacy of physics to the epistem-ological priority of sociology”; 6, “Strengths and Weaknesses of an Empirical Sociology”, and 7, “Evaluation, Prescription, and Political Decision”. The back matter consists of “List of Otto Neurath’s Cited Works” (185–191), a “Meta-bibliographical note” (p. 193), a “Subject Index” (195–198), and an “Author Index” (199–203)