Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent writings in the study of language, with particular attention being given to those dealing with the history – and historiography – of the language sciences. Only in exceptional instances will a separate acknowledgement of receipt be issued; no book can be returned to the publisher after it has been analyzed in this section. It should be pointed out, moreover, that by accepting a book, no promise is implied that it will be reviewed in any detail in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints will be sent to the publishers of the works reviewed, including those items briefly commented upon in the present section.
Yearbook of Morphology 1998
Kluwer Academic Publishers
, [
The first part of the volume prints papers from the First Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, held in Mytiline in 1997, and edited by Angela Rally & Sergio Scalise, beginning with an article by Greville G. Corbett on “Protypical inflection: Implications for typology” and ending with a paper by Anna M. Thornton on “On Italian derivatives with antesuffixal glides”. (The other contributors are Marianne Mithun, Irene Philippaki-Warburton & Vassilios Spyropoulos, and Andrew Spencer.) The second half consists of five regular papers and a detailed book review (289–309) by Richard Sproat of New Approaches to Chinese Word Formation edited by Jerome Packard (place, publisher, and year of publication not supplied). The articles include “Lenition in Hessian: Cluster reduction and ‘subtractive plurals’” by David J. Holsinger & Paul D. Houseman; “A declarative approach to conversion into verbs in German” by Martin Neef, and “Phonolgical constraints on English word formation” by Renate Raffelsiefen” (225–287, with altogether 109 endnotes [271–284])
Women, Language and Linguistics: Three American stories from the first half of the twentieth century
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Routledge Studies in the History of Linguistics, 2
London & New York
This well-researched study in effect deals with the lives and work of more than the three women who are at the centre of the author’s interest, i.e., Alice Vanderbilt Morris (1874–1950), the co-founder and main sponsor of the International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA) in 1924; Gladys Amanda Reichard (1893–1955), anthropologist and “part-time linguist” (p. 95) of the Southwest Indians, notably the Zuñi, and E[mma] Adelaide Hahn (1893–1967), the distinguished Indo-Europeanist and specialist of Hittite. Others include anthropologist Elsie Clews Parsons (1874–1941), who supported the work of various other anthropologists financially, including Reichard’s. There are also brief sketches of the lives and (non-)careers of Klara Hechtenberg Collitz (1863–1944; Ph.D., Heidelberg 1901), Louise Pound (1872–1958; Ph.D., Heidelberg 1900), May Lansfield Keller (1877–1964; Ph.D., Heidelberg 1904), Edith Francis Claflin (1875–1953; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr, 1904), and others. – Not mentioned is Anna Granville Hatcher (1905–1978), a Romance linguist (see Yakov Makiel’s obituary in Romance Philology 33.328–333, 1979); the career of another scholar, anthropological linguist Sarah Caroline Gudschinsky (1919–1975) and the first woman director on the board of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, falls into the second half of the 20th century, i.e., squarly outside the (chronological) scope of the present book, which contains much useful general information not found elsewhere, for instance on the founding and early history of the Linguistic Society of America and the role women have played in its pre-WW II phase (7–25). Another details the history of the IALA (40–42, 45–58) and especially the history of ‘constructed’ languages and attempts at universal communication systems, which the author traces back to Hildegard of Bingen (1098–1179) and her invention of a secret langage (p. 43). A rich bib. (274–290) is followed by a very detailed general index (291–306)
Grammatical Analyses in Basque and Romance Linguistics: Papers in honor of Mario Saltarelli
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Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 187
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
This volume of original articles devoted to the areas of specialization of one of Spain’s greatest linguists of the 20th century, Luis Michelena (alias Koldo Mitxelena, 1915–1987), namely, Romance philology and Basque linguistics, contains contributions by modern scholars in the field such as Luigi Burzio, Héctor Campos, Heles Contreras, José Ignacio Hualde, John Ortiz de Urbina, Claudia Parodi & Carlos Quicoli, Eduardo Raposo, Margarita Suñer, Dieter Wanner, and Karen Zagona. Indexes of authors and of terms & concepts
Cultural, Psychological and Typological Issues in Cognitive Linguistics: Selected papers of the bi-annual ICLA meeting in Albuquerque, July 1995
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Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 152
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
This is the third and last volume of papers deriving from the Fourth International Cognitive Linguistics Conference held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in July 1995; the other two appeared in 1997 as volumes 150 and 151 of the same series: Lexical and Syntactical Constructions and the Construction of Meaning ed. by Marjolijn Verspoor et al. and Discourse and Perspective in Cognitive Linguistics ed. by Wolf-Andreas Liebert et al., respectively. – The present volume brings together 17 papers organized under the following headings: I, “Cultural Patterns, Language and Cognition”; II, “Psycholinguistic and Neurolinguistic Approaches”, and III, “Typological Issues”. There is a general index
with the assistance of
Tibor Szécsényi
Crossing Boundaries: Advances in the theory of Central and Eastern European languages
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Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 182
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
The papers here assembled were first presented at The First Conference on Linguistic [= Generative] Theory in Eastern European Languages held in Szeged, Hungary, in April 1998. Typical subjects are clitics and problems of head and phrasal movement, the structure of the NP (or DP) and of clauses. There are indexes of authors, languages, and subjects
Initiation raisonnée à la phonétique de l’anglais
Édition révisée et augmentée avec CD audio
Hachette Supérieur
This phonetics textbook is conceived as “avant tout un instrument de travail” (Avertissement, Yet it surpasses traditional textbooks in that it carries, beyond questions of orthography, articulatory as well as acoustic phonetics, discussion of suprasegmentals, etc. chapters on generative phonology also one on “La phonétique historique” (74–82), in which ‘la loi de Grimm’, Verner’s Law as well as the Great Vowel Shift are illustrated
A Guide to the History of the Phonetic Sciences in the United States: Issued on the occasion of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, San Francisco, 1–7 August 1999
University of California Printing Services
Seventy-four contributors, mostly from the USA, and of whom quite a few are from Berkeley, have collaborated on this, the first extended attempt to characterise the range and quality of phonetic work carried out in the USA from the 18th century onwards. The word ‘Guide’ in the title is important, because, as the editors point out, the aim is “merely to document as accurately as possible some of the major events in the practice and development of the phonetic sciences in the US and to guide the interested reader to sources where further details might be obtained”. The material is organised into three distinct sections: thematic essays, institutions, and biographical sketches. Ten thematic essays deal with a variety of sub-disciplines including articulatory phonetics (in the form of phonetics for dialectology, and field phonetics), physiological phonetics, clinical phonetics, acoustic phonetics, spelling reform and speech technology. The growth of phonetics at an institutional level is described in twelve essays, covering the past achievements (and, where appropriate, the current scene) at Bell Labs, Berkeley, Florida, Gallaudet, Haskins Labs, Iowa, Michigan, MIT, Ohio State, SCRL at Santa Barbara, and UCLA. (A useful bonus is a summary of the background to the Jakobson-Fant-Halle system of distinctive features, associated with Roman Jakobson in Cambridge, Mass.) The remaining third of the book is taken up with short(ish) biographies of nearly one hundred phoneticians – the word has to be interpreted pretty liberally at times; each entry is accompanied by a brief bibliography and sometimes a photograph and/or an illustration from a key work by the person in question. The list starts with Arthur S. Abramson (b.1925), written by himself, and ends with George Kingsley Zipf (1902–1950) by Daniel D. Granville, with entries on Alexander Graham Bell (1847–1922), Dwight D. Bolinger (1907–1992), Pierre Delattre (1903–1969), Samuel S. Haldeman (1812–1880), Clarence E. Parmenter (1888–1982), Benjamin Pitman (1822–1910), and others; some of the current elder statesmen and – women of American phonetics, e.g., Sheila Blumstein (b.1944), Patricia Keating (b.?), Winifred Strange (b.1945) – have penned their own entries. There is a reasonably comprehensive Name and Institution index. – Michael K. C. MacMahon, Univ. of Glasgow
Miscellanea Indo-Europea
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Journal of Indo-European Studies – Monograph, 33
Washington, D.C.
Institute for the Study of Man
, [
This volume includes a number of important studies dealing, in one way or another, with the Indo-European homeland question. They are preceded by a useful (but by no means either complete or always accurate) “Bibliographie chronologique des études indo-européennes [from Leibniz’ Brevis designatio of 1710 to forthcoming writings]” compiled by Alain de Benoist (3–73), e.g., Friedrich Schlegel’s well-known and influential Ueber die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier of 1808 appeared in Heidelberg (chez Mohr & Zimmer), not Berlin (p. 3); Indogermanische Eigennamen als Spiegel der Kulturgeschichte (1922) was authored more likely by Felix Solmsen (cf. p. 20, where there are two contradictory entries) than by Ernst Fraenkel (1881–1957), author of Die baltischen Sprachen of 1950 (p. 30). The papers of particular interest to the ‘Indogermanenfrage’ are: “Archaeology, social evolution, and the spread of Indo-European languages” by Garret Olmsted (75–116); “Nomadenhypothese und Ursprung der Indogermanen” by Alexander Häusler (117–170), and “Can a counting system be an index of lingustic relatinship?” by Carol F. Justus (219–240)
Discurso y ciencia social
Buenos Aires
Eudeba, Universida de Buenos Aires
This booklet derives from a research seminar / project on discourse analysis as tool of the social sciences’ held at the University of Buenos Aires (year not given in the Avertencia, p. 9 – though the most recent references in the bib. (161–164) dates from 1995). Only the last author is a social scientist; all the others are identified as linguists. As their joint Introduction (11–22) suggests, the authors are particularly inspired by the Critical Linguistics espoused by British scholars like Hodge, Kress, Fowler and others and represented more recently by books such as Norman Fairclough’s Discourse and Social Change (1992). From the contents: “Mensaje, presuposición e ideolgiía” by Alejandro Raiter (39–43); “‘Paradigme indicial’ y elección de objeto de estudio” by Daniel Labonia (105–113), and “El discurso zapatista, ¿un nuevo discurso o un discurso emergente?” by Alejandro Raiter & Irene Muñoz (117–133)
Exploring the Role of Morphology in the Evolution of Spanish
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Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 179
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
This monograph has the folowing chapters: 1, “Concepts of morphological change”; 2, “The nature of leveling in the Old Spanish verbal paradigm”; 3, “Phonological or morphological change?”; 4, “The morphological spread of sound change”, and 5, “Hidden morphological factors in apparent syntactic change”. Index of subjects. – The book is dedicated to Ernst Pulgram (b.1915)
Lettres édifiantes et curieuses sur la langue chinoise: Humboldt / Abel-Rémusat (1821–1831)
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Problématiques philosophiques, [unnumbered]
Villeneuve-d’Ascq (Nord)
Presses Universitaires du Septentrion
This volume deals with the exchanges concerning the nature of ancient Chinese between the French Sinologist Jean-Pierre Abel-Rémusat (1788–1832), originally trained as a medical doctor and naturalist, and the diplomat, educational reformer, and amateur linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767–1835). As John E. Joseph has recently pointed out in “A Matter of Consequenz: Humboldt, race and the genius of the Chinese language” (HL 26.89–148, 1999) “Humboldt’s views on the Chinese language and its relation to intellectual development took their definitive shape in a long letter ‘on grammatical forms in general and on the genius of the Chinese language in particular’, dated 7 March 1826”, which was addressed to Abel-Rémusat. The editors of the present volume not only republished (in part in French translation) the relevant writings of the two scholars of 1821–1827, but also provided analyses, commentary, and, hardly less importantly, a first edition of the correspondence between these two scholars on the subject at hand. The book also contains a most interesting “Note sur les langues [amér]indiennes citées par Humboldt” (103–118) as well as a reprint of the review of Humboldt’s famous Lettre à M. Abel-Rémusat by the orientalist Antoine Isaac Silvestre de Sacy (1758–1838), originally published in Journal des Savans (1828). The volume includes an “Index des noms [and (328–329) of all of Humboldt’s writings mentioned in it]”, an “index des langues”, and an “Index des notions [such as energeia, génie des langues, jugement, perfection, and typologie]”
The Roots of Old Chinese
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Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 184
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
This study, though building on more recent research by Axel Schuessler, the late Paul K. Benedict (1912–1997), Ulrich Unger, and others, notably Chinese scholars, revives the pioneering work of the Frenchman Henri Maspero (1883–1945) of 1930 concerning “Préfixes et dérivation en chinois archaïque” – as against the views of the celebrated Scandinavian scholar Bernhard Karlgren (1889–1978) in ancient Chinese phonology and morphology which had held sway for most of the 20th century. Another of Sagart’s ‘heroes’ is no doubt André Georges Haudricourt (1910–1996) – cf. his 1954 article, “Comment reconstruire le chinois archaïque” (Word 10.351–364). The back matter consists of a “Chinese chronology”, a “List of reconstructions”, an “Index of Chinese characters”, and a “General index”
Structure et totalité: Les origines intellectuelles du structuralisme en Europe centrale et orientale
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Linguistique Nouvelle, [unnumbered]
Presses Universitaires de France
Building on the author’s previous research on Roman Jakobson (1896–1982) and N. S. Trubetzkoy (1890–1938), notably the latter’s ‘Eurasian’ work – cf. his edition and translation of N. S. Troubetzkoy: L’Europe et l’humanité. Écrits linguistique et paraliguistique (Liège: P. Mardaga, 1996) —, this study seeks the origins of ‘structuralism’, especially the kind of structuralism associated with the Prague School, in the specific context and intellectual tradition of Russian cultural and political thinking as found during the 1920s various areas outside of linguistics. The book has 4 main parts, entitled I, “L’état des lieux”; II, “La clôture”; III, “La nature”, and IV, “La science”, and altogether 10 chapters devoted, following an introductory discussion of epistemological issues in linguistic historiography (Chap. 1), subjects like “Le mouvement eurasiste” (2), “Le facteur espace” (3), “Continu et discontinu” including a discussion of Schleicher’s genealogical tree concept and Johannes Schmidt’s so-called ‘wave theory’, (4), “Évolutionnisme ou diffusionnisme?” largely discussing the ideas of Nikolaj Jakovleviã Marr (1865–1934) (5), “Le modèle biologique” (7), “La personologie et la synthèse des sciences” largely on the Eurasianist ideas of Trubetzkoy and the Russian geographer Petr Nikolaeviã Savickij (1895–1968) – omitted, like Jakobson and Trubetzkoy, in the name index (9), although his contribution (“Principes de la géographie linguistiques”) to the famous 1929 Theses of the Linguistic Circle of Prague are reproduced in an appendix (315–317) and the concluding chapter 10, “Le holisme: qu’est-ce qu’un tout?”. The back matter consists of a bib. (319–338), an “Index des notions” (339–347), a language index (p. 349), and an “Index des noms propres”, with useful life-dates, but no full first names of authors. Apart from some historiographical ‘howlers’, such as the affirmation that Schleicher’s organicist ideas are derived from Darwin’s evolutionism (p. 139 note) or that Trubetzkoy hardly ever referred to Saussure in his entire work (p. 21, n.4), this study carries many original findings, including the central one that the ‘Eurasian’ idea in fact derives from Western, notably German and Austrian, sources of the late 19th century, and is not at all, as is usually assumed, a typically Russian concept
Chinese Dialect Classification: A comparative approach to Harngjou, Old Jintarn, and Common Northern Wu
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Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 188
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
“The focus of the study is primarily on comparative dialect phonology and lexicon” in which the author departs from “the traditional practice of determining dialect character and affiliation by reference to Middle Chinese”, describing them instead “in terms of Common Northern Wu”. “in developing a rigorous classificatory framework, this study helps to lay the groundwork for understandig the true nature of Mandarin and Wu dialects and their history” (Introduction, p. 1). The author follows up on suggestions first made by Yuen Ren Chao (1892–1982) and more recently by Leu Shwushiang (1993). General index (310–317)
Voortgang: Jaarboek voor de Neerlandistiek
Stichting Neerlandistiek
Nodus Publikationen
From the contents (all articles are in Dutch, but carry a brief abstract in English): “[Petrus] Lepenius’ [(1607–1670)] taalkunde en zijn boekenkast” (113–128), in which Gerrit R. W. Dibbets analyses the grammatical and other linguistic books owned by this this scholar and which he used in his own work; “Biografie en vakgeschiedenis: Anton Reichling (1898–1986)” by Els Elffes (129–149); “Joast [Hiddes] Halbertsma [(1789–1869)] en de Anglo-Saxon controversy (1834–1835): Taalkunde tussen oud en nieuw en tussen tekst en theorie” (151–175), in which Anthonia Feitsma deals with Halbertsma’s partial acceptance of the new approach to Germanic philology inspired by Grimm and promoted by his students in Britain, notably Benjamin Thorpe (1782–1870) and John Mitchell Kemble (1807–1857), and “Jac[ques] van Ginneken [(1877–1945)] in de Tweende Wereldoorlog” (177–209), in which Gerrold van de Stroom investigates the conduct during the years 1940–1945 of van Ginneken in his role as linguistics professor in Nijmegen, as Jesuit, and as a person in hiding from the German occupation forces, and concludes that most, if not all, accusations of improper behaviour leveled against him by Dutch colleagues after WW II are unfounded
Translation and Interpreting in the 20th Century: Focus on German
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Benjamins Translation Library, 29
Amsterdam & Philadelphia
John Benjamins
This historical account contains the following chapters, following the Introduction (1–15), which contains a short “Retrospective” which refers to earlier times, including the contact of early French discoverers and colonists in Canada with the indigenous population: 2, “The Period 1900–1919”; 3, “The Period 1919–1945”; “The Period 1945–1990”, followed by chapters largely devoted to non-historical subjects such a 5, “Professional fields”; 6, “The instutionalization of professional practice” (discussing translation in civil service, information gathering operations, multiand/or international companies such as Bayer, Siemens, Mannesmann, etc.); 7, “The present day”, and 8, “Beyond 2000”. The author interviewed a variety of (many of them now retired) professionals in various capacities. including diplomatic service (cf. Preface, p.x). The back matter consists of a bib. (237–248), an “Author Index” (249–251), which “contains only names of scholars whose works are listed in the bibliography” (p. 249, note), and a “Subject Index” (253–256). – Historians will regret the reduction of all first names to initials and the absence of life-dates or any further information on those pioneers in translation and interpreting, e.g., the life and career of French-born U.S. Colonel Léon Émile Dostert (1904–1971), “Eisenhauer’s interpreter during the Second World War and the man who organized the interpreting at the Nuremburg War Trials” (p. 75), who, a graduate from Georgetown University in Washingon, D.C. (B.S., 1928; M.A., 1931), built up the Foreign Service Institute, the School of Languages and Linguistics, and various (mechanical) translation projects there from 1949 onwards. (Dostert is not even included in the name index.)