Part of
Handbook of Pragmatics: Manual
Edited by Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman and Jan Blommaert †
[Handbook of Pragmatics M] 1995
► pp. 182189
Cited by (69)

Cited by 69 other publications

Awungjia, Ajohche Nkemngu
2024. Co-constructing identities and ideological positions in conversational storytelling among friends. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 42:sup1 DOI logo
Bevolo, Marco & Filiberto Amati
2024. The future of business events in the “phygital” age: development of a generative tool. World Leisure Journal 66:1  pp. 92 ff. DOI logo
Killmer, Helene
2024. How parents with aphasia deal with children’s resistance to requests. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 38:6  pp. 529 ff. DOI logo
Leyland, Christopher, Spencer Hazel & Adam Brandt
2024. Enabling people living with dementia to make choices during creative workshops: a conversation analysis study of co-creativity, choice-sequences, and the supportive actions of carers. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 49:3  pp. 114 ff. DOI logo
Nguyen, Ngoc Thi Bich & Ilana Mushin
2024. Understanding equivocal feedback in PhD supervision meetings: a conversation analysis approach. Teaching in Higher Education 29:6  pp. 1537 ff. DOI logo
Wallner, Lars
2024. Constructing moments of insight: accounting for learning in classroom discussions on narrative fiction reading. Classroom Discourse 15:4  pp. 421 ff. DOI logo
Wu, Yijin & Xin Zhang
2024. Examining Conversation Analysis in Palliative Care: A Systematic Review. Health Communication 39:13  pp. 3072 ff. DOI logo
Bozbıyık, Merve & Tom Morton
2023. Connecting target content with students through translanguaging in a postgraduate EMI pharmacology module. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Chen, Xuemei
2023. Interactive reception of online literary translation: the translator-readers dynamics in a discussion forum. Perspectives 31:4  pp. 690 ff. DOI logo
da Cruz, Fernanda Miranda
2023. Multimodal interaction analysis of non-lexical vocalisations in low-verbal autistic children. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 37:4-6  pp. 491 ff. DOI logo
Haines, Howard
2023. The room where it happened: Conversation analysis of entrepreneur meetups. Journal of Small Business Management 61:6  pp. 2418 ff. DOI logo
Hırçın-Çoban, Merve & Betül Çimenli
2023. Collaborative turn construction in paired speaking tests across different proficiency levels. Classroom Discourse 14:4  pp. 366 ff. DOI logo
Jones, Henry
2023. “Gua means scrape”: a conversation analysis of identity construction and negotiation in polylogal Wikipedia paratext. Translation Studies 16:3  pp. 379 ff. DOI logo
Killmer, Helene, Jan Svennevig & Suzanne Beeke
2023. Requests to children by parents with aphasia. Aphasiology 37:9  pp. 1363 ff. DOI logo
Li, Li
2023. Critical thinking from the ground up: teachers’ conceptions and practice in EFL classrooms. Teachers and Teaching 29:6  pp. 571 ff. DOI logo
Nicholson, Clare, W. Mick L. Finlay & Steven Stagg
2023. Self-determination and co-operation in supported mealtimes involving people with severe intellectual disabilities. Disability and Rehabilitation 45:17  pp. 2741 ff. DOI logo
Reed, Beatrice Szczepek
2023. Designing Talk for Humans and Horses: Prosody as a Resource for Parallel Recipient Design. Research on Language and Social Interaction 56:2  pp. 89 ff. DOI logo
Reed, Beatrice Szczepek
2024. ‘You Don’t Need Me Shouting Here’: When Instructors Observe Learners in Silence. Research on Language and Social Interaction 57:2  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo
Tomasine, Joseph S.
2023. Documenting oral feedback discourse during formal formative reading assessment with an emergent bilingual student. Classroom Discourse 14:4  pp. 393 ff. DOI logo
Amri, Marwa & Olcay Sert
2022. Establishing understanding during student-initiated between-desk instructions in project work. Cambridge Journal of Education 52:6  pp. 667 ff. DOI logo
Asplund, Stig-Börje, Nina Kilbrink & Hamid Asghari
2022. Teaching and learning how to handle tools and machines in vocational educational workshop sessions. Journal of Curriculum Studies 54:6  pp. 809 ff. DOI logo
Ferenčík, Milan
2022. Exercising politeness. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 351 ff. DOI logo
Khosronejad, Maryam, Mary Ryan, Georgina Barton, Debra Myhill & Lisa Kervin
2022. Examining how classroom talk shapes students’ identities as reflexive writers in elementary classrooms. Classroom Discourse 13:1  pp. 64 ff. DOI logo
Musk, Nigel
2022. Using online translation tools in computer-assisted collaborative EFL writing. Classroom Discourse 13:2  pp. 119 ff. DOI logo
Ross, Isobel & Maria Stubbe
2022. Self-Repeats-as-Unit-Ends: A Practice for Promoting Interactivity During Surgeons’ Decision-Related Informings. Research on Language and Social Interaction 55:3  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
Archer, Brent, Jamie H. Azios, Nora Gulick & Jennifer Tetnowski
2021. Facilitating participation in conversation groups for aphasia. Aphasiology 35:6  pp. 764 ff. DOI logo
Azios, Jamie H., Brent Archer & Jaime B. Lee
2021. Detecting behavioural change in conversation: procedures and preliminary data. Aphasiology 35:7  pp. 961 ff. DOI logo
Chinn, Deborah & David Rudall
2021. Who is Asked and Who Gets to Answer the Health-Care Practitioner’s Questions When Patients with Intellectual Disabilities Attend UK General Practice Health Checks with Their Companions?. Health Communication 36:4  pp. 487 ff. DOI logo
Johnson, Fiona, Suzanne Beeke & Wendy Best
2021. Searching for active ingredients in rehabilitation: applying the taxonomy of behaviour change techniques to a conversation therapy for aphasia. Disability and Rehabilitation 43:18  pp. 2550 ff. DOI logo
Davidson, Christina & Christine Edwards-Groves
2020. Managing the delicate matter of advice giving: accomplishing communicative space in Critical Participatory Action Research. Educational Action Research 28:2  pp. 275 ff. DOI logo
Kilger, Magnus & Karin Aronsson
2020. Being a good sport: players’ uptake to coaches’ joking in interviews for the youth national team. Sports Coaching Review 9:2  pp. 185 ff. DOI logo
McQuade, Robert, Esther Ventura-Medina, Sally Wiggins & Tony Anderson
2020. Examining self-managed problem-based learning interactions in engineering education. European Journal of Engineering Education 45:2  pp. 232 ff. DOI logo
Clifton, Jonathan
2019. Using conversation analysis for organisational research: a case study of leadership-in-action. Communication Research and Practice 5:4  pp. 342 ff. DOI logo
Hung, Elsa Ngai, Grace Suk-Man Leung & Johnson Chun-Sing Cheung
2019. Responding to children’s ‘emotion talk’: a conversation analysis of a therapeutic encounter between a social worker and two siblings using child-centred play therapy. Journal of Social Work Practice 33:4  pp. 433 ff. DOI logo
Maharani, Annisa & Antonius Suratno
2019. Analysis of conversational organization in Indonesian doctor–patient diagnostic talks. Asian Englishes 21:1  pp. 70 ff. DOI logo
Puorideme, Dennis
2019. How men and women negotiate sociocultural relations in Asante matrilineage (abusua): an ethnographic-based discourse study. Journal of Multicultural Discourses 14:3  pp. 272 ff. DOI logo
Rodriguez-Mojica, Claudia
2019. “I Don’t Get It. I Need Help”: Emergent Bilinguals Seeking and Receiving Help From Peers in Language Arts. Literacy Research and Instruction 58:2  pp. 105 ff. DOI logo
Wiklund, Mari & Minna Laakso
2019. Ungrammatical utterances and disfluent speech as causes of comprehension problems in interactions of preadolescents with high functioning autism. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 33:7  pp. 654 ff. DOI logo
Yazdanpanah, Maziar, Charlotta Plejert, Christina Samuelsson & Gunilla Jansson
2019. An interactional perspective on sound prolongation in multilingual encounters in residential care. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 33:12  pp. 1103 ff. DOI logo
Ahlsén, Elisabeth & Charlotta Saldert
2018. Activity-based communication analysis – focusing on context in communication partner training. Aphasiology 32:10  pp. 1194 ff. DOI logo
Archer, Brent, Jennifer Tetnowski, Jackie C. Freer, Stephanie Schmadeke & Eleni Christou-Franklin
2018. Topic selection sequences in aphasia conversation groups. Aphasiology 32:4  pp. 394 ff. DOI logo
Galaczi, Evelina & Lynda Taylor
2018. Interactional Competence: Conceptualisations, Operationalisations, and Outstanding Questions. Language Assessment Quarterly 15:3  pp. 219 ff. DOI logo
Kindell, Jackie, Ray Wilkinson, Karen Sage & John Keady
2018. Combining music and life story to enhance participation in family interaction in semantic dementia: a longitudinal study of one family’s experience. Arts & Health 10:2  pp. 165 ff. DOI logo
Waring, Hansun Zhang
2018. Teaching L2 interactional competence: problems and possibilities. Classroom Discourse 9:1  pp. 57 ff. DOI logo
Clark, Vicky, Keith Tuffin, Karen Frewin & Natilene Bowker
2017. Shared housing among young adults: avoiding complications in domestic relationships. Journal of Youth Studies 20:9  pp. 1191 ff. DOI logo
Evans, Bryn
2017. Sports coaching as action-in-context: using ethnomethodological conversation analysis to understand the coaching process. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 9:1  pp. 111 ff. DOI logo
Garcia, Angela Cora
2017. What Went Right: Interactional Strategies for Managing Crisis Negotiations during an Emergency Service Call. The Sociological Quarterly 58:3  pp. 495 ff. DOI logo
Giles, David C.
2017. How do fan and celebrity identities become established on Twitter? A study of ‘social media natives’ and their followers. Celebrity Studies 8:3  pp. 445 ff. DOI logo
Miri, Mowla, Goudarz Alibakhshi & Mahnaz Mostafaei-Alaei
2017. Reshaping Teacher Cognition About L1 Use Through Critical ELT Teacher Education. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 14:1  pp. 58 ff. DOI logo
Nilsson, Elin
2017. Fishing for answers: Couples living with dementia managing trouble with recollection. Educational Gerontology 43:2  pp. 73 ff. DOI logo
Romero, Yasmine
2017. Developing an Intersectional Framework: Engagingthe Decenterin Language Studies. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 14:4  pp. 320 ff. DOI logo
Tanner, Marie
2017. Taking interaction in literacy events seriously: a conversation analysis approach to evolving literacy practices in the classroom. Language and Education 31:5  pp. 400 ff. DOI logo
Webb, Joseph
2017. Conversation takes two: understanding interactions with people with dementia. Disability & Society 32:7  pp. 1102 ff. DOI logo
Arminen, Ilkka, Christian Licoppe & Anna Spagnolli
2016. Respecifying Mediated Interaction. Research on Language and Social Interaction 49:4  pp. 290 ff. DOI logo
Dovigo, Fabio
2016. Argumentation in preschool: a common ground for collaborative learning in early childhood. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 24:6  pp. 818 ff. DOI logo
Eriksson, Karin, Emma Forsgren, Lena Hartelius & Charlotta Saldert
2016. Communication partner training of enrolled nurses working in nursing homes with people with communication disorders caused by stroke or Parkinson’s disease. Disability and Rehabilitation 38:12  pp. 1187 ff. DOI logo
Etehadieh, Elaheh & Johanna Rendle-Short
2016. Intersubjectivity or Preference: Interpreting Student Pauses in Supervisory Meetings. Australian Journal of Linguistics 36:2  pp. 172 ff. DOI logo
Healey, Meghan L. & Murray Grossman
2016. Social Coordination in Older Adulthood: A Dual-Process Model. Experimental Aging Research 42:1  pp. 112 ff. DOI logo
Khatib, Mohammad & Mowla Miri
2016. Cultivating Multivocality in Language Classrooms: Contribution of Critical Pedagogy-Informed Teacher Education. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 13:2  pp. 98 ff. DOI logo
Paulus, Trena M. & Jessica Nina Lester
2016. ATLAS.ti for conversation and discourse analysis studies. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 19:4  pp. 405 ff. DOI logo
Karrebæk, Martha Sif
2013. Lasagna for Breakfast. Food, Culture & Society 16:1  pp. 85 ff. DOI logo
Lind, Christopher
2013. Conversation repair: Ecological validity of outcome measures in acquired hearing impairment. Cochlear Implants International 14:sup4  pp. 48 ff. DOI logo
Norén, Niklas, Eva Svensson & Jeanette Telford
2013. Participants’ Dynamic Orientation to Folder Navigation when Using 
a VOCA with a Touch Screen in Talk-in-Interaction. Augmentative and Alternative Communication 29:1  pp. 20 ff. DOI logo
Denman, Ashleigh & Ray Wilkinson
2011. Applying conversation analysis to traumatic brain injury: investigating touching another person in everyday social interaction. Disability and Rehabilitation 33:3  pp. 243 ff. DOI logo
Wynn, Rolf & Svein Bergvik
2011. Qualitative Methods for the Analysis of Verbal Interactions in Psychotherapy. In Communication in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy,  pp. 249 ff. DOI logo
Llinares, Ana & Tom Morton
2010. Historical explanations as situated practice in content and language integrated learning. Classroom Discourse 1:1  pp. 46 ff. DOI logo
Esmonde, Indigo
2009. Explanations in Mathematics Classrooms: A Discourse Analysis. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education 9:2  pp. 86 ff. DOI logo
Wynn, Rolf
2005. Empathy in general practice consultations: A qualitative analysis. Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale 14:3  pp. 163 ff. DOI logo
Titscher, Stefan, Ruth Wodak, Michael Meyer & Eva Vetter
1998. Textanalysemethoden in Kurzdarstellung. In Methoden der Textanalyse,  pp. 73 ff. DOI logo

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