This study has been conducted within the larger context of the project SKOBI and its research questions concerning the acquisition and development of linguistic connectivity in Turkish and German in bilingual children. The phenomenon analyzed is approached from the perspective of language typology, sociolinguistics, language psychology and acquisition theory. The paper is intended as a mainly qualitative study on one phenomenon in the language use of five Turkish-German bilingual children displaying innovative constructions of a kind not to be found in the data of the monolingual control group. It does, however, contain some additional quantitative information to give some idea of the relative frequency of the construction type in question. The paper starts with (1) the presentation of our basic pre-assumptions and research questions; (2) it then takes a cross-linguistic look at the procedural structure of wh-elements in interrogative and non-interrogative usages and (3, 4) looks at their specific syntactic and discursive roles in monolingual Turkish in contrast to German. Part 5 presents the innovations under way in embedded constructions in the bilingual Turkish data; Part 6 is a quantification of the phenomenon, based on our data. Part 7 explains these constructions with regard to a possible expansion of their procedural compositionality. The conclusion (8) attempts to re-relate the findings to the more general discussion of language change on the basis of language contact.
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2020. Looking for contact-induced language change: Converbs in heritage Turkish. International Journal of Bilingualism 24:5-6 ► pp. 1035 ff.
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2018. Turkish Heritage Language Acquisition and Maintenance in Germany. In Handbook of Comparative Studies on Community Colleges and Global Counterparts [Springer International Handbooks of Education, ], ► pp. 1 ff.
Bayram, Fatih & Clare Wright
2018. Turkish Heritage Language Acquisition and Maintenance in Germany. In Handbook of Research and Practice in Heritage Language Education [Springer International Handbooks of Education, ], ► pp. 481 ff.
2012. Turkish as an Immigrant Language in Europe. In The Handbook of Bilingualism and Multilingualism, ► pp. 770 ff.
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2012. Receptive multilingualism in an immigrant constellation: Examples from Turkish–German children’s language. International Journal of Bilingualism 16:3 ► pp. 287 ff.
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2011. ›Ethnizität‹ und Mehrsprachigkeit. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 41:4 ► pp. 71 ff.
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2010. Linguistic Effects of Immigration: Language Choice, Codeswitching, and Change in Western European Turkish. Language and Linguistics Compass 4:7 ► pp. 481 ff.
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2010. Transfer at the syntax-pragmatics interface: Pronominal subjects in bilingual Turkish. Second Language Research 26:3 ► pp. 355 ff.
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2006. Two Linguistic Systems in Contact: Grammar, Phonology and Lexicon. In The Handbook of Bilingualism, ► pp. 146 ff.
Muysken, Pieter
2012. Two Linguistic Systems in Contact: Grammar, Phonology, and Lexicon. In The Handbook of Bilingualism and Multilingualism, ► pp. 191 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 6 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.