How Portuguese children interpret subject pronouns in complement clauses
Effects of mood selection and position of antecedent
This study aimed to verify if Portuguese children show an interpretative asymmetry between null and overt subject pronouns in indicative and subjunctive complement clauses. In the indicative, children overaccepted the dispreferred coreferential reading with overt pronouns (argued to be licensed post-syntactically); children performed more adult-like with null pronouns (considered to be licensed in syntax) when there was only one intrasentential antecedent (the matrix subject). However, when a matrix object antecedent was added between the preferred matrix subject antecedent and the null embedded subject pronoun, they often accepted the dispreferred reading of disjoint reference. In subjunctive clauses, children incorrectly assigned coreferential readings to both pronouns. We assume that subjunctive obviation is partly dependent on lexical-semantic knowledge, taking time to be acquired.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Interpreting subject pronouns in finite complement clauses in EP
- 3.Cross-linguistic research in the acquisition of pronominal subjects in complement clauses: Some interpretative patterns
- 4.Hypotheses and predictions
- 5.Experiment
- 5.1Methodology
- 5.2Participants
- 5.3Test A1
- 6.Discussion
- 6.1The status of subject pronouns in the indicative
- 6.2Position of the matrix indirect object antecedent preceding the null subject pronoun
- 6.3Lexical-semantic properties of the matrix verbs selecting the subjunctive
- 6.4Specificities of the subjunctive obviation
- 7.Conclusions
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