Chapter 8
Transfer and convergence between Catalan and Spanish in a
bilingual setting
We present results from a production study of
forty-five bilingual Catalan-Spanish speakers (26 women and 19 men,
aged 16 to 65 years old), to determine whether there is transfer or
convergence between the two languages in a bilingual setting. The
participants are residents of the capital and several villages of
Majorca (Spain).
We provide evidence that the production of
third-person clitics in Majorcan Catalan is clearly affected by
bilingualism with Spanish. First, there is a pattern of partial
transfer in the use of the neutral clitic ho in
Majorcan Catalan, which shows a semantic extension matching Spanish
lo. Second, the bilinguals show a pattern of
syllabic (CV(C)) forms of pronominal clitics, favored by a
similarity with Spanish forms. This provides evidence of both
morphophonological and semantic transfer in the knowledge and
production of bilinguals who acquired both languages in childhood.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Language contact in Majorca: Majorcan Catalan and Spanish
- 3.Spanish and Catalan pronominal clitics
- 3.1Third-person clitics in Catalan
- 3.2Third-person clitics in Spanish
- 4.Previous studies
- 5.Research questions and hypotheses
- 6.Methodology
- 6.1Participant’s selection
- 6.2Data collection
- 7.Analysis and results
- 7.1Clitic production in Majorcan Catalan
- 7.2Clitic production in Majorcan Spanish
- 8.Analysis across extra-linguistic variables
- 8.1Social (extra-linguistic) variables in Majorcan
- 8.2Social variables in Majorcan Spanish
- 8.3Analysis across linguistic preferences
- 9.Final remarks
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