Crosslinguistic influences in the mapping of functional features in Quechua-Spanish Bilingualism
This paper discusses evidence of crosslinguistic influence that involves the emergence of new patterns of feature-morphology mapping in Spanish as spoken by native speakers of Quechua. It builds on the notions of functional interference and functional convergence (Sánchez 2003, 2004) and of feature reassembly (Lardiere 2003, 2005) in order to account for crosslinguistic influence at: (a) the syntactic level (feature reassembly and the emergence of non-argumental clitics) (b) the syntax/morphology interface (feature reassembly) (c) syntax/lexicon interface (feature reassembly and changes in argument structure), and (d) the syntax/pragmatics interface (licensing of null objects and focus fronting). The evidence shows that activation of features, feature reassembly and mapping onto morphology is an important source of crosslinguistic influence. Keywords: Quechua; functional convergence; interface; clitics; null objects
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