Chapter 9
Dual competence in dual language learners
Gradience and variability of object clitics in Spanish
heritage language learners
This chapter focuses on grammatical variability
in object clitic placement (omission and clitic climbing) and
morphology (gender and number) in child heritage Spanish.
Implementing Wexler’s
(2003) Clitic Acquisition Theory (CAT), original corpus
data from 60 U.S. Spanish heritage speakers (SHS), ages 4–7, are
analyzed and compared to previous research on adult L1/L2/child L1
and bilingual acquisition on clitic expression and acceptability
judgments. Results show SHS at all proficiency levels produce
clitics to some degree; however compared to Wexler (2003) and subsequent CAT studies,
SHS demonstrate ongoing clitic optionality. A high percentage of
this variability is grammatical: for instance, no substantial
difference in SHS frequencies for proclisis or enclisis occurs. In
the spirit of L2 work by Slabakova, Rothman and Kempchinsky (2011), the
Underlying and Surface Competence (Duffield, 2003) is tested as a
generative-based account of variability in more mature child
grammars, complementing CAT. The dual competence model provides a
finer-grained snapshot of ‘adult-like’ Spanish clitic expression in
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Direct object clitics
- 2.1Clitic distribution
- 2.2Theoretical accounts of clitic acquisition and
- 3.The present study
- 3.1Rationale and research hypotheses for the current
- 3.2Participants
- 3.3Data collection
- 4.Data, analysis and discussion
- 4.1Clitic production data (simple and complex
- 4.2Data interpretation and discussion
- 5.Conclusions
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Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Shin, Naomi L.
Está abriendo, la abrió: Lexical knowledge, verb type, and grammatical aspect shape child heritage speakers’ direct object omission in Spanish.
International Journal of Bilingualism 27:5
► pp. 842 ff.
Shin, Naomi
Structured variation in child heritage speakers' grammars.
Language and Linguistics Compass 16:12
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