Chapter 3
The negative expressions in three dialectal repertoires
The notebooks by A. M. Alcover, the ALPI and
the ALDC
The main aim of this chapter is to describe,
analyse and map the negative expressions recorded in three dialectal
materials related to the Catalan language developed during three
different periods of the twentieth century: the field notebooks by
Antoni M. Alcover (completed between 1900 and 1922), the
Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica, by
Tomás Navarro Tomás (conducted between 1934 and 1935, and resumed
later on in 1947 and 1952), and the Atles Lingüístic del
Domini Català, by Joan Veny and Lídia Pons (surveys
carried out between 1964 and 1975).
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Negative expressions in Alcover’s field notebooks, in the
ALPI and in the ALDC
- 2.1The negative expressions in the ALPI
- 2.1.1
316- No escupas en el suelo ‘Do not
spit on the floor’
- 2.1.2
374- Hace tres años que no lo veo
‘I have not seen him for three years’
- 2.1.3
363- La desuncen para no cansarla
‘They unyoke it as not to tire it’
- 2.1.4
340- No se veía por causa del humo ‘He/She did
not see because of the smoke’
- 2.1.5
395- Desde que nací que no vi cosa igual
‘Since I was born I have not seen anything like
- 2.1.6
258- No tienen hueso ‘They have no
- 2.1.7
302- Aun no habrá venido ‘He/She
will not have come yet’
- 2.1.8
259- No saben freír un huevo ‘They
cannot fry an egg’
- 2.2The negative expressions in the ALDC
- 2.2.1
2393- Fa dos mesos que no ha vingut
‘He/She has not come for two months’
- 2.2.2
2415- Quan vindràs, no hi seré ‘When you come, I
will not be here’
- 2.2.3
2392- No s’hi veia per mor de la boira ‘He/She did not
see because of the fog’
- 2.2.4
2409- No vindré pas ‘I will not come (at
- 2.3The negative expressions in Alcover’s QC
- 2.3.1
The geographical extent of the use of
- 2.3.2
A new meaning of cap
- 2.3.3Poc and pu
- 2.3.4
Other minority negative markers
- 3.A brief comparison of the results
- 4.Conclusion