Chapter 6
Feature analysis of neuter gender in Spanish and Asturian
It is traditionally considered that there are
three values for pronominal gender (masculine, feminine, neuter). In
this chapter, we explore the idea that there are no neuter pronouns
in Spanish, as neuter doesn’t show agreement effects. Then we focus
on mass neuter agreement, a phenomenon that takes place in an area
of Central and Northern Peninsular Spanish. After studying the kind
of syntactic information that can be obtained from syntactic
atlases, we present an overview of the phenomenon from a purely
descriptive point of view. We finally focus on demonstratives and we
claim that the Asturian demonstrative esto with a
mass noun antecedent is a determiner that takes an uncountable null
noun as its complement, whose features are contextually
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Neuter gender in Spanish
- 2.1Grammatical properties of neuter pronouns
- 2.2The gender of neuter pronouns
- 3.Mass neuter agreement
- 3.1Definition and description
- 3.2Data from atlases and dialectal corpus
- 3.3Mass neuter gender in nouns
- 3.4Mass neuter agreement and adjectives
- 3.5Mass neuter agreement and determiners
- 4.The analysis of neuter demonstrative pronouns
- 5.Conclusion
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Eguren, Luis & Cristina Sánchez López
Los pronombres interrogativos complejos del españolel quéylo qué.
Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 139:3
► pp. 711 ff.

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