Chapter 7
Parameters of clitic combination
A case study in Eastern Iberian
This chapter presents the restrictions and
alterations that object clitics show when they are combined (forming
a ‘clitic cluster’) in different varieties of Spanish, Catalan and
Aragonese. As it is well-known, the combination of a third person
accusative clitic and a third person dative clitic is rejected [in
these varieties]. The relevant point that I will explore is that
there is, in fact, variation in the way that languages avoid these
ungrammatical sequences. To show this, I consulted different
databases that describe this combination (grammars, atlases and
corpora). Furthermore, I offer a proposal that accounts for these
restrictions, building on the conclusions presented in Colomina (2020).
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Clitic combinations in Eastern Iberian
- 2.1Geographic distribution
- 2.2Clitic combinations
- 2.3Interim conclusions
- 3.The distinctness condition
- 3.1Combinatorial restrictions
- 3.2Cross-linguistic variation
- 4.Conclusion