Chapter 8
The role of language attitudes in the L2 acquisition of
sociolinguistic variation
The case of pre-verbal subjects in wh-questions
Previous studies have examined second language
learners’ attitudes toward various Spanish dialects. Nonetheless,
few studies have used matched guise to assess implicit language
attitudes with respect to morphosyntactic variables. The present
study explores the relationship between language attitudes, social
interaction, and selection of pre-verbal subjects in wh-questions
with Spanish learners studying abroad in the Dominican Republic.
Study abroad learners and a group of at-home students completed a
written contextualized task examining subject position in
wh-questions. Learners studying abroad also completed a matched
guise task and a social interaction questionnaire. Findings indicate
that learners with an increase in intelligence rating for pre-verbal
subjects at Time 2 favored selection of pre-verbal subjects at the
end of their study abroad.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Review of the literature
- 2.1Wh-questions in Spanish
- 2.2Wh-questions in Caribbean Spanish
- 2.3Social interaction
- 2.4Language attitudes
- 3.Research questions
- 4.Methodology
- 4.1Participants
- 4.2Materials and procedure
- 4.2.1Written Contextualized Task (WCT)
- 4.2.2Matched guise
- 4.2.3Study Abroad Social Interaction Questionnaire
- 4.2.4Language background questionnaire
- 4.3Coding
- 4.3.1Dependent variable
- 4.3.2Independent variables
- variables
- variables
- 4.4Analysis
- 5.Results
- 5.1Wh-questions
- 5.2Attitudes
- 6.Discussion
- 7.Conclusion
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