Part of
Spanish Language and Sociolinguistic Analysis
Edited by Sandro Sessarego and Fernando Tejedo-Herrero
[Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 8] 2016
► pp. 285304
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Cited by six other publications

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2018. Hard come, easy go. In Language Variation and Contact-Induced Change [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 340],  pp. 63 ff. DOI logo
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2016. A response to Perez. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 31:1  pp. 200 ff. DOI logo
Sessarego, Sandro
2017. Chocó Spanish and the Missing Spanish Creole debate. Language Ecology 1:2  pp. 213 ff. DOI logo
Sessarego, Sandro
2019. Language Contact and the Making of an Afro-Hispanic Vernacular, DOI logo
Sessarego, Sandro
2020. Not all grammatical features are robustly transmitted during the emergence of creoles. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 7:1 DOI logo
[no author supplied]

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