Are separable words words or phrases?
A study of Chinese verb-complement structures
Both traditional linguistics and psycholinguistics have extensively explored the issue of the category that
separable words belong to, yet different opinions persist. Building upon previous research, this study selects verb-complement
structures as its focal point. Based on the number of internally insertable elements, these structures are categorized into
verb-complement compounds, verb-complement compact structures, verb-complement loose structures, and verb-complement phrases. The
study compares the processing similarities and differences between the four types of structures with and without inter-component
spacing so that the “disconnected” and “connected” states of the four structures are investigated. Experimental results indicate
that regardless of the insertion of spaces, the reaction times for processing verb-complement compounds, compact structures, and
loose structures are shorter than those for phrases. In the comparison of presence and absence of spaces, compounds and compact
structures exhibit greater consistency, whereas no significant differences are observed between loose structures and phrases. This
suggests that the processing of verb-complement compact structures closely resembles that of words, while the processing of loose
structures embodies characteristics of both compounds and phrases, yet differs from both words and phrases. This study
demonstrates that based on the degree of internal expansion, separable words can be further classified into subcategories,
existing in a transitional state between words and phrases, forming a continuous continuum with compounds and phrases.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Method
- 2.1Participants
- 2.2Experimental design
- 2.3Experimental materials
- 2.4Experimental design
- 2.5Data analysis
- 3.Results
- 4.Discussion
- 5.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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Wang, Tianlin
International Journal of Chinese Linguistics 11:1
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