The language of Chinese Buddhism
From the perspective of Chinese historical linguistics
This is a more detailed introduction of the language of Chinese Buddhism based on our latest research of Buddhist Chinese, which is a modern Chinese historical linguistic category applied to a form of written Chinese originated for and used in Buddhist texts, including the translations into Chinese of Indian Buddhist scriptures and all Chinese works of Buddhism composed by Chinese monks and lay Buddhists in the past. We attempt to answer in this paper the following questions: What is Buddhist Chinese? What is the main difference between Buddhist Chinese and non-Buddhist Chinese? What role did this language play in the history of Chinese language development? And what is the value of this language for the Chinese Historical Linguistics?
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The language of Chinese translations of Indian Buddhist scriptures
- 2.1Hybrid of the target language with source language elements
- 2.2Hybrid of the spoken language with written language elements
- 2.3Main reasons for the two hybrids
- 2.4Colloquial Chinese register
- 2.5Written Chinese register
- 2.6Hybrid register
- 2.7Stylized/technical writing register
- 3.Language of Chinese indigenous Buddhist compositions
- 3.1Classical written Chinese register
- 3.2Vernacular written Chinese register
- 3.2.1Language of Dunhuang popular literature
- Genre of transformation texts
- Genre of vernacular poetry
- 3.2.2Recorded sayings
- 4.The Influence of the Chinese translations of Indian Buddhist scriptures on the evolution of Chinese and Chinese language studies
- 4.1The creation of baihua
- 4.2Speeding up bisyllabicization
- 4.3Adoption of plural markers for nouns and personal pronouns
- 4.4Promoting language contact
- 4.5Promoting ancient Chinese language studies
- 4.5.1
Fanqie 反切
- 4.5.2
Zimu 字母
- 4.5.3
Yuntu 韻圖
- 4.5.4
Xitan xue 悉曇學
- 4.6Revolutionizing the modern study of Chinese historical linguistics
- 4.6.1
Fan-han duiyin 梵漢對音 and its importance for historical Chinese phonology
- 4.6.2Buddhist Chinese studies based on Fan-han duikan 梵漢對勘
- Acknowledgements
- Note
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