Dong, Jihua & Louisa Buckingham
Techniques for Beginner-Level Data-Driven Learning. In
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► pp. 1 ff.

Green, Clarence
Research Synthesis in Data-Driven Learning. In
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► pp. 1 ff.

Jablonkai, Reka R.
Language for Academic Purposes and Data-Driven Learning. In
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► pp. 1 ff.

Crosthwaite, Peter & Brett Steeples
Data-driven learning with younger learners: exploring corpus-assisted development of the passive voice for science writing with female secondary school students.
Computer Assisted Language Learning 37:5-6
► pp. 1166 ff.

Flowerdew, Lynne & Bojana Petrić
A critical review of corpus-based pedagogic perspectives on thesis writing: Specificity revisited.
English for Specific Purposes 76
► pp. 1 ff.

Gilquin, Gaëtanelle
From second language acquisition research to foreign language teaching through the prism of corpora.
Ampersand 13
► pp. 100204 ff.

He, Mengyu & Qin Xie
Empowering autonomy in language learning: the sustainable impact of data-driven learning on noun collocation acquisition.
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11:1

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Ngo, Thuy Thi-Nhu & Howard Hao-Jan Chen
The effectiveness of corpus use in ESL/EFL writing: A meta-analysis.
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Staples, Shelley, Anh Dang & Hui Wang
Learner Corpora in Corpus‐Informed Instruction: Moving Toward an Asset‐ and Genre‐Based Model.
TESOL Quarterly 58:3
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Yan, Jiahao & Qing Ma
Developing advanced citation skills: A mixed-methods approach to corpus technology training for novice researchers.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 72
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Zhu, Jinyu, Yongle Yang & Zi Yan
Relationships between teacher feedback and English writing proficiency in Chinese students: The mediating effect of writing self-regulated learning strategies.
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Dong, Jihua, Yanan Zhao & Louisa Buckingham
Charting the landscape of data-driven learning using a bibliometric analysis.
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► pp. 339 ff.

Laso, Natalia Judith & Elisabet Comelles
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Liu, Tanjun & Dana Gablasova
Data-driven learning of collocations by Chinese learners of English: a longitudinal perspective.
Computer Assisted Language Learning ► pp. 1 ff.

Lusta, Amel, Özcan Demirel & Behbood Mohammadzadeh
Language corpus and data driven learning (DDL) in language classrooms: A systematic review.
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Sun, Xiaoya & Guangwei Hu
Direct and indirect data-driven learning: An experimental study of hedging in an EFL writing class.
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Yu, Xiaoli & Veysel Altunel
Data-Driven Learning for Foreign and Second Language Education in Diverse Contexts. In
New Approaches to the Investigation of Language Teaching and Literature [
Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, ],
► pp. 82 ff.

Zare, Javad & Khadijeh Aqajani Delavar
A Data-driven Learning Focus on Form Approach to Academic English Lecture Comprehension.
Applied Linguistics 44:3
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Zhao, Ke & Xiaojing Bai
Linguistic, Cognitive, Social, and Educational Perspectives on English Academic Literacy Development in the Asia-Pacific. In
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Zhao, Ke & Xiaojing Bai
Linguistic, Cognitive, Social, and Educational Perspectives on English Academic Literacy Development in the Asia-Pacific. In
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Şahin Kızıl, Aysel
Data‐driven learning: English as a foreign language writing and complexity, accuracy and fluency measures.
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Bal-Gezegin, Betül, Erdem Akbaş & Ahmet Başal
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Charles, Maggie
EAP research in BALEAP 1975–2019: Past issues and future directions.
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Charles, Maggie
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Charles, Maggie
Benefits and Challenges of Using Do‐it‐yourself Corpora for Academic Writing Development.
TESOL Quarterly 58:3
► pp. 1205 ff.

Charles, Maggie & Gregory Hadley
Autonomous corpus use by graduate students: A long-term trend study (2009–2017).
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 56
► pp. 101095 ff.

Du, Jianying, Weiping Li & Qiong Li
Who Are We, What Can We Do, and What Do We Think? Review on EAP Teacher Development.
Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics 45:4
► pp. 532 ff.

Frankenberg-Garcia, Ana, Paula Tavares Pinto, Ana Eliza Pereira Bocorny & Simone Sarmento
Corpus-aided EAP writing workshops to support international scholarly publication.
Applied Corpus Linguistics 2:3
► pp. 100029 ff.

Poole, Robert
“Corpus can be tricky”: revisiting teacher attitudes towards corpus-aided language learning and teaching.
Computer Assisted Language Learning 35:7
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Yan, Hengbin
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Zare, Javad & Sedigheh Karimpour
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Zare, Javad, Sedigheh Karimpour & Khadijeh Aqajani Delavar
The impact of concordancing on English learners’ foreign language anxiety and enjoyment: An application of data-driven learning.
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► pp. 102891 ff.

Zare, Javad, Sedigheh Karimpour & Khadijeh Aqajani Delavar
Classroom concordancing and English academic lecture comprehension: an implication of data-driven learning.
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► pp. 885 ff.

Li, Yongyan
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Liao, Han-Teng & Tao Guo
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► pp. 192 ff.

Lin, Ming Huei
Effects of Data-Driven Learning on College Students of Different Grammar Proficiencies: A Preliminary Empirical Assessment in EFL Classes.
Sage Open 11:3

Schaeffer‐Lacroix, Eva
Integrating corpus‐based audio description tasks into an intermediate‐level German course.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 31:2
► pp. 173 ff.

Li, Yongyan & John Flowerdew
Teaching English for Research Publication Purposes (ERPP): A review of language teachers’ pedagogical initiatives.
English for Specific Purposes 59
► pp. 29 ff.

Liou, Hsien-Chin & Tzu-Wei Yang
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► pp. 282 ff.

Noguera-Díaz, Yolanda & Pascual Pérez-Paredes
Teaching acronyms to the military: A paper-based DDL approach.
Research in Corpus Linguistics 8:2
► pp. 1 ff.

Tatsenko, Nataliia, Vitalii Stepanov & Hanna Shcherbak
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews 8:2
► pp. 248 ff.

Jeaco, Stephen
Exploring Collocations with The Prime Machine.
International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching 9:3
► pp. 29 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 6 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.