The present study aims to explore the applicability of automatic analysis to L2-Korean learner corpora, with a special
focus on learners’ use of a clause-level construction. For this purpose, we investigate L1-Mandarin L2-Korean learners’ written production
of two passive construction types in Korean – suffixal and periphrastic – by devising a pattern-extraction process through NLP techniques.
We focus on reporting how the passive constructions are identified and extracted from learner writing automatically, given language-specific
features involving the passive. A total of 72 essays were analysed by adapting an existing pipeline (developed by Shin, forthcoming), with enhanced tokenisation and annotation through manual revision of the data. Results showed
that our automatic pattern-finder identified more instances than manual extraction for the suffixal passive and yielded a perfect match with
manual extraction for the periphrastic passive. Implications of the findings are discussed in regard to strengths and drawbacks of the
automatic analysis of learner writing, with suggestions for improving currently available tools for learner corpus research in Korean.
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