This study partially replicates Paquot’s (2018, 2019) study of phraseological complexity in L2 English by investigating how phraseological complexity
compares across proficiency levels as well as how phraseological complexity measures relate to lexical, syntactic and
morphological complexity measures in a corpus of L2 French argumentative essays. Phraseological complexity is operationalized as
the diversity (root type-token ratio; RTTR) and sophistication (pointwise mutual information; PMI) of three
types of grammatical dependencies: adjectival modifiers, adverbial modifiers and direct objects. Results reveal a significant
increase in the mean PMI of direct objects and the RTTR of adjectival modifiers across proficiency levels. In
addition to phraseological sophistication, important predictors of proficiency include measures of lexical diversity, lexical
sophistication, syntactic (phrasal) complexity and morphological complexity. The results provide cross-linguistic validation for
the results of Paquot (2018, 2019) and
further highlight the importance of including phraseological measures in the current repertoire of L2 complexity measures.
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